ERIE, PA 16563
Dr. Alicyn Rhoades was named vice chancellor and associate dean for research and graduate studies at Penn State Behrend in May 2023. She had served as interim associate dean for research and graduate studies since January 2022.
A faculty member at Behrend since 2012, Dr. Rhoades is a professor of engineering in the Plastics Engineering Technology and Polymer Engineering and Science programs. She is also a member of the graduate faculty of the Materials Science and Engineering (MatSE) program at University Park.
Dr. Rhoades specializes in polymer thermodynamics, with active research in polymer crystallization using fast-scanning calorimetry techniques. She also has active research projects focusing on polymer composite formulation as well as materials for additive manufacturing.
Dr. Rhoades received a Ph.D. in polymer science and engineering in 2006 from The University of Southern Mississippi with a graduate minor program in commercializing technology. She received her B.S. in Plastics Engineering Technology in 2001 from Penn State Behrend.
Before joining Penn State Behrend in August 2012, Dr. Rhoades was employed at Bayer MaterialScience LLC as an industrial marketing manager of thermoplastic urethanes from 2011-2012 and as an innovation manager from 2009-2011. From 2007-2009, she was a research commercialization project manager at The Pennsylvania NanoMaterials Commercialization Center.
Courses Taught
- Thermoplastics Composites (PLET 464)
- Plastics Failure Analysis (PLET 497A)
- Thermodynamics / Heat Transfer (PLET 366 / 345)
- Flow Simulation Lab (PLET 330)
Awards and Sponsored Research Funding
- NSF CAREER Award: Flow-Induced Crystallization for Advanced Plastics Engineering (2017-2022)
- General Motors Sponsored Research (2016-2018)
- SKF Aerospace Sponsored Research (2013-2018)
- Covestro LLC Sponsored Research (2015-2018)
- Research Award: Penn State Behrend School of Engineering (2015)
- General Motors Research Startup Award (2013)
- W.O.M.E.N. in America Mentee (Founded by Fortune 500 Women, 2010-2013)
- NSF IGERT Fellow, 2004-2006
- Society of Plastics Engineers – Professional Member
- American Chemical Society – Professional Member
- American Association for the Advancement of Science – Professional Member
- Industrial Research Institute – Bayer delegate (2010-2012)
- NCAA Div III Varsity Softball, Penn State Behrend (1997-2001)
Research Interests
Bulk thermoplastic crystallization, Polymer blends, reactive polymer blends, composites, polymer coatings.
Polymer Crystallization - June 21, 2022
Collaborators: Maria Di Lorenzo; René Androsch
Dual Nakamura model for primary and secondary crystallization applied to nonisothermal crystallization of poly(ether ether ketone), Polymer Engineering and Science - August, 2021
Collaborators: Jiho Seo, Author; Xiaoshi Zhang; Richard Schaake, Co-Author; Ralph Colby, Corresponding Author
Probing Three Distinct Crystal Polymorphs of Melt-Crystallized Polyamide 6 by an Integrated Fast Scanning Calorimetry Chip System, Macromolecules - August 13, 2021
Collaborators: Xiaoshi Zhang, Author; Anne Gohn, Co-Author; Gamini Mendis, Co-Author; John Buzinkai, Co-Author; Array Weigand, Co-Author
Shear-induced crystallization of polyamide 11, Rheologica Acta - March 18, 2021
Collaborators: Kataya Jariyavidyanont, Primary Author; Salvatore Mallardo, Co-Author; Regine Boldt, Co-Author; Maria Di Lorenzo, Co-Author; Rene Androsch, Corresponding Author
Shear-induced nematic phase in entangled rod-like PEEK melts, Progress in Polymer Science - November 17, 2020
Collaborators: Daniele Parisi, Primary Author; Jiho Seo, Secondary Author; Richard Schaake, Secondary Author; Ralph Colby, Corresponding Author
Shear-Induced Isotropic–Nematic Transition in Poly (ether ether ketone) Melts, ACS Macro Letters - June 15, 2020
Collaborators: Daniele Parisi, Primary Author; Jiho Seo, Secondary Author; Behzad Nazari, Secondary Author; Richard Schaake, Secondary Author; Ralph Colby, Corresponding Author
Crystal nucleation in poly(ether ether ketone)/carbon nanotube nanocomposites at high and low supercooling of the melt, Polymer - May 5, 2020
Collaborators: Anne Gohn, Co-Author; Array Seo, Co-Author; Ralph Colby; Richard Schaake, Secondary Author; Rene Androsch, Secondary Author
Flow-Induced Crystallization of Poly(ether ether ketone): Universal Aspects of Specific Work Revealed by Corroborative Rheology and X-ray Scattering Studies, Macromolecules - April 29, 2020
Collaborators: Jiho Seo, Secondary Author; Daniele Parisi, Primary Author; Anne Gohn, Secondary Author; Aijie Han, Secondary Author; Lu Song, Secondary Author; Yizheng Liu, Secondary Author; Richard Schaake, Secondary Author; Ralph Colby, Corresponding Author
Shear Flow-Induced Crystallization of Poly(ether ether ketone), Macromolecules - April 29, 2020
Collaborators: Jiho Seo, Secondary Author; Anne Gohn, Secondary Author; Richard Schaake, Secondary Author; Daniele Parisi, Primary Author; Ralph Colby, Corresponding Author
Quiescent and flow-induced crystallization in polyamide 12/cellulose nanocrystal composites, Thermochimica Acta - July, 2019
Collaborators: Anne Gohn; Jiho Seo; Trapper Ferris; Priya Venkatraman; E Foster
Crystallization of quiescent and sheared polyamide 12 / cellulose nanocrystal composites, Thermochimica Acta - July 1, 2019
Collaborators: Anne Gohn, Co-Author; Jiho Seo; Trapper Ferris, Co-Author; Priya Venkatraman, Co-Author; Johan Foster
Developing high performance PA 11/cellulose nanocomposites for industrial-scale melt processing, Composites Part B: Engineering - May 30, 2019
Collaborators: Priya Venkatraman; Anne Gohn; Johan Foster
Poly (Lactic Acid): Flow-Induced Crystallization - April, 2019
Collaborator: Roberto Pantani
Isothermal Crystallization of Poly(ether ether ketone) with different molecular weights over a wide temperature range, Polymer Crystallization - February, 2019
Collaborators: Jiho Seo; Olivia Dubin; Richard Schaake, Co-Author; Anne Gohn; Hideaki Takahashi; Hiokaza Hasegawa; Ruri Sato; Ralph Colby, Co-Author
Crystallization Behavior of Sheared Polyamide 66
Collaborators: Anne Gohn; Jiho Seo; Rene Androsch; Ralph Colby, Author
Cold Sintering Na2Mo2O7 Ceramic with Poly(ether imide) (PEI) Polymer to Realize High-Performance Composites and Integrated Multilayer Circuits, ACS Applied Nano Materials - July 11, 2018
Collaborators: Jing Guo, Co-Author; Neal Pfeiffenberger, Co-Author; Allison Beese, Co-Author; Lisheng Gao, Co-Author; Amanda Baker, Co-Author; Ke Wang, Co-Author; Anne Bolvari; Clive Randall, Co-Author
The Effect of Melt-Memory on Polymorphism in Molded Isotactic Polypropylene, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Collaborators: Anne Gohn; David Okonski, Co-Author; Rene Androsch
Isothermal Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polyamide 66 Melts
Collaborators: Hideaki Takahashi, Co-Author; Behzad Nazari, Co-Author; Richard Schaake, Co-Author; Ralph Colby, Co-Author
Sensitivity of Polymer Crystallization to Shear at Low and High Supercooling of the Melt, Macromolecules - March 30, 2018
Collaborators: Anne Gohn, Co-Author; Jiho Seo, Co-Author; Ralph Colby, Co-Author; Rene Androsch
Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2nd Edition, Chapter: Analysis of Polymer Crystallization by Calorimetry - January, 2018
Collaborators: Maria DiLorenzo, Co-Author; Rene Androsch; Maria Righetti
The Effect of Supercooling of the Melt on the Semicrystalline Morphology of PA 66, Thermochimica Acta - September 10, 2017
Collaborators: Anne Gohn; Nichole Wonderling; Tim Tighe; Rene Androsch
Crystallization of Polyamide 11 During Injection Molding, Polymer Engineering & Science - July 28, 2017
Collaborators: Katalee Jariyavidyanont; Jason Williams; Ines Kuhnert; Walter Focke; Rene Androsch
Failure Mechanisms in PA 66/Carbon Fiber Composites Through the Cross Section of an Injection Molded Part. - May, 2017
Collaborators: Anne Gohn, Co-Author; Kyle Radack, Co-Author; Aaron Matta; Lindsay Gatesman
Skin/Core Crystallinity of Injection-Molded Poly (Butylene Terephthalate) as Revealed by Microfocus X-ray Diffraction and Fast Scanning Chip Calorimetry, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - January 1, 2017
Collaborators: Jason Williams, Co-Author; Nichole Wonderling, Co-Author; Rene Androsch, Co-Author; Jiaxi Guo, Co-Author
Supercooling-Controlled Heterogeneous and Homogenous Crystal Nucleation of Polyamide 11 and its Effect onto the Crystal/Mesophase Polymorphism, Polymer - October 27, 2016
Collaborators: Nichole Wonderling; Array Array; Array Array
Flow-Induced Crystallization of PEEK: Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics and Lifetime of Flow-Induced Precursors during Isothermal Annealing, ACS Macro Letters - June 30, 2016
Collaborators: Behzad Nazari, Primary Author; Richard Schaake, Co-Author; Ralph Colby, Co-Author
Effect of Cooling Rate on Crystal Polymorphism in Beta-Nucleated Isotactic Polypropylene as Revealed by a Combined WAXS/FSC Analysis, Polymer - May, 2016
Collaborators: Nichole Wonderling; Anne Gohn, Co-Author; Jason Williams, Co-Author; Daniela Mileva, Co-Author; Markus Galeitner, Co-Author; Rene Androsch, Co-Author
Effect of Cooling Rate on the Crystal Polymorphism in Beta-Nucleated Isotactic Polypropylene as Revealed by a Combined WAXS/FSC Analysis, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 2016 1736:1 - May 1, 2016
Collaborators: Nichole Wonderling; Anne Gohn; Jason Williams; Daniela Mileva; Markus Gahleitner; Rene Androsch
Application of Tammann’s Two-Stage Crystal Nuclei Development Method for Analysis of the Thermal Stability of Homogeneous Crystal Nuclei of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate), Macromolecules
Collaborators: Rene Androsch, Author; Christoph Schick, Co-Author
A Study of PEEK/hBN Composites as a Commercial Material Option - March 10, 2015
Collaborators: Anne Musgrave, Co-Author; Jeremy Weigand, Co-Author
Crystallization Kinetics of Polyamide 66 at Processing-Relevant Cooling Conditions and High Supercooling, Thermochimica Acta - March 10, 2015
Collaborators: Jason Williams, Co-Author; Rene Androsch, Co-Author
Density of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Crystal Nuclei in Poly (Butylene Terephthalate), European Polymer Journal - February 14, 2015
Collaborators: Rene Androsch, Author; Isabell Stolte, Co-Author; Schick Christoph, Co-Author
Shear-Induced Effects on the Crystalline Microstructure of Nylon 6,6 - June 23, 2014
Collaborators: Jason Williams, Co-Author; David Rhoades, Co-Author
Detection of the Brill Transition to Elucidate Localized Thermal History in Nylon 6/6 Injection Molded Samples, Proceedings of Annual Technical Conference of Society of Plastics Engineers - January, 2014
Collaborators: Jason Williams; John Beaumont
Effects of Melt Rotation on Resulting Localized Material Properties Throughout Injection Molded Polymeric Products - January, 2014
Collaborators: Qi Li, Author; John Coulter, Co-Author; John Beaumont, Co-Author
Effect of Part Thickness on the Potential to Induce Cold Crystallinity in Nylon 6,6 Injection Molded Samples, Proceedings of the Annual Technial Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - April, 2013
Collaborators: Jason Williams, Co-Author; John Beaumont, Co-Author
Surface Infusion Micropatterning of Elastomeric Substrates, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics - January, 2012
Collaborators: Chen Huipeng, Co-Author; Daniel Lentz; Robert Pyles, Secondary Author; Karl Haider, Secondary Author; Siva Vanapalli, Secondary Author; Ryan Nunley, Secondary Author; Ronald Hedden, Secondary Author
Combinatorial Study of a Gold Nanoparticle Infusion Process in a Polymer Film, Journal of Nanoparticle Research - 2011
Collaborators: Daniel Lentz; Robert Pyles; Karl Haider; Mark Angelone; Ronald Hedden
Interactions of an Antimicrobial Peptide (Ac-RRWWRF-NH2) and surfactants: Towards antimicrobial Peptide Additives for Coating Applications, Progress in Organic Coatings - 2007
Collaborators: Douglas Wicks; Bruhaspathy Miriyala; John Williamson
The Impact of Surfactant Structure on the Efficacy and Solubility of Antimicrobial Peptides, Proceedings, International Waterborne, High Solids, and Powder Coatings Symposium - 2006
Collaborators: D Wicks; J Williamson; B Miriyala
Investigation of Antimicrobial Peptide Salts: Efficacy and Solubility in Surfactant Solutions for Latex Systems, Proceedings, Materials Research Society Symposium - 2006
Collaborators: Douglas Wicks; John Williamson; Bruhaspathy Miriyala
Oligopeptides as Antimicrobial Agents in Aqueous Polymer Systems, Abstracts of Papers, 230th ACS National Meeting - 2005
Collaborators: Douglas Wicks; John Williamson; Bruhaspathy Miriyala
The Impact of Surfactant Structure and Morphology on Biocide Efficacy, Abstracts of Papers, 230th ACS National Meeting - 2005
Collaborators: Adam Hathorne; Douglas Wicks
Impact of Latex Components on the Survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Journal of Coatings Technology: Research - 2005
Collaborator: Douglas Wicks
Fluorescence-Based Study of Bacteria Survival in Water-Based Latex, Proceedings, International Waterborne, High-Solids, and Powder Coating Symposium - 2004
Collaborators: M Elasri; Douglas Wicks
High Throughput Fluorescence-Based Investigation of the Impact of Latex Components on the Efficacy of Biocides, Polymeric Materials science and Engineering - 2004
Collaborators: Adam Hawthorne; A Alam; M Elasri; Douglas Wicks
Ph D, Polymer Science and Engineering , The University of Southern Mississippi
BS, Plastics Engineering Technology, The Pennsylvania State University