Major: Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Minor: Special Education
Hometown: Waterford, Pennsylvania
Scholarships: Chancellor’s Scholarship, Council of Fellows Leadership Scholarship.
On choosing Behrend: Behrend always felt like home to me. The first time I visited, I felt so safe. The Behrend community is like no other; everyone is so caring.
On choosing her major: I’ve always wanted to change the world, and I knew that teaching was one way I could do that. Teachers can have great impact.
A leader in the classroom and out: My proudest accomplishment has been maintaining a 3.5 cumulative GPA, as well as serving as the president of my sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha—for the past two years and holding an executive board position on Panhellenic Council for three years.
What makes her unique: Making people feel comfortable and heard. I am a compassionate and outgoing person.
What makes an A+ life: Being surrounded by people who you love. What better way to be happy than being with with those you adore the most?
Her next assignment: To get a teaching job so I can shape the minds of young children and open doors for them like my teachers did for me. I want to show children that learning is fun.
Advice for first-year students: Be adventurous and try new things. Join clubs where you can make new friends. Enjoy every moment. Four years goes faster than you think!
Lessons from the 100 Acre Wood: I love this quote from Winnie the Pooh: “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?” I feel very lucky to have gone to a college like Behrend that I am going to have a hard time leaving.
Skylar plans to work as an elementary school teacher.
I feel very lucky to have gone to a college like Behrend that I am going to have a hard time leaving.
—Skylar Lint