Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563
B.A. Physics, Cornell University
M.S. Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Ph. D., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Pittsburgh
- Department of Physics and Astronomy and Material Sciences Department
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Department of Physics
- Penn State Behrend Council of Fellows Excellence in Research Award 2001
- Penn State Behrend Council of Fellows Excellence in Teaching Award 2002
Teaching Specialties
- Physics
Research Interests
I am a theoretical statistical physicist. My research focuses on polymer dynamics theory, pattern formation dynamics and biophysics. Most recently I have studied the role of reactions in stabilizing polymer interfaces, the formation of domains after quenches into thermodynamically unstable regions and motion of vesicles in nerve synapses.
Funded Projects and Grants
- RUI: Modeling of Reactive Compatibilization in Polymer Blends. National Science Foundation. $112,000, March 2000-February 2004.
- Petroleum Research Foundation Summer Fellowship Grant. Wu, X.L. (principal investigator) and C. Yeung (co-investigator). American Chemical Society. $8,000, summer 2003.
- Competing Length Scales in Laser Induced Melting. Research Corporation, $22,688, November 1996-November 1999.
The Dynamics of a Reacting Polymer Attached to a Surface, European Physical Journal E - December 2, 2024
Collaborator: Barry Friedman, Author
Using Whole Class Data to Show the Value of Multiple Measurements, The Physics Teacher - September 1, 2023
Collaborator: Keaton Bailey, Author
Exact results and the effect of monomer-monomer bond type in an ideal grafted chain, European Journal of Physics E - October 21, 2022
Collaborator: Barry Friedman, Co-Author
Accurate Delivery of Chemicals to a Small Target Using a Valved Micropipette, Review of Scientific Instruments - March 3, 2022
Collaborators: Corey Dominick; Xiaolun Wu
Determining the Acceleration Due to Gravity and Friction Using the Ticker Tape Timer Method, The Physics Teacher - May 14, 2020
Collaborators: Ethan Fontana, Primary Author; Jonathan Hall, Secondary Author
Direct Test of Gaussian Approximation in Phase Ordering Dynamics, Physical Review E - June 4, 2018
Stick-and-Diffuse and Caged Diffusion: A Comparison of Two Models of Synaptic Vesicle Dynamics, Biophysical Journal - April, 2007
Collaborators: M. Shtrahman; X. Wu
Renormalization Group Analysis of Polymer Cyclization with Non-Equilibrium Initial Conditions, European Physical Journal E - September, 2006
Collaborator: Barry Friedman, Primary Author
Swimming efficiency of bacterium Escherichia coli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - September 12, 2006
Collaborators: S. Chattopadhyay; R. Moldovan; X. Wu
Relation Between Cyclization of Polymers with Different Initial Conditions, Europhysics Letters - February, 2006
Collaborator: Barry Friedman, Secondary Author
Cyclization of Rouse Chains at Long and Short Time Scales, Journal of Chemical Physics - 2005
Collaborator: Barry Friedman, Secondary Author
Probing Vesicle Dynamics in Single Hippocampal Synapses, Biophysical Journal - 2005
Collaborators: Matthew Shtrahman, Secondary Author; Xiao Wu, Secondary Author; D Nauen, Secondary Author
Modeling Reactive Compatibilization of a Binary Blend with Interacting Particles, Journal of Chemical Physics - 2003
Collaborators: M Chen, Primary Author; Anna Balazs, Secondary Author; D Ginzburg, Secondary Author
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Reactive Compatibilization on Polymer Blends, Macromolecules - 2003
Collaborator: Kim Herrmann, Student Author
Universal Distribution of Centers and Saddles in Two-Dimensional Turbulence, Physical Review Letters - 2001
Collaborators: Michael Rivera, Secondary Author; Xiao Wu, Secondary Author
Formation of Interfaces in Incompatible Polymer Blends: A Dynamical Mean Field Study, Macromolecules - 1999
Collaborator: An Shi, Co-Author
The Rotating Bucket of Sand: Experiment and Theory, Chaos - 1999
Collaborator: George Baxter, Co-Author
Triangular Anisotropics in Driven Diffusive Systems: Reconciliation of Up and Down, Physical Review E - 1999
Collaborator: Andrew Rutenberg, Co-Author
Metastability of a Granular Surface in a Spinning Bucket, Physical Review E - 1998
Anisotropic Fluctuations in Ordered Copolymer Phases, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations - 1996
Collaborators: An Shi, Primary Author; Jaan Noolandi, Secondary Author; Rashmi Desai, Secondary Author
Bounds on the Decay of the Autocorrelation in Phase Ordering Dynamics, Physical Review E - 1996
Collaborators: Madan Rao, Primary Author; Rashmi Desai, Secondary Author
Breakdown of Linear Dynamics in Phase Ordering Kinetics, Physical Review E - 1995
Collaborators: Nick Gross, Secondary Author; Michael Costolo, Student Author
Temporal Fluctuations and Hurst Exponents of Goldstone and Massive Modes, Physical Review Letters - September, 1994
Collaborators: Madan Rao, Primary Author; Rashmi Desai, Secondary Author
Phase Separation Dynamics in a Concentration Gradient, Europhysics Letters - August, 1994
Collaborators: A Lacasta, Co-Author; J Sancho, Co-Author
Theoretical Models for Grafted Homopolymers in Poor Solvents: Observations of Dimple Surfaces, Colloids & Surfaces - June, 1994
Collaborators: K. Huang; D. Jasnow; A. Balazs
Possibilities and Limitations of Gaussian Closure Approximation for Phase Ordering Dynamics, Physical Review E - April, 1994
Collaborators: Yoshi Oono, Secondary Author; Ari Shinozaki, Secondary Author
Lower Critical Ordering Temperature in Diblock Dopolymer Melts, Physical Review Letters - March, 1994
Collaborators: Rashmi Desai, Secondary Author; An Shi, Primary Author; Jaan Noolandi, Secondary Author
Pattern Formation in Laser Induced Melting, Physical Review E - March, 1994
Collaborator: R. Desai
Internal Wetting in Three Component Polymer Blends, Macromolecules - January, 1994
Collaborators: Rashmi Desai, Secondary Author; Jaan Noolandi, Secondary Author
Lateral Instabilities in a Grafted Layer in a Poor Solvent, Macromolecules - April, 1993
Collaborators: Anna Balasz, Secondary Author; David Jasnow, Secondary Author
Surface Driven Instability and Enhanced Relaxation in the Dynamics of a Nonequilibrium Interface, Journal of Statistical Physics - March, 1993
Collaborators: Juan Mozos, Secondary Author; Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Secondary Author; David Jasnow, Secondary Author
Asymptotic Behavior of Viscous Fingering Patterns in Circular Geometry, Physical Review E - February, 1993
Collaborator: David Jasnow, Secondary Author
The Behavior of Amphiphilic Comb Copolymers in Oil/Water Mixtures: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Langmuir - September, 1992
Collaborators: Anna Balasz, Primary Author; Z Zhou, Primary Author; David Jasnow, Secondary Author
Adsorption of an alternating copolymer near a fluid fluid interface, Macromolecules - July, 1992
Collaborators: Weixiong Li, Primary Author; Anna Balazs, Secondary Author
Study of Internal Modes of a "Living Polymer" by Transient Electric Birefringence, Physical Review Letters - March, 1992
Collaborators: Xiao Wu, Primary Author; M Kim, Secondary Author; J Huang, Secondary Author; Daniel Ou-yang, Secondary Author
Adsorption of Copolymer Chains at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces: The Effect of Sequence Distribution, Macromolecules - February, 1992
Collaborators: Anna Balasz, Secondary Author; David Jasnow, Secondary Author
Perturbing Hele-Shaw Flow with a Small Gap Gradient, Physical Review A - February, 1992
Collaborators: H Zhao, Primary Author; Jaume Casedemunt, Co-Author; James Maher, Secondary Author
Phase Ordering Dynamics in a Driven Diffusive System, Journal of Statistical Physics - February, 1992
Collaborators: Tim Rogers, Primary Author; Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Secondary Author; David Jasnow, Secondary Author
Conservative Dynamics, Phase Ordering and Stretched Exponential Decays, Journal of Physics A - December, 1990
Collaborator: David Jasnow, Secondary Author
Two-Time Correlations, Self-Averaging and an Analytically Solvable Model of Phase Ordering Dynamics, Physical Review B - December, 1990
Collaborator: David Jasnow, Co-Author
Dense-Branching Morphology and the Radial Hele-Shaw Cell Driven at a Constant Flux, Physical Review A - January, 1990
Collaborator: David Jasnow, Co-Author
The Pre-Asymptotic Dynamical Exponent in Conserved Order Parameter Phase Ordering Dynamics, Physical Review B - 1989
Explicit Construction of Steady State of a Model of Chemical Turbulence, Journal of Statistical Physics - January, 1989
Cell Dynamical System Study of Phase Separation Dynamics, Journal of Applied Crystallography - December, 1988
Collaborators: Yoshi Oono, Primary Author; Sanjay Puri, Secondary Author; Monica Bahiana, Secondary Author
Scaling and the Small Wavevector Limit of the Form Factor in Phase Ordering Dynamics, Physical Review Letters - August, 1988
A Cell Dynamical System Model of Chemical Turbulence, Journal of Statistical Physics - December, 1987
Collaborator: Yoshi Oono, Primary Author
A Conjecture on Nonlocal Random Tight Binding Models, Europhysics Letters - November, 1987
Collaborator: Yoshi Oono, Co-Author
The Coherent Potential Approximation Applied to a System with Long Range Potentials, Physics Letters A - August, 1986
Ph D, Physics, The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
MS, Physics, The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
BA, Physics, Cornell University