ERIE, PA 16563
Penn State PhD, 2003. Literature Prof at Pitt-Greensburg, adventured in Digital Humanities in 2010s, returned to Penn State as Professor of Digital Humanities and Program Chair of DIGIT at Behrend.
Research Interests
Digital Projects and Research in Progress
Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive: Principal Editor and Organizer of a large international project team, to produce a comprehensive scholarly archive of the complete works and letters of Mary Russell Mitford. Long-term project, deploying TEI XML with data extraction leading to network analyses, maps, versioning of texts, and the production of a searchable database of Mitford's extensive correspondence, an estimated 3,700 letters. Launched April 2013.
Frankenstein Variorum: Collaboration with Raffaele Viglianti (research programmer at MITH) and Rikk Mulligan (Digital Scholarship library at Carnegie Mellon University) to produce a new collated edition of the 1818, 1823, and 1831 editions of Frankenstein, together with the manuscript notebook published at the Shelley Godwin Archive and the handwritten marginalia of the Thomas copy. Launched October 2016.
Amadis in Translation (GitHub): Organizer of a project team with Stacey Triplette and Helena Bermúdez Sabel: investigates with TEI XML and XSLT the transformations imposed by translation and adaptations of the 16th century prose romance Amadís de Gaula into French and English over three centuries, beginning with Robert Southeys 1803 English translation. Launched May 2015.
Digital Archives and Pacific Cultures: Principal Editor and Organizer of a collaborative XML archive, combining research and teaching in Digital Humanities. Long-term project which features data extraction, geocoding, and analysis of cultural information on 18th-century European-Polynesian contact. Project coding includes TEI XML, RelaxNG, Schematron, XSLT, and XQuery, as well as extraction in SVG, KML, and web archive construction in XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. Collaboration of faculty and students from the 2012, 2013, and 2014 Digital Humanities classes at Pitt's Greensburg and Oakland campuses. Launched November 2012.
Digital Thalaba, Epics and Paratexts: Begun with XML encoding and network analysis of places in Robert Southeys long poem, Thalaba the Destroyer. Discussion of preliminary work. "Starting from Mess: 'Plain' Text to XML for Humanists": book under development, for the series, Coding for Humanists, ed. Quinn Dombrowski and Laura Mandell. Designed to share methods in practical up-conversion from aged and obsolescent data formats, accessible to humanities scholars. Accepted November 2016 and under development.
Anna Julia Cooper talks back on a 1930 survey of Black college graduates: Digitizing an historic Q & A with TEI - October, 2024
Collaborator: Array Array
Review of Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on The Progress and Prospects of Society by Robert Southey, edited by Tom Duggett, Coleridge Bulletin - 2023
Declarative markup in the time of "AI": Controlling the semantics of tokenized strings, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies - September, 2023
Testing ChatGPT Response Variety to Introduce Natural Language Processing - August, 2023
HER: Humanities Entity Recognizer. Software Review, Early Modern Digital Review - August 8, 2023
Mary Russell Mitford (1787–1855) (comprehensive survey of scholarship) - January, 2023
TEI ガイドラインにおける性別とジェンダーの改訂 (Revised Sex and Gender in the TEI Guidelines), 人文情報学月報 / Digital Humanities Monthly - October 31, 2022
Adventures in Correcting XML Collation Problems with Python and XSLT: Untangling the Frankenstein Variorum, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies - September, 2022
Encountering Walden, Scholarly Editing: The Journal of the Association for Documentary Editing - April 11, 2022
Collaborators: Paul Schacht, Corresponding Author; Elizabeth Witherell, Co-Author; Rebecca Nesvet, Co-Author; Fiona Coll, Co-Author; Nikolaus Wasmoen, Co-Author
A comparative review of The Carlyle Letters Online and The Jane Addams Digital Edition, RIDE: A review journal for digital editions and resources - December 20, 2021
A Linked-Data Method to Organize an XML Database for Mathematics Education, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies - August, 2021
Collaborators: Alan Bickel, Author; Tim Larson, Co-Author
Text Encoding and Processing as a University Writing Intensive Course, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies - August, 2020
Rienzi (1828) - 2019
Collaborator: Mary Russell Mitford
British Romanticism and the Literature of Human Interest by Mai-Lin Cheng, Nineteenth Centry Literature - March, 2019
A Digital Humanities Approach to Cultural Translation in Robert Southeys Amadis of Gaul - 2018
Collaborators: Stacey Triplette; Helena Sabel
Flattening and unflattening XML markup: a Zen garden of XSLT and other tools, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies - 2018
Collaborators: David Birnbaum; C. Sperberg-McQueen
Stand-off Bridges in the Frankenstein Variorum Project: Interchange and Interoperability within TEI Markup Ecosystems, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies - 2018
Collaborator: Raffaele Viglianti
Teaching Romanticism XXIX: Drama, part 5, Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780-1840 - July 30, 2018
Modeling Mary Russell Mitford's Networks: TheDigital Mitford as Collaborative Database - December, 2017
Collaborator: Kellie Donovan-Condron, Co-Author
A GitHub 'Garage' for a Digital Humanities Course - 2017
Collaborator: Rebecca Parker
Rebuilding a Digital Frankenstein by 2018: Reflections toward a Theory of Losses and Gains in Up-Translation, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies: Proceedings of the Symposium on Up-Translation and Up-Transformation: Tasks, Challenges, and Solutions - 2017
Recovering from Collective Memory Loss: The Digital Mitford's Feminist Project, Women's History Review - 2017
Collaborator: Elizabeth Raisanen, Co-Author
Bailing Out Coleridge: Debts of Gratitude and the Proofing of an Oceanic Poem, The Coleridge Bulletin - January, 2014
Mitford vs. Hemans: Resisting the 'Omnipotence of Words' - May 30, 2013
Mitford, Mary Russell, Drama - 2012
Women, Epic, and Transition in British Romanticism - June, 2011
Southey's Gothic Science: Galcanism, Automata, and Heretical Socery in "Thalaba the Destroyer", Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture - 2009
Romancing the Pacific Isles Before Byron: Music, Sex, and Death in Mitford's Christina, ELH - July, 2009
British Conquistadors and Aztec Priests: The Horror of Southey's Madoc, Philological Quarterly - 2005
Diego Saglia, Poetic Castles in Spain: British Romanticism and Figurations of Iberia (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000), Comparative Literature Studies - 2002
Eliza Leslie - 1999
Nine New Letters of Robert Southey, The Wordsworth Circle - January, 1999
Sara Hutchinson's Final Hours: A New Wordsworth Letter to Southey, Notes & Queries - September, 1997
Dante Alighieri - 1996
John Tyndall - 1996
Ph D, English Literature, The Pennsylvania State University
MA, English Literature, The Pennsylvania State University
BA, English, Washington and Jefferson College