Curricular Procedure Form

Academic Level
Select the academic level of the course.
Provide a brief summary of the course proposal.
Faculty Information
Academic Program Information
Undergraduate Academic Program
Select an undergraduate program from the list, or choose 'Other' at the bottom to add a custom option.
Graduate Academic Program
Select a graduate program from the list, or choose 'Other' at the bottom to add a custom option.
Proposed Course Information
Enter the abbreviation for the proposed course.
Enter the course number for the proposed course.
Enter the full title of the proposed course.
Specify the minimum and maximum credits for the course. For courses with a fixed number of credits, enter the same value in the Minimum Credits and Maximum Credits fields (e.g., a 3-credit course should have "3" entered in both fields).
Repeatable for Credit
Is this course repeatable for credit?
Overnight Travel
Does this course have an overnight travel component?
Prerequisite, Concurrent, and Corequisite Courses
Do you need to update the course requisites?
Explain the rationale for updating course requisites.
Write a concise one-paragraph summary of the course and its objectives for the Bulletin and Schedule of Courses. Describe what the course does and what students will learn.
Course Learning Objectives
List at least three learning objectives for the course. Additional objectives may be added.
Course Learning Objectives
more items
Who is the anticipated audience for this course?
List the major topics to be covered and include the approximate time allotted in hours (not weeks).
Course Attributes
Select the course attribute(s) that apply to this proposal. You may select more than one.
Please explain how this course fulfills at least two of the key objectives for general education (
Feedback and Approval