Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563
Honors and Awards
Recipient of The Guy W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Advising in 1994
Recipient of the MAA Allegheny Mountain Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching in 2008
Funded Projects and Grants
Cupillari, A. What’s in a Sign? Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2001 Yearbook: The Role of Representation in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Edited by Drs. M.S. Smith, G.W. Blume, and M. K. Heid. pp. 59-62. Penn State University Press. April 2003.
Cupillari, A. A Parable on Conics. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1995 Yearbook: Teaching Mathematics with a Focus on Learning, pp. 14-18. Edited by Drs. M.K. Heid and G.W. Blume, Penn State University Press (1996).
Research Interests
History of mathematics and its use in math education
Math in a Can, Mathematics Teacher (NCTM) - February, 2015
Maria Gaetana Agnesi’s Other Curves (more than just the Witch), Mathematics Magazine/MAA - February, 2014
The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs - 2012
The First 486 Decimal Digits of Square Roor of 2, Proceeding of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics - 2012
Collaborator: Patricia Allaire, Co-Author
Sophie's Diary by Dora Musielak, Bulletin of the Candian Society of the History and philosophy of mathematics - November, 2012
A Biography of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, An Eighteenth-Century Woman Mathematician with Translations of Some of Her Work From Italian into English - 2007
The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs - 2007
Unmasking the Witchy Behavior of the Runge Function, Mathematics and Computer Education - 2007
Collaborator: E. DeThomas
Probability Problems in Two 19th Century Periodicals, Proceedings of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics - 2004
Collaborator: P. Allaire
Probability Problems in Two Early American Mathematical Journals, Proceedings of the IX Midwest History of Mathematics Conference - 2004
Collaborator: P. Allaire
Temperance Arithmetic, Proceedings of the IX Midwest History of Mathematics Conference - 2004
Collaborator: J. Pflueger
Another Look at the Rules of Differentiation, Problems Resources and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies - 2004
Rules of Differentiation: Learning from Leibniz and Agnesi, Proceedings of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics - 2003
What’s in a Sign? - April, 2003
The Wittenberger Articles: Artemas Martin on Averages, Proceedings of the Conference on the History of Undergraduate Mathematics in America - 2002
Collaborator: P. Allaire
The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs - 2001
Mathematical Puzzle Tales by M. Gardner, Mathematical Association of America - 2001
Misteaks...and How to Find Them Before the Teacher Does by B. Cipra, Mathematical Association of America - 2001
Conjecture & Proof by D.D. Schwartz - 2000
Artemas Martin: An Amateur Mathematician of the Nineteenth Century and His Contribution to Mathematics, The College Mathematics Journal - 2000
Collaborator: P. Allaire, Co-Author
Artemas Martin: An Amateur Mathematician of the Nineteenth Century, Combined Proceedings of Sixth and Seventh Midwest History of Mathematics Conferences - 1999
Collaborator: P. Allaire
An Application of Fluid Dynamics in the Calculus Classroom, Proceedings of the North Central Section Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education - 1999
Collaborator: A. Khalilollahi
Rolle's Theorem in a Can, New York State Mathematics Teachers' Journal - 1999
Collaborator: Array Array, Co-Author
Interaction of Fluids and Mathematics: A Classroom Study, Problems Resources and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies - 1998
Collaborator: A. Khalilollahi
A Parable on Conics, Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1995 Yearbook: Teaching Mathematics with a Focus on Learning - 1996
Calculation of Averages in the Work of Artemas Martin, Electronic Proceedings of the Annual Spring Meeting of the Allegheny Mountain Section of the Mathematics Association of America - 1996
Linear Approximations and the Line of 'Best' Fit, New York State Mathematics Teacher's Journal - 1995
Collaborator: H. Knapp
n! Roots Limits and Products, Problems Resources and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies - 1993
Attitudes Toward Mathematics: Male/Female Differences in Three Grade Levels, New York State Mathematics Teachers' Journal - 1992
Collaborators: R. Hostetler; R. Tauber
Review of 'Math! A Four Letter Word', Women and Math Editors Newsletter - 1991
The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs - 1989
Proof Without Words (sum of the cubes), Mathematics Magazine - 1989
Collaborators: R. Hostetler; R. Tauber
Realistic Word Problems and the College Remedial Student, New York State Mathematics Teachers' Journal - 1989
Some Ideas for Teaching the Concept of Function to College Students in an Elementary Algebra or Finite Mathematics Course, New York State Mathematics Teachers' Journal - 1988
A Small Boundary for H∞ on a Strictly Pseudoconvex Domain, Proceedings of the American Mathematics Society - 1985
A Small Boundary for H∞ on a Strictly Pseudoconvex Domain, L'Aquila, Japadre Editore - 1983
A Construction of Inner Functions on Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains in Cp, PISA, E.T.S - 1982
Ph D, Mathematics, State University of New York at Albany
MA, Mathematics, State University of New York at Albany
Laurea, Mathematics, University of L'Aquila