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ERIE PA 16563
Dr. Nancy E. Study is an associate teaching professor of mechanical engineering technology at Penn State Behrend. She earned a B.S. from Missouri State University (1993) and also has an M.S. (1995) and Ph.D. (2001), both from Purdue University. Her graduate research in computer graphics focused on the haptic and visualization abilities of freshman engineering and technology students. She joined the Penn State Behrend faculty in August 2012.
In 2010, Dr. Study was presented the Oppenheimer award for the highest level of professionalism in presentation at the Engineering Design Graphics Division Midyear Meeting for her paper “Long-Term Impact of Improving Visualization Abilities of Minority Engineering and Technology Students: Preliminary Results.” She was also a coauthor of “Enhancing Visualization Skills-Improving Options aNd Success (EnViSIONS)” in The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 1-17, which won the Editor’s Award in 2009.
Dr. Study is an active member, and former division chair, of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of ASEE. She is also the subscription manager of the Engineering Design Graphics Journal. She is active in teaching, research, and K-12 outreach.
Courses Taught
- EG T 120 Introduction to Graphics and Solid Modeling
- EG T 121 Applied Solid Modeling
- MET 452 Rapid Prototyping
Dr. Study's research is primarily in finding methods of improving the visualization abilities of engineering and technology students with an emphasis on the impact of students’ haptic tendencies on the ability to visualize 2D and 3D objects.
- NSF-1432280 – Developing a Concept Inventory for Engineering Design Graphics, $584,136.00, 2014-2017, consultant.
- NSF-0714197 – EnViSIONS: Enhancing Visualization Skills--Improving Options aNd Success, $199,650, 2007-2009; major collaborator and dissemination site.
Professional Memberships
- ASEE – Engineering Design Graphics Division and K-12 Division member
- Epsilon Pi Tau
- Phi Kappa Phi
Service Activities
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE): 2002-current, moderate conference sessions and review abstract and paper submissions for the Annual Conference and the EDGD Midyear Meeting
- Engineering Design Graphics Division of ASEE: July 2012 – July 2013, Chair of the Division; July 2011 – July 2012, Vice-chair of the Division
- Engineering Design Graphics Journal: 2006-2011, Associate Editor; 2013-current, Subscription Manager and Treasurer
- National Science Foundation: 2009, NSF/ International Research Experience for Students (IRES) Program reviewer; 2007, NSF/Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Phase-I panelist
Research Interests
Visualization, haptics, engineering graphics fundamentals, 3D printing technologies
Study, N. E., & Simmers, C. L., (2013). Engineering Capstone Project. Columbus, OH. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 9780021357857
Bertoline, G. R., Wiebe, E. N., Hartman, N. W., Ross, W. A., Study, N. E., & Simmers, C. L. (2013). Engineering Design. Columbus, OH. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-8694191
Harms, H. R., & Janosz, D. A. (2012). Pre-Engineering. Columbus, OH. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-878336-4 (Contributing author)
Study, N. E. (2011). Long-term impact of improving visualization abilities of minority engineering and technology students: preliminary results. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 75 (2).
Veurink, N. L, Hamlin, A. J., Kampe, J. C. M., Sorby, S. A., Blasko, D. G., Holliday-Darr, K. A., Trich Kremer, J. D., Harris, K. S., Harris, L. V., Connolly, P. E., Sadowski, M. A., Brus, C. P., Boyle, L. N., Study, N. E., Knott, T. W. (2009). Enhancing Visualization Skills-Improving Options aNd Success (EnViSIONS). The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 73 (2) 1-17.
Study, N. E. (2006). Assessing and improving the below average visualization abilities of a group of minority engineering and technology students. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 12 (4) 363-374
Study, N. E. (2003). Haptic abilities of freshman engineers as measured by the haptic visual discrimination test. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 67 (2), 29-34.
Study, N. E. (2002). The effectiveness of using the successive perception test I to measure visual-haptic tendencies in engineering students. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 66 (2), 17-26.
Birchman, J. A. & Study, N. E. (2001). Preparing class materials for the web using PDF format. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 65 (3), 25-30.
Nozaki, S.Y., Study, N.E., Kelly, D.P., Steinhauer, H.M., Sorby, S.A., Nabutola, K. (2019). Distribution of the Engineering Graphics Concept Inventory. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, FL.
Nabutola, K., Steinhauer, H.M., Nozaki, S.Y., Study, N.E., Sadowski, M.A. (2018). Engineering Graphics Concept Inventory: Instrument Development and Item Selection. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18). Valencia, Spain
Study, N.E., Lobaugh, M.J. (2018). Using online tutorials in an introductory engineering graphics course to improve outcomes. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.
Study, N.E., Nozaki, S.Y., Sorby, S.A., Sadowski, M.A., Steinhauer, H.M., Miller, R.L., Nabutola, K. (2018). Creating a concept inventory – lessons learned. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.
Nabutola, K., Steinhauer, H.M., Branoff, T.J., Study, N.E., Miller, C.L., Nozaki, S.Y. (2017). Assessment of CAD related items for a concept inventory for engineering graphics. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Columbus, OH.
Nozaki, S., Sorby, S. A., Steinhauer, H. M., Study, N. E., Sadowski, M. A., Miller, R. (2016). Using concept maps in the development of a concept inventory for engineering graphics. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Nashua, NH.
Lane, D., and Study, N. E. (2016) Examining the haptic object recognition behaviors of pre-service technology teachers. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Nashua, NH.
Nozaki, S., Study, N. E., Steinhauer, H. M., Sorby, S. A., Sadowski, M. A., Miller, R. (2016). The development of a concept inventory for engineering graphics. Frontiers in Education 2016. Erie, PA.
Nozaki, S., Study, N. E., Steinhauer, H. M., Sorby, S. A., Sadowski, M. A., Miller, R. (2016). Development of a concept inventory in engineering design graphics. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. New Orleans, LA.
Nozaki, S., Sorby, S. A., Steinhauer, H. M., Study, N. E., Sadowski, M. A., Miller, R. (2016). Development of CAD-related items for a concept inventory in engineering graphics. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Daytona Beach, FL.
Study, N. E. (2015). Using peer review in a freshman engineering graphics course to enhance understanding of basic dimensioning techniques. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Seattle, WA.
Sorby, S. A., Sadowski, M. A, Steinhauer, H., and Study, N. E. (2014). Developing a concept inventory for engineering design graphics. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Normal, IL.
Study, N. E. (2014). Should we assess the haptic tendencies of pre-service STEM teachers? Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Normal, IL.
Study, N. E., and Edwards, R. C. (2014). Haptic abilities and their impact on teaching and learning in the STEM fields. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Indianapolis, IN.
Study, N. E., and Evans, E. R. (2013). Introducing design revision into a freshman level engineering graphics course. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Worcester, MA.
Chin, R. A., Dunn, C. K., Hamlin, A. J., and Study, N. E. (2012). Expertise of the EDGJ review board: implications for the future of the EDGD and EDGJ. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Limerick, Ireland.
Chin, R. A., Dunn, C. K., Hamlin, A. J., and Study, N. E. (2012). Publishing in the Engineering Design Graphics Journal for international authors. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Limerick, Ireland.
Study, N. E. (2012). An overview of tests of cognitive spatial ability. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Galveston, TX.
Simmers, C. L., and Study, N. E. (2011). Project-based + hybrid learning = ready for postsecondary education. Presentation at ACTE 2011 Convention. St. Louis, MO.
Study, N. E. (2011). Long-term impact of improving visualization abilities of minority engineering and technology students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Vancouver, BC.
Chin, R. A., and Study, N. E. (2010). Keys to publishing in peer reviewed journals. Poster Session at the 9th Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education. Singapore.
Study, N. E. (2010). Long-term impact of improving visualization abilities of minority engineering and technology students: preliminary results. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (132-137). Houghton, MI.
Chin, R. A., Holliday-Darr, K., and Study, N. E. (2010). Getting started publishing in the online EDGJ. Media Showcase Presentation at ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Houghton, MI.
Chin, R. A., and Study, N. E. (2010). Keys to publishing in peer reviewed journals. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Louisville, KY.
Study, N. E., and Chin, R. A. (2010). Manuscript publication aided by the Open Journal Systems: A case study. Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference. Blacksburg, VA.
Study, N. E. (2009). Correlation of haptic abilities and improvement of visualization skills in a sample of minority engineering and technology students. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (140-143). Erie, PA.
Study, N. E. (2009). The submission and reviewing process in the online Engineering Design Graphics Journal. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (40-42). Erie, PA.
Study, N. E. (2009). EnViSIONS at Virginia State University. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Berkeley, CA.
Study, N. E. (2008). The haptic abilities of engineering and technology students with below average visualization abilities. Accepted for presentation at the 6th Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education. Cape Town, South Africa.
Study, N. E. (2008). Testing the haptic abilities of a sample of minority engineering and technology students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Pittsburgh, PA.
Study, N. E. (2007). Testing the haptic abilities of minority engineering & technology students: Preliminary results. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. VA Beach, VA.
Study, N. E. (2006). Using remediation to improve visualization abilities in minority engineering and technology students. Poster session presented at the 5th Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Study, N. E. (2006). Using remediation to improve visualization abilities in minority engineering and technology students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Chicago, IL.
Study, N. E. (2005). Improving visualization abilities in minority engineering and technology students: Preliminary results. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (9-12). Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Study, N. E. (2005). Using LEGOs® to reinforce basic parametric modeling practices. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Portland, OR.
Study, N. E. (2004). Implementing a real world project into a senior level architectural drafting course. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (44-49). Williamsburg, VA.
Study, N. E. (2004). Assessing visualization abilities in minority engineering students. Poster session presented at the ASEE 3rd International Colloquium on Engineering Education. Beijing, China.
Study, N. E. (2004). Assessing visualization abilities in minority engineering students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.
Study, N. E. (2003). A comparison of test scores of minority vs. non-minority students on the Purdue spatial visualization test: Visualization of rotations. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (182-188). Phoenix, AZ.
Study, N. E. (2002). The haptic visualization tendencies of freshman engineering students and their implication on testing and instruction. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Birchman, J. A. & Study, N. E. (2001). Preparing class materials for the web using PDF format. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-year Meeting (181-188). San Antonio, TX.
Ph D, Curriculum & Instruction / Educational Technology, Purdue University
MS, Industrial Technology, Purdue University
BS, Industrial Technology - Printing / Drafting and Design, Missouri State University