ERIE PA 16563
Research Interests
Individual differences in spatial and linguistic cognition. Plasticity and training in STEM education. Cognitive neuroscience of non literal and creative language understanding.
Spatial Perception Orientation Task (SPOT): Developing an Accessible Tool for Measuring Spatial Working Memory - February, 2014
Individual differences in the enjoyment and the effectiveness of serious games - November, 2013
Collaborators: Heather Lum, Co-Author; Holly Blasko Drabik, Secondary Author; Matthew White, Secondary Author
Investigating the impact of self-efficacy in learning Disaster Strategies in an On-Line Serious Game. , Proceedings of the Human Factors Engineering Society Conference - November, 2013
Collaborators: Holly Blasko Drabik, Co-Author; Heather Lum, Co-Author; Bilge Erdem, Student Author; Miri Ohashi, Student Author
"Avoiding the tragedy of the commons: Applying the lessons of Yellowstone to the Great Lakes", Stewardship of public lands: A handbook for educators" - 2010
Collaborators: J. Hall; R. Troester
"K.E.E.P.: A companion case study to 'Avoiding the tragedy of the commons: applying the lessons of Yellowstone to the Great Lakes'", Stewarship of Public Lands: A Handbook for Educators - 2010
Collaborators: J. Hall; R. Troester
"Longitudinal analysis of spatial skills training in engineering graphics", Preeceedings of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of American Society for Engineering Education 65th Midyear Conference proceedings - 2010
Collaborator: K. Holliday-Darr
"Re-enJEANeering STEM Education: Math Options Summer Camp", The Journal of Technology Studies - 2010
Collaborators: V. Dave, Primary Author; K. Holliday-Darr; J. Trich-Kremer; R. Edwards; M. Ford; L. Lenhardt; B. Hido
"Improving Diversity in Engineering Education: The Subtle Effects of Stereotypes", Proceedings of the ASEE-EDGD 63rd Midyear Conference - 2009
Collaborator: J. Hodge
"Enhancing Visualization Skills-Improving Options and Success (EnViSIONS) of engineering and technology students", Engineering Design Graphics Journal - 2009
Collaborators: N.L. Veurink, Primary Author; A.J. Hamlin; J.C.M. Kampe; S.A. Sorby; K. Holliday-Darr
Assessing and training spatial visualization: Free tools from the VIZ project, Proceedings of the ASEE-EDGD 63rd Midyear Conference - October, 2009
Collaborators: K. Holliday-Darr; J. Trich-Kremer; J. Hodge; K. Stranahan; K. Sementilli; E. Bliley
Envisions at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, Proceedings of the ASEE-EDGD 63rd Midyear Conference - January, 2009
Collaborators: K. Holliday-Darr; J. Trich-Kremer
ERP correlates of individual differences in the comprehension of nonliteral language, Metaphor and Symbol - 2006
Collaborator: Victoria Kazmerski
Multiview drawing instruction: A two location experiment, Engineering Design Graphics Journal - 2006
Collaborators: P. Connelly; K. Holliday-Darr
Attentional interference in judgments of musical timbre: Individual differences in working memory, The Journal of General Psychology: Experimental, Physiological and Comparative Psychology - 2005
Collaborator: M. Hall
Saying what you don’t mean: Social Influences on language processing, Current Directions in Psychological Science - 2005
Collaborators: A. Katz; V. Kazmerski
COR V2: Teaching observational research with multimedia courseware, Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers - 2004
Collaborators: V. Kazmerski; C. Torgerson
Future time perspective as a temporal anchor: Applications of organizations, Journal of Business and Economics Research - 2004
Collaborator: P. Thoms
VIZ: The visualization assessment and training website, Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers - 2004
Collaborators: K. Holliday-Darr; D. Mace; H. Blasko-Drabik
ERP and behavioral evidence of individual differences in metaphor comprehension, Memory and Cognition - 2003
Collaborators: V. Kazmerski; B. Dessalegn
Scaffolding students from knowing to applying: Using COR to teach observational research methods, Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning - 2003
Collaborators: C. Torgerson; J. Cornwell; V. Kazmerski
Teaching observational research in introductory psychology: Computerized and lecture based methods, Teaching of Psychology - 2001
Collaborator: V. Kazmerski
Improving cognitive visualization with a web based interactive assessment and training program, Engineering Design Graphic Journal - 2000
Collaborators: K. Holliday-Darr; C. Dwyer
Engineering and psychology: Joint project on visualization and engineering, American Society for Engineering Educators North Central Section Annual Conference - 1999
Collaborator: K. Holliday-Darr
Haiku: When goodness entails symbolism, Metaphor and Symbol - 1999
Collaborator: D.G. Merski
Improved cognitive visualization with a web based interactive assessment and training program, American Society for Engineering Educators, Engineering Design Graphics Division 54th Annual Mid-Year Meeting Proceedings - 1999
Collaborators: K. Holliday-Darr; C. Dwyer
Only the tip of the iceberg: Who understands what about metaphor?, Journal of Pragmatics - 1999
Preliminary validation of a visioning abilities scale, Psychological Reports - 1999
Collaborator: P. Thoms
Teaching observational research in introductory psychology: Computerized and lecture based method, Teaching of Psychology - 1999
Collaborator: V. Kazmerski
Courseware for Observational Research [COR]: A new approach to teaching naturalistic observation, Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers - 1998
Collaborators: V. Kazmerski; E. Corty; C. Kallgren
Haiku poetry and metaphorical thought: An invitation to interdisciplinary study, Creativity Research Journal - 1998
Collaborator: D. Merski
Leadership evaluation project: Final report to the LeaderShape Institute and the Kellogg Foundation - 1998
The influence of prosodic boundaries on the comprehension of spoken English sentences, Perceptual and Motor Skills - 1998
Collaborator: M. Hall
Brooks/Cole Thompson International Publishers, Psychology: The Adaptive Mind - July, 1998
Addison Wesley/Longman Publishers, The Thinking Animal - March, 1998
Similarity mapping in spoken word recognition, Journal of Memory and Language - 1997
Collaborators: C. Connine; D. Titone; T. Deelman
The reading and recall of metaphorical sentences: Effects of familiarity and context, Journal of Metaphor and Symbolic Activity - 1997
Collaborator: D. Briihl
Vertical similarity in spoken word recognition: Multiple lexical activation, individual differences and the role of sentence context, Perception and Psychophysics - 1994
Collaborators: C. Connine; J. Wang
Do the beginnings of spoken words have a special status in auditory word recognition? , Journal of Memory and Language - 1993
Collaborators: C. Connine; D. Titone
Effects of familiarity and aptness on metaphor processing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition - 1993
Collaborator: C. Connine
Idiomatic processing: Syntactic frozenness and subjective familiarity, Psychological Research - 1992
Collaborators: C. Connine; R. Brandt; J. Layer
Effects of subsequent sentence context in auditory word recognition: Temporal and linguistic constraints, Journal of Memory and Language - 1991
Collaborators: C. Connine; M. Hall
The time course of metaphor processing: Effects of subjective familiarity and aptness., Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society - 1991
Collaborator: C. Connine
Ph D, Psychology, The State University of New York at Binghamton
MA, Psychology, The State University of New York at Binghamton
BA, Psychology, Marywood College