Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET)
Hometown: Erie, Pennsylvania
Scholarships: Chancellor’s Scholarship, Provost’s Award, and the Petersen Trustee Scholarship
On choosing Behrend: I chose Behrend because of the well-respected engineering programs that provide invaluable hands-on experience. I knew Behrend graduates stand out to employers looking for people to join their teams. Another important factor for me was how close campus is to home. I wanted to easily be able to go home while maintaining my part-time job. These two factors made Behrend the obvious choice.
On choosing his major: The ECET major was an easy choice because it combines my previous studies of electronics at a technical school with my personal interest in computer networking and programming. The electrical side of the major expanded upon my previous knowledge and skills, while the computer side allowed me to explore new opportunities in an adjacent field.
His proudest accomplishment at Behrend: My proudest accomplishment at Behrend has been my involvement in a thongophone instrument modifications senior design project. A thongophone is a percussive instrument that is played by striking the openings of tubes of various lengths. For my project, I had to help fix numerous hardware and software issues that prevented the instrument from functioning. Now that the thongophone modifications are complete, the automated file play option allows teachers and students of all ages to interact with it. There is even a live play option using a MIDI keyboard! Contributing to an instrument that will remain on campus and benefit students for years to come has been immensely rewarding.
Awards and recognitions: I’ve been on the Dean’s List five times.
Advice for first-year students: I’ve learned that it’s OK not to have everything figured out immediately; exploration and flexibility are an important part of the journey. My first semester was my toughest overall, but then I found a system that worked for me. Manage your time, do the work, and utilize all the resources Behrend has to offer. The only wrong choice is to not apply yourself, so make sure you are putting your best foot forward.
Tecumseh will continue working for Signal-Tech, an Erie-based wholesale manufacturer of directional LED signs and signals. He will be assisting in the development of their printed circuit board line, an opportunity to apply his technical skills to support the company’s innovation efforts.
I chose Behrend because of the well-respected engineering programs that provide invaluable hands-on experience. I knew Behrend graduates stand out to employers looking for people to join their teams.
—Tecumseh Thundercloud