Major: Biology - Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior option
Hometown: McKean, Pennsylvania
Scholarships: Aaron Meehl Biology Excellence Scholarship
On choosing Behrend: I thought the campus was gorgeous and really liked that there was wildlife surrounding the campus. Since attending, I’m even happier I chose Behrend because the professors in my program are amazing and have been so much fun to work with!
On choosing her major: I really love working with animals and always knew I wanted to work with them in some capacity, so I thought biology was the best option.
Proudest accomplishment at Behrend: Participating in three years of salamander population dynamics research with professors. I also designed “Amphibian Crossing” signs that were installed on Technology Drive to help protect a lot of different types of amphibians that cross the road each spring from the forest to the spring breeding ponds near the AMIC building.
Campus involvement: I was vice president of Tri-Beta (Biological honors fraternity) for two years and a Resident Assistant for two years.
What makes her unique: I’m one of only a few biology majors who chose the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior option.
What you’d be surprised to know about her: I have twenty-four pets: a dog, three cats, six chickens, two ducks, four axolotls (a type of salamander), a betta fish, five snails, a snake, and a gecko.
And those pets are her passion: I can’t imagine living without them. They’ve made college stress so much easier to deal with.
Advice for first-year students: Do some research on what your options are after college, so you can plan accordingly. You don’t have to know exactly what you’re going to do, but think about your next step and whether you want to find work right away or go on to a master’s program.
Phoebe plans to attend graduate school to earn a master’s degree in biology.