ERIE PA 16510
Dr. Chetan Nikhare is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. He earned a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from Nagpur University, India in 2003, M.Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India in 2006, and the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Deakin University, Australia in 2010.
Dr. Nikhare joined the Penn State Behrend faculty in August 2012. Prior to joining the faculty, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering Department at University of New Hampshire. To date, he has performed different aspects of numerical and analytical modeling for material undergoing mechanical processes. He learned constitutive modeling of mild steel and advanced high strength steels and microstructural modeling during his graduate and post-graduate studies. His research interest are, but not limited to, experiments and numerical simulation of sheet metal and bulk forming in various deformation mode, fatigue and fracture, hydroforming and analytical modeling of material mechanics and processes.
- C. Nikhare, Die for reducing springback and process thereof, US 20150059427 A1 (application online; application number: US 14/465,920) (pending)
Professional Membership
- Member of ASME
- Member of Sheet Metal Forming Research Association (SMFRA), India
- Member of the Australian Research Network for Advanced Materials (ARNAM)
- Member of AutoCRC, Australia
Active Participation in Professional and Learned Societies
- Session Chair/Co-Chair for ASME Conference, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Session Chair for IDDRG Conference 2015
- Committee Chair for Recruitment and Retention
- Committee Chair for ASME-Erie Chapter
- International Journal of Material Forming
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
- ASME – Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
- Journal of Engineering Manufacture
- British Journal of Applied Science and technology
- Engineering Science and Technology An International Journal
- Ingenieria e investigacion
- Journal of Materials Design and Applications
- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
- Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
- World Journal of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Internationa Deep Drawing Research Group 2012, 2015
- ASME – International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
- ASME – International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition 2013
Research Interests
Sustainable and Efficient Manufacturing Processes, Electrically Assisted Forming, Sheet Metal forming and Hydroforming, Micro-forming, Multi-scale modeling, Thermo-mechanical modeling, Analytical modeling, DRX modeling, Fatigue and fracture
Deformation Behavior of Advanced High Strength Steel With Different Strain Hardening Exponents During Tube Hydroforging, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering - 2024
Collaborator: Jeremy Fischer, Author
Effect of axial displacement on non-circular tube shaping in hydroforging, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing - 2024
Collaborator: Jeremy Fischer, Author
Numerical comparison of advanced high strength steels forming limit curve using Banabic and Nakazima tests, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing - 2024
Collaborators: Roberto Matheus De Araujo Bornancin, Author; Paulo Victor Prestes Marcondes
Numerical Study on the Effect of Oscillation on the Deformation Behavior of Single Point Incremental Formed Part, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering - 2024
A review on hybrid nanofluids: preparation methods, thermo physical properties and applications, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - May, 2024
Collaborators: Javvadi Eswara Manikanta; Naveen Kumar Gurajala; Nitin Ambhore; R. Raj Mohan
Application of sustainable techniques in grinding process for enhanced machinability: a review, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - March, 2024
Collaborators: Javvadi Eswara Manikanta; Nitin Ambhore
Influence of Temperature on the Forming Limits of High-Strength Low Alloy, and Dual-Phase Steels, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing - 2023
Collaborators: Nikolas Woellner, Author; Manolo Gipiela; Sergio Fernando Lajarin; Claudimir Rebeyka; Paulo Victor Prestes Marcondes
Influence of the hydraulic press system on advanced high-strength steel formability, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - 2023
Collaborators: Edimar de Lima, Author; Murilo do Nascimento Cruz, Author; Paulo Victor Prestes Marcondes, Author
Method for prediction of Forming limit height in multistep incremental forming with real-time decision making, Journal of Manufacturing processes - 2023
Collaborators: Paulo Sergio Olivio Filho, Author; Émillyn Ferreira Trevisani Olivio; Pablo Deivid Valle; Paulo Victor Prestes Marcondes
Optimal machine learning for detecting lathe machining parameters, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - 2023
Collaborators: Keven Rall, Author; David Loker
A Holistic Design Approach for Integrated Learning in Manufacturing Education, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition - 2022
Collaborators: Faisal Aqlan; Daniell DiFrancesca; Qi Dunsworth; Matthew Swinarski; Mohammad Rasouli
A Numerical Analysis on Taper Tube Hydroforging, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2022
Collaborator: Shabbir Memon
Investigation of Tube Sheet Joining Through Hydroforging Process, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2022
Collaborator: Shabbir Memon
A numerical analysis on microtube hydroforging, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies TMPT - 2022
An analysis of tube nosing through rotary tool, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies TMPT - 2022
Effect of material discontinuity on springback in sheet metal bending, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies TMPT - 2022
Collaborators: Nitin Kotkunde, Co-Author; Swadesh Kumar Singh, Co-Author
Effect of pressurization and annealing on hole expansion, ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - 2022
Influence of drawbead geometry and blank holder force on the dual phase formability, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - 2022
Collaborators: Alex Raimundo de Oliveira, Author; Sergio Fernando Lajarin, Co-Author; Claudimir José Rebeyca, Co-Author; Ravilson Antonio Chemin Filho, Co-Author; Paulo Victor Prestes Marcondes, Co-Author
Investigating fracture failure in origami-based sheet metal bending, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - 2022
Collaborators: Muhammad Ali Ablat, Author; Ala’aldin Alafaghani, Co-Author; Jian-Qiao Sun, Co-Author; Ala Qattawi, Co-Author
The Anisotropic Yield Surface of Cellular Materials, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) - 2022
Collaborators: Kaitlynn Conway, Author; Zachary Romanick, Co-Author; Lea Cook, Co-Author; Luis Morales, Co-Author; Jonathan Despeaux, Co-Author; Marcus Ridlehuber, Co-Author; Christian Fingar, Co-Author; Daquan Doctor, Co-Author; Garrett Pataky, Co-Author
Integrating undergraduate learning in engineering and business to improve manufacturing education, NSF AAAS IUSE Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative - 2022
Collaborators: Faisal Aqlan; Daniell DiFrancesca, Author; Qi Dunsworth; Matthew Swinarski; Mohammad Rasouli
A numerical study on effect of tool roller rotation on channel springback, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2021
A numerical study on springback of a channel through the oscillation of punch, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2021
Collaborators: Tanya Buddi, Co-Author; Nitin Kotkunde, Co-Author; Swadesh Kumar Singh, Co-Author
Effect of die velocity on tube deformation mechanics during low pressure tube hydroforming process sequence variation, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2021
Collaborators: Tanya Buddi, Co-Author; Nitin Kotkunde, Co-Author; Swadesh Kumar Singh, Co-Author
Prediction of Hot Deformation Behaviors Under Multiaxial Loading Using Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman Damage Model for Inconel 718 Alloy Thin Sheet, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2021
Collaborators: Gauri Mahalle, Author; Nitin Kotkunde, Co-Author; Amit Kumar Gupta, Co-Author; Swadesh Kumar Singh, Co-Author
Residual formability of single point incrementally formed part, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2021
Channel deformation of bilayer material using tool rollers: Part I-Springback, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies TMPT - 2021
Channel deformation of bilayer material using tool rollers: Part II-Effect of layer thickness on springback, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies TMPT - 2021
Prediction of fracture limits of ni-cr based alloy under warm forming condition using ductile damage models and numerical method, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China - 2021
Collaborators: Ayush Morchhale, Author; Anand Badrish, Co-Author; Nitin Kotkunde, Co-Author; Swadesh Kumar Singh, Co-Author; Navneet Khanna, Co-Author; Ambuj Saxena, Co-Author
Fundamentals in sheet and tube forming: material characterization, conventional and novel processes and involved mechanics in Book Title: Materials forming, machining, and post processing, Springer Publishing - 2020
A numerical study on channel deformation and springback using tool rollers, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2020
Effect of metal-composite layer thickness on springback after U-bending, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2020
Effect of thickness on tube deformation mechanics during low pressure tube hydroforming process sequence variation, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2020
Experimental investigation on forming limit curve at elevated temperature through dome and biaxial test, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2020
Collaborators: Evan Teculver, Co-Author; Faisal Aqlan, Co-Author
A mini review on the degradation of young’s modulus in steels, Journal of Mineral and Material Science - 2020
Collaborator: Jeremy Fischer, Author
A short review on forming limit curve, Journal of Mineral and Material Science - 2020
Collaborator: Michael Zimmerman, Author
Numerical study on variation of chord modulus on the springback of high strength steels , The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - 2020
Collaborators: Sérgio Lajarin; Ravilson Filho; Claudimir Rebeyka; Paulo Marcondes
Springback reduction by using tool rollers, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - 2020
A numerical study on bending and springback of sheet metal with material discontinuity, Proceedings of NUMIFORM - 2019
An experimental study on direct current dieless drawing of 4130 steel tubes, Proceedings of ASME: International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2019
Collaborators: Paul McMahon, Co-Author; Faisal Aqlan, Co-Author
Bending and springback analysis on sheet metal material discontinuity, Proceedings of ASME: International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2019
Buckling of tube for tube hydroforging, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2019
Deformation mechanics of tube in variation of process sequence during low pressure tube hydroforming, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2019
Experimental analysis of rotational tooling on tube flaring, Proceedings of NUMIFORM - 2019
Collaborator: Elizabeth Mamros, Author
Experimental study on residual formability of single point incrementally formed part, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2019
Mechanical properties of 3D printed fiber reinforced thermoplastic, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2019
Collaborators: Seyed Hamid Reza Sanei; Zach Lash; Josh Servey; Frank Gardone
Pressurization and annealing effect analysis through hole expansion, Proceedings of ASME: International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2019
Springback analysis of hybrid materials created through alternate layup processes, Proceedings of ASME: International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2019
Collaborator: Elizabeth Mamros, Author
A numerical study on rotational tube flaring process, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2018
Acoustic signal analysis for prediction of flank wear during conventional milling, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2018
Collaborators: Travis Roney, Author; Anthony Bauccio, Co-Author; Derek Shaffer, Co-Author; Paige Lorson, Co-Author; Ihab Ragai, Co-Author; David Loker, Co-Author
Effect of preform during low pressure tube hydroforming, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2018
Collaborator: Ashley Trott, Author
Outer diameter to thickness ratio effect on tube flaring behavior, Proceedings of ASME: International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2018
Collaborator: Bradley Pier
Springback analysis in hybrid material deformation, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2018
Collaborator: Elizabeth Mamros, Author
Tube buckling – An advantage to tube shaping, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2018
An analysis on bilayer tube flaring, Applied Mechanics and Materials - 2018
An Investigation on Square Tube Forming using a Reuleaux triangle, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2018
Collaborator: Ryan Horstman, Author
Analysis of hole expansion limit through biaxial test, Materials Today: Proceedings - 2018
Dependence of plastic strain and microstructure on elastic modulus reduction in advanced high strength steels, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - 2018
Collaborators: Sérgio Lajarin, Author; P Marcondes, Co-Author
Experiment and predictions of strain and stress based failure limits for advanced high strength steel, Materials Today: Proceedings - 2018
Experimental and numerical analysis on bilayer tube forming, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2018
Collaborator: John Olevnik, Author
Experimental and numerical investigation of forming limits differences in biaxial and dome test, ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - 2018
Experimental investigation on tube flaring with a rotating tool, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2018
Collaborator: Elizabeth Mamros, Author
Numerical analysis on the effect of thickness on biaxial tension limits, Materials Today: Proceedings - 2018
Yield identification by passing an electric current, Materials Today: Proceedings - 2018
Collaborator: Stephen Lester
Analysis of forming limits in biaxial and dome test, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2017
Springback analysis in bilayer material bending, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2017
Tube forming using Reuleaux traingle, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing - 2017
Collaborators: Hayden Seibert; Laurentiu Petrut
Understanding acoustic emission for different metal cutting machinery and operations, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing - 2017
Collaborators: Chris Conklin; David Loker
Evaluation of quenching methods for the purpose of acoustic data collection, Procedia Manufacturing - July, 2017
Collaborators: Travis Roney; Samantha Muhhuku; Ihab Ragai; David Loker
Forming limit differences in hemispherical dome and biaxial test during equi-biaixal tension on cruciform, ASME: Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology - July, 2017
Collaborators: Emmett Vorisek; John Nolan; John Roth
Buckling in low pressure tube hydroforming , SME: Journal of Manufacturing Processes - June, 2017
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
A numerical analysis on forming limits during spiral and concentric single point incremental forming, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - February, 2017
Collaborators: M Gipiela, Author; V Amauri; P Marcondes, Co-Author
An investigation of tube forming using reuleaux triangle, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2016 Conference - 2016
Comparison of forming limits in tube and sheet forming, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2016 Conference - 2016
Collaborator: Rajasheker Gone
Forming limits prediction during tube hydroforming, sheet hydroforming and stamping processes for robust design, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced and Agile Manufacturing and Agile Software Development - 2016
Collaborator: K Narasimhan
Hole expansion and strain evolution during biaxial tension, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2016 Conference - 2016
Collaborator: John Nolan
Parametric study on wall springback in long channels, Proceedings, ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2016
Understanding the differences in hemispherical dome and biaxial test during equi-biaixal tension on cruciform, Proceedings of ASME: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2016
Collaborators: Emmett Vorisek; John Nolan; John Roth
Effect of biaxial arm velocity on hole expansion, Proceedings, ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2016
Collaborators: P McDonald; S Beatty; John Roth
Two dimensional complex shape analyses during low pressure tube hydroforming, International Journal of Advanced Materials Manufacturing & Characterization - September, 2016
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Prediction of springback in long channels, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) - December, 2015
An investigation on elastic recovery and residual hoop stress in steel-aluminum rings, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2015 Conference - 2015
Direct electric current spot treatment’s effect on springback of 90 degree bent 2024-T3 aluminum, Proceedings, ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2015
Collaborators: Brandt Ruszkiewicz, Author; Christopher Scriva, Co-Author; Zachary Reese, Co-Author; John Roth, Co-Author; Ihab Ragai, Co-Author
Effect of toolpath on the springback of 2024-T3 aluminum during single point incremental forming, Proceedings, ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2015
Collaborators: Zachary Reese; Brandt Ruszkiewicz; John Roth, Co-Author
Investigation of acoustic signals during W1 tool steel quenching, Proceedings, ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2015
Collaborators: Ihab Ragai, Co-Author; David Loker, Co-Author; Shannon Sweeney, Co-Author; Chris Conklin, Co-Author; John Roth, Co-Author
Investigation of strain development in various tube thicknesses to diameter ratio during tube flaring process, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2015 Conference - 2015
Mechanical Behavior of Annealed AA5083 Alloy, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2015 Conference - 2015
Collaborator: William Trozzo, Author
Numerical comparison of frontal crash test on heat treated tube, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2015 Conference - 2015
Prediction of springback in long channels, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2015 Conference - 2015
Study of acoustics signals and mechanical properties dependence during cold drawn A36 steel quenching , Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2015 Conference - 2015
Collaborators: Nicholas Erich, Author; Chris Conklin, Co-Author; David Loker, Co-Author
Formability enhancement in titanium tube-flaring by controlling the deformation-path, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - October, 2015
Collaborators: Yannis Korkolis, Co-Author; Brad Kinsey, Co-Author
A new approach to form square cup, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2014 Conference - 2014
Collaborator: Matthew Ihrig, Author
Effect of EAM pulsed current on 1450 MPa martensitic steel, Proceedings, ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2014
Collaborators: John Roth, Co-Author; Dennie Pearson, Co-Author; Dae-Ho Yang, Co-Author; Hyun-Woo Lee, Co-Author; Sung-Tae Hong, Co-Author; Megan Lobdell, Author
Effect of prestrain on electric flow through the AA 5083 material, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2014 Conference - 2014
Collaborators: John Roth, Co-Author; Joseph Humphery, Author
Experimental and numerical analysis on strain development during hole expansion, Proceedings, Brasilian Deep Drawing Research Group Congress - 2014
Collaborators: M Gipiela, Author; N Woellner, Co-Author; P Marcondes, Co-Author
Experimental and numerical investigation of hole expansion on CPW800 steel, Proceedings, Numisheet - 2014
Collaborators: M Gipiela, Author; P Marcondes, Co-Author
Experimental investigation of annealed 5083 aluminum alloy, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2014 Conference - 2014
Collaborator: William Trozzo, Author
Formability enhancement in titanium tube flaring by controlling the deformation path, Proceedings, ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2014
Collaborators: Brad Kinsey, Co-Author; Yannis Korkollis, Co-Author
Investigation of strain development and hole expansion ratio in mild steel and AA 5083, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group 2014 Conference - 2014
Collaborator: Stephen Lester, Author
An electric touch for aluminum springback elimination - 2013
Collaborators: M Lobdell; John Roth
An investigation of anisotropic behavior on 5083 aluminum alloy using electric current, Procedings, American Society of Mechanical Engineering International Manufacturing Sceince and Engineering Conference - 2013
Collaborators: Abram Pleta, Author; Matthew Krugh, Co-Author; John Roth, Co-Author
Comparison of electrical and thermal effects on AA 5083 aluminum ally, Proceedings, IDDRG2013 - 2013
Collaborators: John Roth; A Pleta
Electric assisted aluminum 5083 alloy cup forming, Proceedings, ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2013
Collaborators: John Roth; S Lester, Author
Electric pulsing on 1500 series dual phase steel, Proceedings, ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2013
Collaborators: John Roth; M Lobdell, Author
Parallel deformation of the metals, Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Materials Science - 2013
Pressurization system in low pressure tube hydroforming, Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Materials Science - 2013
Influence of blank holding force on the forming limits of DP590 steel, Proceedings, IDDRG2012 - 2012
Collaborators: R Filho; L Tigrinho; R Marcondes
Numerical analysis of restrike process on Al-2008-T4 aluminum alloy square pan drawing, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group - 2012
Collaborators: Yannis Korkolis; Brad Kinsey
Numerical investigation of residual formability and deformation localization during continuous-bending-under-tension, Proceedings, ASME 2012 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2012
Collaborators: Y Korkolis; B Kinsey
Springback simulation with deformation induced heating, Proceedings, IDDRG2012 - 2012
Collaborator: S Dhote
Tube forming through flaring process with bend-unbend mechanics, Proceedings, International Deep Drawing Research Group - 2012
Investigation of deformation path during micro-tube flaring, Proceedings, ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2011
Collaborators: W Wu; J Cao; B Kinsey
Novel hybrid material crash structure for front rail, Proceedings, ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference - 2011
Collaborator: P Hodgson
A numerical approach on reduction of Young’s modulus during deformation of sheet metals, Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Materials Science - 2011
Necking and fracture of advanced high strength steels, Materials Science and Engineering A - 2011
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Die closing force in low pressure tube hydroforming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology - 2010
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Fracture of DP590 steel: A multi-scale modelling approach, Steel Research International - 2010
Collaborators: A Asgari; M Weiss; P Hodgson
An investigation of complex shapes during low pressure tube hydroforming, Proceedings, IDDRG2009 - 2009
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Crash investigation of side intrusion beam during high and low pressure tube hydroforming, Proceedings, TUBEHYDRO - 2009
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Multi-scale modeling of DP590 steel, Proceedings, National Conference on Sheet Metal Forming-2009 - 2009
Collaborators: A Asgari; M Weiss; P Hodgson
FEA comparison of high and low pressure tube hydroforming of TRIP steel, Computational Materials Science - 2009
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Experimental and numerical evaluation of forming and fracture behaviour of high strength steel, Proceedings, New Developments on Metallurgy and Applications of High Strength Steels - 2008
Collaborators: P Marcondes; M Weiss, Co-Author; P Hodgson
Hydroforming: An emerging manufacturing technology, Proceedings, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT) - 2008
Collaborators: N Birajdar; M Bhanage; K Narasimhan, Co-Author
Numerical investigation of high and low pressure tube hydroforming, Proceedings, Numisheet - 2008
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Numerical investigation of ramp and constant pressurization system during tube crushing process, Proceedings, International conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT) - 2008
Collaborator: P Hodgson
Effect of prestrain on formability and forming limit strains during tube hydroforming, Computers, Materials, & Continua - 2008
Experimental and numerical investigation of low pressure tube hydroforming on stainless steel, Steel Research International - 2008
Collaborators: M Weiss; P Hodgson
Limit strains comparison during tube and sheet hydroforming and sheet stamping processes by numerical simulation, Computers, Materials, & Continua - 2008
Collaborator: K Narasimhan
Effect of prestrain on forming limit strains during tube hydroforming, Proceedings, North American Hydroforming Conference & Exhibition - 2006
Collaborator: K Narasimhan, Co-Author
Forming limit strains during hydroforming and sheet stamping processes, Proceedings, In house symposium on Materials Research 2006 - 2006
Hydroforming: A new forming technology, Proceedings, National Conference on Latest Developments in Welding Technology - WELDCON 2006 - 2006
Collaborator: K Narasimhan, Co-Author
Novel material composites for MEMS technology, Proceedings, Indo-Singapore Symposium on Advanced Functional Materials - 2006
Numerical comparison of limit strains during tube hydroforming and sheet stamping processes, Proceedings, ESAFORM 2006 - 2006
Collaborator: K Narasimhan, Co-Author
Ph D, Mechanical Engineering, Deakin University
MS, Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
BE, Mechanical Engineering, Nagpur University