Kristy McCoy, M.F.A.

Kristy McCoy, M.F.A.
Assistant Teaching Professor, English
143 Kochel
Mailing Address:
ERIE, PA 16563

Ms. McCoy spent her formative years growing up in Seoul, South Korea as a military dependent of her father. At 16 years of age, she relocated to Erie, Pennsylvania and completed her education within the Millcreek School district. Afterwards, she earned her BFA in Creative Writing at Penn State Behrend, and then continued her education within the same field at the University of North Carolina--Wilmington.

My interests are loyal to writing. There is unweighted value in suturing together one's ideas with words on the page in defense of a position on any given subject, which I find no different than a musician with music. Self-expression is a necessity in the world and equal to any other discipline in academia.

Ideas can change the world, and I try to instill this into all the students who pass through my door. My course material is devoted to poverty and to the working poor. My academic research revolves around reading as much as I can about poverty in America, with the same dedication I have to my own art, my own poetry.

My goal in academia is to present an argument in defense of the working poor and encourage my students to develop arguments for or against the working poor.

The rest of my research, my personal and artist research, is to poetry, to art, to reading and writing, and to finding the right words to expression such loyalty.

No Sign - January 1, 2022

MFA, Creative Writing Nonfiction, The University of North Carolina Wilmington

BFA, Creative Writing Nonfiction, The Pennsylvania State University

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