Alfred G. Warner, Ph.D.

Alfred G. Warner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Management
Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563

Diversification theory Acquisitions Alliances

Developing a Community of Inquiry in a face-to-face class: How an online learning framework can enrich traditional classroom practice , Journal of Managment Education - January, 2016

The U.S. Air Carrier Industry, Jouranl of Case Research in Business and Economics - 2012

An Agent-based Computational Economics Approach to Technology Adoption Timing and the Emergence of Dominant Design, Journal of Business and Economics Research - February, 2011
Collaborator: Ozgun Caliskan Demirag

The Evolution of the American Brewing Industry, Journal of Business Case Studies - December, 2010

Strategic Analysis and Choice: A Structured Approach - December, 2010

Integrating Real Option and Dynamic Capability Theories of Firm Boundaries: The Logic of Early Acquisition in the ITC Industry - 2010
Collaborator: James Fairbank

Integrating Real Option and Dynamic Capability Theories of Firm Boundaries: The Logic of Early Acquisition in the ITC Industry - 2008
Collaborator: James Fairbank

Integrating Real Option and Dynamic Capability Theories of Firm Boundaries: The Logic of Early Acquisition in the ITC Industry, Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research - January, 2008
Collaborator: James Fairbank

Corporate Social Responsibility - 2007

Shareholder Activism and the Battle for Corporate Control - 2007

Some Effects of Reputation on Alliance Formation, Psychological Reports - December, 2007
Collaborator: P. Thoms

Is trust necessary? The value of reputation for reliability in a transaction cost framework, International Business and Economic Research Journal - June, 2007
Collaborators: P. Thoms; Janice Totleben

Block Alliances and the Formation of Standards in the ITC Industry - 2006

Managing Uncertainty in a Formal Standards‑based Industry: A Real Options Perspective on Acquisition Timing, Journal of Management - April, 2006
Collaborators: James Fairbank; H. Steensma

Individual Time Perspective and Alliance Formation Behavior, Journal of Business and Economics Research - October, 2006
Collaborators: P. Thoms; Janice Totleben

An Egg-centric Approach to Teaching Strategic Types: Adapting a Classic Exercise, Journal of Management Education - August, 2005

Review Sessions and Results: Competency Testing in the Capstone Business Class, Journal of Instructional Psychology - September, 2005
Collaborators: Diane Parente; R. Brown

Buying Versus Building Competence: Acquisition Patterns in the Information and Telecommunications Industry 1995-2000, International Journal of Innovation Management - December, 2003

Block Alliances in Formal Standard Setting Environments, International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research - January, 2003

Ph D, Strategy, Ohio State University

MBA, Business Administration, Ohio State University

BS, Management, Park College