Mailing Address:
ERIE, PA 16563
A native Austrian and trained translator for Spanish and English, Eva Kuttenberg came to the United States to pursue a Ph.D. in German from New York University. Her teaching career has taken her from the Little Apple, Manhattan, Kansas via Minnesota to the Big Apple where she taught at NYU, Columbia University, CUNY, and the Goethe Institute. After three years as a lecturer of German at Haverford and Bryn Mawr College in suburban Philadelphia, she became an Assistant Professor of German at the University of Dallas, then at Albion College in Michigan, and finally at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College in 2003.
Her articles on the literary and cinematic staging of suicide, visual culture in Vienna of the 1920s, and the postwar Viennese topography of memory have appeared in the peer-reviewed academic journals Austrian Studies, Seminar, Gegenwartsliteratur, Monatshefte, German Quarterly, Modern Austrian Literature, Women in German Yearbook, and Unterrichtspraxis. She contributed book chapters to the edited collections Romanhaftes Erzaehlen von Geschichte. Vergegenwaertigte Vergangenheiten im beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert (2019), Winning Back Lost Territory: The Writing of Lilian Faschinger (2014), New Austrian Film (2011, 2014), Literatur und Kultur im Österreich der Zwanziger Jahre (2007) and A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler (2003).
This former international exchange AFS student in the Dominican Republic and international exchange teacher in the U.S. embraces world languages and cultures. She enjoys sharing her knowledge about the language, culture, films, history, literature, and current affairs of the German-speaking countries with her students. It gives her great pleasure to serve a slice of Austrian culture.
Courses Taught
- GER 001, Elementary German I
- GER 002, Elementary German II
- GER 003, Intermediate German
- GER 100, German Culture and Civilization
- GER 190, Twentieth-Century German Literature in English Translation
- GER 200, Contemporary German Culture
- GER 201, Conversation and Composition
- GER 301, Intermediate Conversation and Composition
Research Interests
20th- and 21st-century Austrian Studies with a focus on Narrative, Film, Visual and Cultural Memory Studies.
Der Generationenroman. A Handbook of the Familienroman: The Generational Novel in Modern and Contemporary Fiction. Eds. Helmut Grugger and Johannes Holzer. - October, 2023
Die Kurzgeschichte: Ein soziales Gedächtnisarchiv in Melitta Brezniks Figuren - December, 2022
Geschichte und Geschichten im österreichischen Generationenroman [History and Stories in Austrian Generational Novels] - September, 2021
Der Februaraufstand 1934: Fakten und Mythen by Kurt Bauer, Journal of Austrian Studies - March, 2021
The Art of Resistance. Cultural Protest against the Austrian Far Right in the Early Twenty-First Century by Allyson Fiddler, Austrian Studies - January, 2020
Geschichte und Geschichten im österreichischen Generationenroman [History and Stories in Austrian Generational Novels] - 2019
The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture by Katya Krylova, Journal of Austrian Studies - 2018
Geschichte und Trauma in Generationenromanen: Robert Schindels Der Kalte und Melitta Brezniks Der Sommer hat lange auf sich warten lassen [History and Trauma in the Generational Novel: Robert Schindel and Melitta Breznik] - December, 2018
Geschichte und Trauma in Generationenromanen: Robert Schindels Der Kalte und Melitta Brezniks Der Sommer hat lange auf sich warten lassen [History and Trauma in the Generational Novel: Robert Schindel and Melitta Breznik.] - 2015
Stefan Zweig. Ich wünschte, dass ich Ihnen ein wenig fehlte: Briefe an Lotte Zweig 1934-1940 [Stefan Zweig: I wish you miss me a bit: Letters to Lotte Zweig 1934-1940] by Oliver Matuschek, Ed., Journal of Austrian Studies - 2014
Making and Remaking Vienna in Wiener Passion - 2014
Arthur Schnitzler. Träume: Das Traumtagebuch 1875–1931 by Peter Michael Braunwarth and Leo A. Lensing, Eds., Journal of Austrian Studies - 2013
Arthur Schnitzler und der Film by Achim Aurnhammer, Barbara Besslich, and Rudolf Denk, Eds., German Studies Review - 2012
Von Wien her, auf Wien hin. Ilse Aichingers 'Geographie der eigenen Existenz' [From Vienna, to Vienna: Ilse Aichinger’s 'Geography of Existence'] by Simone Fässler, Journal of Austrian Studies - 2012
Allegory in Michael Haneke's The Seventh Continent - 2011
Geschichte, Fallgeschichte und Narratologie: Melitta Brezniks Das Umstellformat [History, Case History, and Narratology: Melitta Breznik's Das Umstellformat] , Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies - 2011
Melitta Breznik's Narration of Trauma, Absence, and Loss in Das Umstellformat and Nordlicht , Austrian Studies - 2011
Realitätskonstruktionen in der zeitgenössischen Kultur. Beiträge zu Literatur, Kunst, Fotografie, Film und Alltagsleben [Constructions of Reality in Contemporary Culture: Contributions from Literature, Art, Photography, Film, and Everyday Life] by Susanne Knaller, Ed., Modern Austrian Literature - 2010
Thomas Bernhard. Narrativik und poetologische Praxis [Thomas Bernhard: Narrative and Poetic Practice.] by Michael Billenkamp, Modern Austrian Literature - 2010
Arbeit am Abscheu: Zu Thomas Bernhards Prosa [The Abject in Thomas Bernhard’s Prose.] by Claude Haas , German Studies Review - 2009
Kunsthass im Grunde: Über Melancholie bei Arthur Schopenhauer und deren Verwendung in Thomas Bernhards Prosa [Fundamental Hatred of the Arts. About Melancholy in Arthur Schopenhauer and its Application in Thomas Bernhard’s Prose.] by Markus Scheffler, Modern Austrian Literature - 2009
A Postmodern Viennese Narrative: Lilian Faschinger's Wiener Passion [Vienna Passion], Monatshefte - 2009
Textuality, Loss and Self: Melitta Breznik's Nachtdienst [Night Duty], Gegenwartsliteratur. Ein Germanistisches Jahrbuch - October, 2009
Viajeros Felices y Desesperados: Thomas Bernhard y Hormigón [Happy and Desperate Travelers: Thomas Bernhard and Concrete] - 2008
Die Imagination des Weiblichen. Schnitzlers Fräulein Else in der österreichischen Literatur der Zwischenkriegszeit [The Imagination of the Feminine. Schnitzler’s Fräulein Else in Austrian Literature of the Interwar Years.] by Ester Saletta, Modern Austrian Literature - 2008
Germanistik an der Universität Wien zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Karrieren, Konflikte und die Wissenschaft [Germanics at the University of Vienna at the Time of National Socialism. Careers, Conflicts, and Scholarship.] by Irene Ranzmaier, German Studies Review - 2008
Der Cineast Arthur Schnitzler im Wien der elektrischen Schatten - 2007
Austria's Topography of Memory: Heldenplatz, Albertinaplatz, Judenplatz, and Beyond, The German Quarterly - 2007
Soma, Psyche, Corpse, and Gaze: Perception and Vision in Arthur Schnitzler's Early Prose Fiction , Modern Austrian Literature - 2007
Selbstzerstörer. Suizidale Prozesse im Werk Thomas Bernhards [Selfdestructors. Suicidal Processes in Thomas Bernhard’s Works.] by Christian Katzschmann, German Studies Review - 2006
Sprünge [Leaps] by Lilian Faschinger, Glossen - 2005
Body Shop Catalogue, Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship - 2005
Das Bücherzimmer. Roman. [The Room With Books. A Novel.] by Rosemarie Marschner , Glossen - 2004
Michael Haneke, Dir. Der Siebente Kontinent [The Seventh Continent], Scope - 2004
The Hidden Face of Narcissus: Suicide as Poetic Speech in Margarethe von Trotta's Early Films , Women in German Yearbook - 2004
Suicide as Performance in Dr. Schnitzler's Prose - 2003
Krankheit und Geschlecht. Diskursive Affären zwischen Literatur und Medizin. [Illness and Gender. Discursive Affairs Between Literature and Medicine.] by Tanja Nusser & Elisabeth Strowick, Eds. , The German Quarterly - 2003
Andreas Troeger, Dir.911 , Terrorism: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness - 2003
Lukas Stepanik and Robert Schindel, Dir.Gebürtig. [Gebirtig.], Scope - 2003
Teaching Foreign Cultural Literacy with Margarethe von Trotta's Das Versprechen [The Promise], Die Unterrichtspraxis. Teaching German - 2003
Walter Ruttmann, Dir. Berlin, Symphony of a Great City, Northeast Conference Review - 2002
Thomas Bernhards Trilogie der Künste. Der Untergeher, Holzfällen, Alte Meister. [Thomas Bernhard’s Trilogy of the Arts. The Loser, Woodcutters, Old Masters] by Gregor Hens , German Studies Review - 2001
‘Other’ Austrians Post–1945 Austrian Women’s Writing by Allyson Fiddler, Ed., German Studies Review - 2000
Joseph Vilsmaier, Dir. Comedian Harmonists, Northeast Conference Review - 2000
Joseph Vilsmaier, Dir. Brother of Sleep, Northeast Conference Review - 1999
Michael Verhoeven, Dir. The Nasty Girl, Northeast Conference Newsletter - 1998
Collaborators: Marion Gehlker; Ingrid Zeller
Music and its Contexts in the FL Classroom: Rediscovering Musical Classics, Northeast Conference Newsletter - 1998
Collaborators: Marion Gehlker; Ingrid Zeller
Transcontinental Links via E-mail, Northeast Conference Newsletter - 1997
Collaborator: Ingrid Zeller
Verbpantomime - 1996
Word Association Games and Landeskunde - 1996
Ph D, German , New York University
MA, German, New York University
MA, Spanish, English, Karl Franzens Universität