ERIE, PA 16563
Dr. Amy Carney is an Associate Professor of History. She received her B.A. in English and History from Jacksonville University and her M.A. in Modern European History and Ph.D. in Modern German History from Florida State University. Prior to coming to Penn State Behrend, she taught at Ohio University and Florida State University.
Courses Taught
- HIST 002: The Western Heritage (honor’s section, also)
- HIST 011: World History II (honor’s section, also)
- HIST 120N: Europe since 1789
- HIST 121: History of the Holocaust
- HIST 123: History of Science II
- HIST 143: Fascism and National Socialism (honor's section, also)
- HIST 144: The World at War: 1939-1945
- HIST 301W: Scopes and Methods of History
- HIST 427: Germany since 1860
- HIST 435: France since 1870
- HIST 497: The Great War: 1914-1918
- STS 110N: Chemistry in the World Wars
Research Interests
Modern German History, History of Science and Medicine
Marriage and Fatherhood in the Nazi SS. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.
“Herrenmenschen: Plan und Wirklichkeit im Dritten Reich.” In Streitfall Evolution: Eine Kulturgeschichte, edited by Angela Schwarz. Vienna: Boehlau Verlag, 2017, pp. 480-95.
“Das Schwarze Korps and the Validation of the SS Sippengemeinschaft.” In Ideology and Morality in Nazism, edited by Wolfgang Bialas and Lothar Fritze. English edition: Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, February 2014, pp. 323-41. (German edition: Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, January 2014, pp. 311-28.
“Preserving the ‘Master Race’: SS Reproductive and Family Policies during World War II.” In Racial Science in Hitler’s New Europe, 1938-1945, edited by Anton Weiss-Wendt and Rory Yeomans, 60-82. Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press, July 2013.
“Nazis, Cardassians, and Other Villains in the Final Frontier.” In Star Trek and History, edited by Nancy Reagin, 307-22. Malden, MA: Wiley & Sons, March 2013.
Ph D, Modern German History, Florida State University
MA, Modern European History, Florida State University
BA, History and English, Jacksonville University