Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Edinboro, Pennsylvania
Scholarships: Erie Insurance Open Doors Scholarship; Moyer Trustee Scholarship; Arloween Zurn Todd Leadership Scholarship; Jim and Lynn Levinson Memorial Scholarship for Penn State Behrend’s Educational Partnership Program; ASM International Northwestern Pennsylvania Chapter Scholarship; and Ryan E. Knoll Open Doors Scholarship
On choosing his major: Mechanical Engineering is very broad, and I knew I would have a lot of opportunities in many different industries.
Proudest accomplishment at Behrend: Participating in the Steel Founders’ Society of America (SFSA) Cast in Steel competition twice, creating a sword and a spear. These two projects were done through the Materials and Manufacturing Group (MMG) club. We handled all aspects of creating a new Celtic Leaf sword and an African spear point, exploiting the casting manufacturing process from design conception to performance.
Campus involvement: I’m the president of the Outdoors Club and treasurer of the Materials and Manufacturing Group.
His definition of living a good life: Working hard, playing hard, and loving even harder.
Passion project: In 2017, a friend and I started a brand called flowdaddyfishing. We have an Instagram page to promote hunting, fishing, and making the most of every day.
Advice for first-year students: Get your priorities straight and go after what you want. Make friends who are smarter than you are. Find some healthy hobbies. Work hard and accept that college, and any career path, is going to be difficult. Without the struggle, there will be no reward.
Have job, will travel: I’m looking forward to my job at ExxonMobil. I will have the opportunity to travel domestically and internationally to both inland and offshore well site locations on a rotational schedule.
Chase has accepted a position as a well operations supervisor with ExxonMobil.
Mechanical Engineering is very broad, and I knew I would have a lot of opportunities in many different industries.
—Chase Schultz