ERIE PA 16563
Mr. Edward Evans is an associate teaching professor in engineering at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and the former department chair of the mechanical engineering technology program. He earned the Associate in Specialized Technology in Drafting and Design Technology, Architectural option, from the Pittsburgh Technical Institute in 1980, the B.A.E., Bachelor of Architectural Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, in 1990, and the M.S. in Civil Engineering, Structural Design option, from Youngstown State University in 1991. Mr. Evans is a licensed Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Evans has over ten years of industrial experience with Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., Schneider Consulting Engineers, Widmer Engineering, Parfitt/Ling Consulting Engineers, Kurtanich Engineers and Associates and most recently with Lawrie Technology, Inc. He did his graduate teaching assistantship at Youngstown State University in 1990-1991.
Mr. Evans received the Provost's Award for Collaborative Instruction Innovations with K. Holliday-Darr, J. Young, W. Lasher, R. Ford and J. Beaumont, 1995. The project was titled EG 50 Introduction to Engineering Design, A New Paradigm in Freshman Engineering Education. Mr. Evans is presently a member of the American Society for Engineering Education ASEE, and its Mechanics K-12 Engineering Design Graphics and Engineering Technology Divisions. He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE, and the Structural Engineering Institute from 1991-2004.
Courses Taught
- Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting
- Applied Solids Modeling
- Dynamics
- Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting
- Machine Design
- Mechanics for Technology: Statics
- Mechatronics
- Solid Modeling I
- Spatial Analysis and Computer-Aided Drafting
- Statics
- Strength of Materials
- Strength/Materials Lab
- Technical Drawing Fundamentals
Research projects completed
- Evans, E. [Investigator], ASCE Portable Bridge, Northwest Pennsylvania Branch, American Society of Civil Engineers, $500, March 2002.
- Evans, E. [Principal Investigator], Custom Tool and Design Technical Support, Ben Franklin Partnership, $4,500, September 1995-February 1996.
- Evans, E., and Holliday-Darr, K. [Co-Principals Investigators], Innovation in EG 50 Instruction (course taught Spring 1992), Engineering Coalition of Schools for Excellence in Education and Leadership (ECSEL), $1,287.50, December 1991.
Grants and contracts awarded for improvements of instruction or for training programs
- “Skills Portion - Study Guide.” Contracted to develop a study guide used to improve the graphics portion of ED&G 100, pp 110, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, $5,000, Summer 1998.
- “Why Do I Have to Know This???” Handbook of Integrated Activities for Math and Technology/Engineering; Physics and Technology/Engineering, pp. 59, Edinboro University/Penn State Erie Perkins Consortium $5000 (funded by a Perkins Grant) Co-authored with: Jonathan Hall, School of Science, and William Etling and Peter Matthews from Edinboro University, Summer 1995.
Organizing conferences, service on conference committees
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Engineering Design Graphics Division, organized mailing list to invite conference attendees for the conference held in Erie, October 2009.
Active participation in professional and learned societies
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Member, ASME Y14, Subcommittee 8: Casting, Forging and Molded Part Drawings, national standards committee for engineering graphics, October 2004-present.
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Northwest Pennsylvania Branch (ASCE)
- Director, July 2003-December 2005.
- Constitution Revision Committee, member, 2001-2003.
- President, 1995, 1997-1999, 2001-2003.
- District 4 Council, Council member, January-June 1997.
- Organizer, “Civil Engineers PE Exam Review,” September 1996-April 1997.
- Video Librarian, developed lending policy, 1996.
- Vice-President, 1994, 1996, 2000.
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Standards Chair, Engineering Design Graphics Division, January 2004-present.
- Session Moderator, ASEE 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2004.
- Session Moderator, North Central Section Spring Meeting, Erie, PA, April 1999.
Service to professional and industrial associations
- ASME Y14, Subcommittee 8 Technical Meeting
Service to educational institutions
- Presented, “Bridge in a Bag,” for Jill Weber’s class at Luther Memorial School for twenty-two 4th grade students, November 2009.
- Mentored one student from Girard High School in a one-day shadowing program, November 2009.
- Presented, “Bridge in a Bag,” at the 21st Century Kids program for middle school students, organized by Michelle Hartman in Continuing Education, June 2009.
- Presented, “Bridge in a Bag,” for the Talent Search Program organized by Felicia Williams in Admissions, for two groups of high school students, June 2009.
- Presented, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Vernondale Elementary School for two 4th grade classes, June 2009.
- Presented, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Rolling Ridge for three 6th grade classes, May 2009.
- Presented, modified “Bridge in a Bag,” for many groups of students and adults in an activity organized by Kristin Arendash, Program Coordinator for the Industry Club Expo at Pitt Titusville, May 2009.
- Presenter, “Bridge in a Bag,” Greenville High School in Rick Zilla’s class, April 2009.
- Mentored two students from Girard High School in a one-day shadowing program, March 2009.
- Presenter, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Elk Valley Elementary School, Girard, PA. Talked to the entire 1st grade about what engineers do to make the world a better place. Built the Bridge-in-the-Bag and helped all the kids walk over it June 3, 2008.
- Facilitated discussion with the 8th grade Academic Decathlon Team to discuss engineering at Diehl Elementary School, April 11, 2008.
- Presenter, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Harding Elementary School, and discussed engineering with one fourth grade and one fifth grade class, February 26, 2008.
- Facilitated discussion with a group of 7th and 8th grade students about the engineering design process to help them write an opera about engineering at Harding Elementary School, January 9, 2008.
- Presenter, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Harding Elementary School, and discussed engineering with one fourth grade and one fifth grade class, December 6, 2007.
- Presenter, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Harding Elementary School, and discussed engineering with one fourth grade and one fifth grade class, November 29, 2007.
- Presenter, “Bridge in a Bag,” at Tidioute Community Charter School. Delivered two sessions on bridge building and engineering to middle school kids, May 24, 2007.
- Presenter, “Bridges and Engineering,” to two sixth grade pre-algebra classes at Rice Avenue Middle School, Girard, PA, November 28, 2006.
- Presented on bridges and engineering to a group of middle school science students at Rice Avenue Middle School, Girard, PA, May 2005.
- Presented on bridges and engineering to a group of middle school science students at Elk Valley Middle School, Girard, PA, April 2005.
- Presented on bridges to first grade class, took the portable bridge and worked with students to assemble the bridge, then each student test loaded the bridge at Elk Valley Elementary School, Girard, PA, April 2002.
Service to public and private organizations
- Girard United Methodist Church, Girard, PA.
- Performed a feasibility study for adding an elevator or hydraulic lifts to allow greater access to the facility by older and handicapped church members, 2000.
- Judge, Ingenuity Challenge, Technical competition among Junior High School students in Erie County, March 1998.
- Judge, Northwest Pennsylvania, Middle School Science Fair, May 1992.
Contributions to the University's programs to enhance equal opportunity and cultural diversity
- 21st Century Kids
- Led two sessions in which I talked about engineering. Did bridge building exercise with each of the classes, October 7, 2008.
- Led two sessions in which I talked about engineering. Did bridge building exercise with each of the classes. The students travelled to Behrend from the Corry and Warren school systems, June 18, 2008.
- Lead two sessions in which I talked about engineering. Did my bridge building exercise with each of the classes. The students travelled to Behrend from Youngsville Middle School. Interviewed by WICU-TV about my participation in this event. Film at 5, April 8, 2008.
- Delivered two sessions on bridge building and engineering to middle school kids visiting campus, June 27, 2007.
- Presented for “21st Century Kids” program, two presentations on bridge building and engineering to middle school students visiting campus from Warren/Corry High School Education Council, at Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA. May 2006.
- Presented program about bridges for a group of middle school students. The discussion was followed by a hands-on activity building and load testing the portable aluminum bridge at Warren/Forest High School Education Council, Warren, PA. June 2005.
- “21st Century Girls,” presentation about bridges to a group of high school girls. The discussion was followed by a hands-on activity building and load testing the portable aluminum bridge, Corry High School Education Council, Corry, PA. June 2001-2005.
- Math Options, a program for 7th and 8th grade girls, Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA
- Presented “Modeling & Fastener Analysis Program” at the summer camp program, July 2009.
- Presented “Bridge in a Bag” for two groups of middle school girls, May 2009.
- Presented workshop on finite-element analysis for the week-long Math Options Summer Camp, July 2008.
- Presented two workshops, “Bridge-in-a Bag,” 2008.
- Advisory Board member, 2006-present.
- “Bridge Building 101,” three workshops, May 2005.
- “Deflection of Cantilever Beams,” May 2003.
- “Build a Bridge,” May 2003.
- “Bridge Building 101,” October 2002.
- “Break It,” October 2002.
- “Analyze It,” October 2002.
- “Build a Bridge,” May 2002.
- “Structural Behavior of Bridge Structural Elements,” October 2001.
- “Structures,” May 2001.
- “Structures,” July 2000.
Service to student organizations
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, student chapter
- EIT Review Series Presenter, Spring 1998, 2000 - 2007
Research Interests
Analysis and manufacture of structural composites, dimension and tolerancing.
“Industrial Sponsor Perspective on Leveraging Capstone Design Projects to Enhance Their Business" , American Journal of Engineering Education - June, 2017
Collaborators: Robert Weissbach, Co-Author; Joseph Snyder, Co-Author; James Carucci, Jr., Co-Author
Introduction to Stress Transformation and Mohr's Circle - June 25, 2016
Introducing Design Revision into a Freshman Level Engineering Graphics Course, Proceedings, ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 2013 Mid-Year Conference - October, 2013
Collaborator: Nancy Study, Co-Author
Statics – Facilitator Guide, Sinclair Community College - 2004
Collaborators: P Doepker; P MacLellan; D Plescia
Statics – Participant Journal, Sinclair Community College - 2004
Collaborators: P Doepker; P MacLellan; D Plescia
Strength of Materials – Facilitator Guide, Sinclair Community College - 2004
Collaborators: P Doepker; P MacLellan; D Plescia
Strength of Materials – Participant Journal, Sinclair Community College - 2004
Collaborators: P Doepker; P MacLellan; D Plescia
Solid models, virtual inspection and the position tolerance, Proceedings, 59th Annual Midyear ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division Meeting - November, 2004
A Bridge to High-school Girls: A Versatile Recruiting Tool, Proceedings, 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, - June, 2001
Collaborator: Richard Englund
The role of descriptive geometry in a mechanical engineering technology curriculum, Proceedings, ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 1997 Mid-Year Conference - October, 1997
An Innovative Approach to Incorporating Design Into the Freshman Year, Proceedings, 1995 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition - June, 1995
Collaborators: William Lasher; John Beaumont; Ralph Ford; Amir Khalilollahi; Thomas Hemminger; J Young; K Holliday-Darr
MS, Civil Engineering, Youngstown State University
BA, Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
AAS, Associate in Specialized Technology in Drafting and Design Technology, Pittsburgh Technical Institute