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Kazmerski to Graduates: "Take Time to Build and Nourish Your Social Support Networks"

As is tradition at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, the address at the fall 2012 commencement ceremony was given by a Penn State Behrend faculty member. Dr. Victoria Kazmerski, associate professor of psychology, shared the remarks below, titled “Weaving a Network of Success” with the candidates and their guests. The college awarded 247 undergraduate and 33 graduate degrees at the Junker Center ceremony.

CSI:Erie Course Brings Blood Spatter to Summer Camp

Blood spatter is generally a bad thing at summer camp. (See: Voorhees, Jason.) But the students in Gina Narducci’s new “CSI: Forensics” course didn’t run from it: They flung it, dripped it, drizzled it and pressed their fingers in it, leaving prints, which Alex Cipolla, 10, checked with a special fluorescent light.

Laureate to explore Ernest Hemingway's art during first campus visits

Penn State Laureate Linda Patterson Miller, professor of English at Penn State Abington, will begin her journeys into western Pennsylvania, serving as a "laureate-in-residence" as she interacts with the campus communities at Penn State DuBois (Sept. 13); Penn State Erie, The Behrend College (Sept. 14); Penn State Shenango (Sept. 15); and Penn State Beaver (Sept. 16). Miller will be participating in individual classes and symposiums along with engaging larger audiences in public forums at these locations. "I invite anyone in these geographical areas to join with us for these public presentation as we variously explore the art of American diary-keeping, the lives and art of the 1920s Lost Generation, and the art of Ernest Hemingway as discovered in his letters and early prose," said Miller. Check in with Miller's travels and follow her literary dialogue, "Literary Landings," at online. Today, Miller discusses how encounters with art can change lives, as it did for Miller when she first read Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" (1929). To watch a short video of Miller as she provides some background for understanding the transformative power of Hemingway's art, go to online.

Erie offers third campus location for Berkey Creamery ice cream

Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, is now selling Berkey Creamery ice cream -- cones, dishes, sundaes and milk shakes -- on campus for students, employees and the public. The Berkey Creamery, as it is now known, is the largest university creamery in the nation. Creamery ice cream is so fresh that, on average, only four days elapse between the cow and a newly dipped cone.