ERIE PA 16563
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (1986): Research interests include project management, information system implementation, power and political processes in organizations, and the diffusion of innovations. He teaches in the areas of project management, organizational behavior, and organization theory. Dr. Pinto holds the Andrew Morrow and Elizabeth Lee Black Chair in Management Technology and has received the Distinguished Contribution Award from the Project Management Institute and the Behrend Council of Fellows Research Award. He has consulting experience with a number of major organizations, including General Electric Company, PPG Industries, Aker Rauma Offshore (Finland), Data General Corporation, Erie Press Systems, Repola Oy (Finland), and Zurn Industries.
- Andrew Morrow and Elizabeth Lee Black Chair in Management Technology, Penn State Erie, 2004-Present
- Certificate of Appreciation for Departmental Editorial Leadership, IEEE Technical Management Council. (August 2010).
- Research Achievement Award, Project Management Institute. (October 2009).
- Nominee, Distinguished Contribution Award, Project Management Institute. (2008).
- Nominee, D. I. Cleland Distinguished Literature Award, Project Management Institute. (2005). (with Peter Morris)
- Samuel A. and Elizabeth B. Breene University Endowed Fellow in Management, Penn State Erie, 1996-2004
- Recipient, Award of Special Recognition, Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program, Penn State University, 1999
- Nominated, Guy W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Academic Advising, Penn State Erie, 1998
- Collaborative and Curricular Innovations Special Recognition Program Award, Penn State University, May 1997
Courses Taught
- B ADM 502: Demand, Operations, and Firm Performance
- MANGT 300: Behavioral Concepts for Management
- MANGT 330: Organizational Processes and Structure
- MANGT 410: Project Management
- MANGT 497K: Special Topics
- MANGT 501: Principles of Management
- MANGT 510: Project Management
- MANGT 531: Organizations
- MANGT 597G: Special Topics
- Council of Fellows Faculty Excellence in Outreach Award, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, 2005
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Knoxville Tennessee, 2011.
- Grace Church, Erie PA, 2009.
- Erie Pediatrics, Inc., Erie PA, 2005–
- Charles Breene, Erie PA, 2001
- Erie Insurance Group, Erie PA, 1999
- Erie Press Systems, Erie PA, 1999
- GE Transportation Systems, Erie PA, 1999
- Plastics Technology Deployment Center, Penn State Erie, 1998
- Aker Rauma Offshore Oy, Pori Finland, 1997–
- Georgetown University, Washington DC, 1997
- Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Center, Erie PA, 1997–
- Hamot Health Systems, Erie PA, 1997–
- Zurn Industries, Erie PA, 1996
- Digital Equipment Corporation, Augusta ME
- Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Center, Erie PA
- HWC, Inc., Madison WI
- MCI Corporation, Cedar Rapids IA
- Rauma Oy, Ltd., Tampere, Finland
Outreach-Based Instruction
- Pre MPM Certificate Program: Nov 2001-May 2002
- Service to Business and Industry
- Worked with Miriam Crossman and Aaron Lundberg on Adult Education survey and Guest Experience teams, 2009.
- Presentation on project management basics. Corry Chamber of Commerce, Corry PA, 2007.
- CMI EPTI, presentation on developing project management training, Erie PA, 2006.
- Kimley-Horn Construction, presentation on the development of a project management video, West Palm Beach FL, 2005.
- Affinia Brake Parts presentation on developing project management training, Erie PA, 2005.
- Program Development:
- Zurn Industries, Erie PA, 1995
- Data General Corporation, Boston MA, 1992-94.
Industry Training and Development
- Erie Insurance Group, Erie PA, 1999
- General Electric Company, Erie PA, 1999
- Aker Rauma Offshore Oy, Pori Finland, 1997-1998
- Erie Press Systems, Erie PA, 1999, 1997
- Zurn Industries, Erie PA, 1995
- Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals, Valley Forge PA, 1994
- U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, Bangor ME, 1992
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bethlehem PA, 1989
- General Electric Company, Cincinnati OH, 1989
- State of Maine:
- Program for government Employees, Augusta ME, 1991
- Department of Environmental Protection, Augusta ME, 1990
- Maine Management Institute, Castine ME, 1989-1990
- University of Maine:
- American Management Association Certificate Program, Orono ME, 1989-1991
- Center for Conferences and Institutes, Orono ME, 1989-1991
- GKN, Plc., Pittsburgh PA, 1988
- Inland Steel Corporation, Gary IN, 1988
- PPG Industries, Pittsburgh PA, 1988-1990
- University of Pittsburgh:
- Katz Graduate School of Business, Management Program for Executives, Pittsburgh PA, 1988
- Westinghouse Corporation, Pittsburgh PA, 1988
- Appleton Paper Company, Pittsburgh PA, 1987
- The Whiting Company, Burlington VT, 1987
Service to Public and Private Organizations
- Volunteer, Erie Soldiers' and Sailors' Home visitation program, Erie PA, 2011.
- Provided supporting letter for Project Management Institute Fellow Award for Peter W. G. Morris, 2011.
- Reviewer of funding proposals, 2011:
- "Internet traffic analysis in Saudi universities," by B. AsSadhan for King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, 2010.
- "Integrated approach to enhanced technical portfolio management in multi-disciplined businesses with cross cultural and environmental perspectives," by M. Kafaji for King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, 2010.
- "Searching for static and dynamic project drivers to predict and control the impact of management/contingency researves on a project's success," by M. Vanhoucke, Y. Kwak, and B. De Reyck for University of Ghent Research Fund.
- Served as external member of review committee to hire two faculty for BI Norwegian School of Management, 2010.
- Served as external peer evaluator for Promotion and Tenure decision for:
- Dr. Nuno Gil, Manchester Business School, December 2010.
- Dr. Hedley Smyth, University College, London, 2010.
- Dr. K. Yeo, reappointment evaluation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2010.
- Dr. Aaron Shenhar, promotion to Professor evaluation, Rutgers University, 2009.
- Dr. Dov Dvir, Ben-Gurion University, 2009.
- Dr. Nuno Gil, Manchester Business School, 2007.
- Dr. Thomas Lechler, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2007.
- Dr. K. Yeo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2007.
- Member, Learning Center Advisory Board, Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Center, Erie PA, 1996-
- Member, International Advisory Panel for the Fourth International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP), 1999
- Member, Learning Center Advisory Board, Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Center, Erie PA, 1996-.
Participation in Community Affairs
- Member, Organizing Committee for Barber Christmas Ball, Barber National Institute, Erie PA, 2011, 2010.
- Grace Church, Erie PA:
- Volunteer, Guest Experience Team, 2011, 2010.
- Volunteer, Operation Christmas Child, September 2011, 2010.
- Member, Thanksgiving Outreach, 2011, 2010; 2009.
- Presenter, Essentials of Project Management, 2009.
- Member, Erie City Golf Committee, Erie PA, 2003.
- Co-organized (with M. B. Pinto) first annual "Clean-up Day" at J. C. Martin Golf Course, Erie PA, September 2003.
Speaking Engagements
- BP Oil Spill. Erie Rotary Club, Erie PA, October 2010.
- Web-based Teaching – MPM Degree Program. Behrend Council of Fellows Meeting, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, April 2010.
- Sophomore Business Bridge Power Breakfast, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, 2006.
- Searching for the Root Causes of Project Failure. Rolls-Royce Corporation, Derby UK, May 2001.
- Why Do Our Projects Continue to Fail? Project Management Plenary, UMIST, Manchester UK, May 2001.
- Becoming an Influential Manager. Lunchtime learning seminar, GE=s Transportation Division, Erie PA, September 2000; April 2001.
- Projects and Pitfalls. Second Annual Penn State/APICS Symposium, Erie PA, April 2001.
- How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Project. Erie Chapter of APICS, Erie PA, February 2000.
- Where Did the Time Go? Finding and Wasting Time on Our Projects. Erie Chapter of APICS, Erie PA, November 1999.
- Regaining Control of Runaway IS Projects: Why Are We Always Late? Seminar at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester England, September 1999.
- How to Fail at Project Management (Without Really Trying). International ICAD User=s Group annual meeting, Orlando FL, May 1999.
- Project Management: Charting the Best and Worst Practices. General Electric, Transportation Division, Lunchtime Learning Series, December 1998.
- Learning the Valuable Lessons from Past Failures. General Electric, Outage Project Management Conference, King of Prussia PA, June 1997.
- Total Quality Management. Management Development Series, Bangor Chamber of Commerce, Orono ME, April 1993.
- Motivating Change in Organizations. American Accounting Association meeting, Bangor Chapter, Bangor ME, April 1991.
- Steps to Defusing Resistance to Change. Association of Internal Auditors, Bangor Chapter, Bangor ME, October 1990.
Membership in Professional and Learned Societies
- Association of Project Management, 2007-.
- Beta Gamma Sigma, 2005 International Project Management Association, 1996-2004.
- International Research Network on Organizing by Project, 1994-2001.
- Urban and Regional Information System Association, 1990-.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Engineering Management Society, 1986-.
- Project Management Institute, 1986-.
- Academy of Management, 1985-92.
Active Participation in Professional and Learned Societies
- Member, Research Committee, Project Management Institute, Newtown Square PA, 2001.
- Member, Management Institute, Standing Committee on Publications, 1999.
- Advisory Board Member, International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP III and IV), 1998-99.
Assistance to Student Organizations
- Speaker, Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, 2005.
- Developing the Skills to Succeed in the Workplace. Speaker, Penn State Erie Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity, March 1998, March 1997.
Other Activities
- Department Editor for Project Management - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2011, 2010.
- Area Editor, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 2009 -.
- Served as reviewer for NSF Merit Review process, 2007
- Served as reviewer for Canada SSHRC proposal, Developing an Extended Model to Predict IT Project Performance, 2007
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , 2006 -.
- Technical Editor, Wiley Book Series, Project Management for Dummies , 2nd Ed, 2006
- Reviewed book proposal by Abdomerovic for Wiley on "Brainstorming the PMBoK Guide Process Relationships,” 2002
- Provided evaluation of Peter Morris' qualification to stand candidacy for Professorship of Project Management, University College London, UK, 2001
- Editorial Board Member:
- South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2003-
- International Journal of Project Management, 2000-
- Journal of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 2002-, 2000
- Project Management Institute:
- Interim Editor, Project Management Journal, 1999-2000
- Member, Editorial Review Board, 1998-
- Editor, Project Management Journal, 1990-1996.
- Member, Publications Advisory Board, 1989-1996.
- Member, Standing Committee on Publications, 1989-1997.
- Editorial Review Board Member:
- PMNetwork, 2001-2002
- Journal of Managerial Issues, 1992-1994
- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1989-2005
Research Interests
Project management, governance, team dynamics in projects, burnout, leadership, gender issues in project manager selection
Managing disruptions in complex projects: The antifragility hierarchy, Production Planning & Control - 2025
Collaborators: Chantal Cantarelli; Kate Davis; Neil Turner; Greg Usher
Before you start managing that major project, what you should know about cost overruns and benefit shortfalls - 2024
Collaborators: Lavagnon Ika; Peter Love
Our love affair with project slack (and why it ruins our schedule accuracy) - 2024
Collaborator: Kate Davis
Project success - 2024
Collaborator: Lavagnon Ika
When our project culture fails us: The normalization of deviance trap - 2024
Collaborator: Kate Davis
Why "well-padded" projects continue to be late - 2024
Collaborator: Kate Davis
You've just inherited someone else's project: Now what? - 2024
Collaborator: Kate Davis
The corruption of project governance through normalization of deviance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2024
Collaborator: Kate Davis
Cost and Value Management in Projects - 2023
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Corporate innovation and agile project management - 2023
Collaborator: Kate Davis
Don’t ask what makes projects successful, but under what circumstances they work: Recalibrating project success factors - 2023
Collaborator: Lavagnon Ika
Normalization of deviance in projects: Its causes and implications for effective governance - 2023
Collaborator: Kate Davis
Forward - 2023
Bias versus error: Why projects fall short, Journal of Business Strategy - 2023
Collaborators: Lavagnon Ika; Peter Love; Gilles Pache
Drawing new cards or standing pat: Antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of project manager replacement, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2023
Collaborators: Kate Davis; Francesco Di Maddaloni
Fast and frugal heuristics for decision-making in uncertain and complex settings in construction, Developments in the Built Environment
Collaborators: Peter Love; Lavagnon Ika
Is this how big things get done?, International Journal of Project Management - 2023
Smart heuristics for decision-making in the ‘wild’: navigating cost uncertainty in construction of large-scale transport projects, Production Planning & Control - 2023
Collaborators: Peter Love; Lavagnon Ika
Nothing succeeds like success but what is it anyway?: Reconceptualizing project success - 2022
Collaborator: Lavagnon Ika
A path less-traveled has become the highway: How Peter Morris’s The Anatomy of Major Projects pointed the way to modern project management research and practice, Engineering Project Organization Journal - 2022
Avoiding the inflection point: Project management theory and research after 40 years, International Journal of Project Management - 2022
Homo heuristicus: From risk management to managing uncertainty in infrastructure project costs, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2022
Collaborators: Peter Love; Lavagnon Ika
Hundreds of Years of Pain, with Minimal Gain: Capital Project Cost Overruns, the Past, Present and Optimistic Future, IEEE Engineering Management Review - 2022
Collaborators: Peter Love; Lavagnon Ika
Moving beyond the planning fallacy: The emergence of a new principle of project behavior, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2022
Collaborators: Lavagnon Ika; Peter Love
No project should ever finish late (and why yours probably will, anyway), IEEE Engineering Management Review - 2022
Peter W.G. Morris: In Memoriam, International Journal of Project Management - 2022
Collaborator: Graham Winch
Reassessing project practices, research, and theory in a post-Covid reality, International Journal of Information Systems Project Management - 2022
The ‘Re-Meaning’ of project success: Updating and recalibrating for a modern project management, International Journal of Project Management - 2022
Collaborator: Lavagnon Ika
Project Management, Second Edition - 2022
Operation Warp Speed: Projects Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Project Leadership and Society - December, 2021
Collaborators: Graham Winch; Dongping Cao; Eunice Maytorena-Sanchez; Natalya Sergeeva; Sujuan Zhang
Critical success factors in collaborative R&D projects - 2021
Collaborator: Mary Pinto
Call for Papers for Special Issue on Project Success, International Journal of Project Management - 2021
Collaborators: Lavagnon Ika; Ofer Zwikael; Kate Davis; Kam Jugdev
Call for Papers: Special Issue – Appreciating the contributions of Professor Peter W.G. Morris, Engineering Project Organization Journal - 2021
Collaborators: Andrew Edkins; Hedley Smyth
Forward - 2021
Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains, 2nd Edition - 2020
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Significance: The need for better benefits realization in megaprojects - 2020
Collaborators: Kate Davis; Francesco Array
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2019
Capital allocation or institutional building? Organizational duality in the pursuit of socioeconomic development - 2019
Collaborators: Nuno Gil; Rehema Msulwa
The Use of Scenarios in Survey Research: A Creative Mixed-Method Approach to Address Sensitive Topics in the Workplace - 2019
Collaborator: Mary Pinto
Forward - 2019
What CPI = 0.85 Really Means: A Probabilistic Extension of the Estimate at Completion, Journal of Management in Engineering - January, 2019
Collaborator: Byung-Cheol Kim
Polycentric Organizing and Performance: A Contingency Model and Evidence from Megaproject Planning in the UK, Research Policy - 2018
Collaborator: Nuno Gil
Reflections on Rodney Turner's Impact and the Future of the Field: An Interview with Aaron Shenhar, Jeffrey Pinto, and Graham Winch, International Journal of Project Management - 2018
Collaborators: Aaron Shenhar; Graham Winch; Martina Huemann
Preface - 2018
Megaproject Organizing and Performance: Myth and Political Realities - 2017
Collaborators: Nuno Gil; Colm Lundrigan; Phanish Puranam
Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Managing Projects - 2017
Collaborator: Peerasit Patanakul
Program Management - 2017
Collaborator: Peerasit Patanakul
"The Aura of Capability": Moderating Effects of Gender Bias in Project Manager Selection, International Journal of Project Management - 2017
Collaborators: Peerasit Patanakul; Mary Pinto
Bringing Order to a Chaotic Restaurant - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Countering the Counterfeiters - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Forecasting Ticket Demand for the Super Bowl - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Supply Chain Strategies and Disaster Planning - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Sustainable Logistics - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Van Halen, Brown M&M's, and Quality Control - 2017
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2016
Instructor's Manual for Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Ed. - 2016
Motivation to Perform in a Multiple-Project Environment: The Impact of Autonomy, Support, Goal Clarity, and Opportunities for Learning, Journal of Engineering Technology and Management - 2016
Collaborators: Peerasit Patanakul; Mary Pinto
Project Personnel, Job Demands and Workplace Burnout: The Differential Effects of Job Title and Project Type, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2016
Collaborators: Peerasit Patanakul; Mary Pinto
The Unsettling of "Settled Science": The Past and Future of the Management of Projects, International Journal of Project Management - 2016
Collaborator: Graham Winch
Project Management, LiveLesson Series - 2016
Decision Making in Project Management - 2015
Collaborators: Asbjorn Rolstadas; Peter Falster, Co-Author; Ray Venkataraman, Co-Author
Are Agile Projects More Successful? - a Quantitative Analysis of Project Success, International Journal of Project Management - 2015
Collaborator: Pedro Serrador
Contractor Management Performance Evaluation Model at Prequalification Stage, Expert Systems with Applications - 2015
Collaborators: Pooria Rashvand; M.Z.A. Majid
Gender Biases in Project Manager Selection: Perceptions of Trust and Likeability, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2015
Collaborators: Peerasit Patanakul; Mary Pinto
Project Decision Chain, Project Management Journal - 2015
Collaborators: Asbjorn Rolstadas; Peter Falster; Ray Venkataraman
When Narcissism Drives Project Champions: A Review and Research Agenda , International Journal of Project Management - 2015
Collaborator: Peerasit Patanakul
Information Sharing Across Partnering Project Organizations - 2014
Collaborator: Z Nedovic-Budic
The Management of Projects Paradigm: Exploring New Research Opportunities and Reassessing the Old - 2014
Managers of Multiple Projects and Their Motivation to perform; The Impact of Autonomy, Support, Learning, and Goal Clarity, Proceedings of the PMI Research Conference 2014 - 2014
Collaborators: Mary Pinto, Secondary Author; Peerasit Patanakul, Primary Author
Project Management, Governance, and the Normalization of Deviance, International Journal of Project Management - 2014
Examining the Roles of Government Policy in Innovation, Journal of High Technology Management Research - October, 2014
Collaborator: Peerasit Patanakul
Project Management and Burnout: Implications of the Demand-Control-Support Model on Project-Based Work, International Journal of Project Management - April, 2014
Collaborators: Shariffah Dawood, Co-Author; Mary Pinto, Co-Author
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2013
Festschrift for Professor Peter W.G. Morris, International Journal of Project Management - 2013
Collaborator: G. Winch
Lies, Damned Lies, and Project Plans: Recurring Human Errors that can Ruin the Project Planning Process, Business Horizons - November, 2013
Acknowledge that Politics is Ever Present - 2012
How Your Projects Will Go Wrong (and What to Do About It) - 2012
Instructor's Manual for Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage - June 09, 2012
The Oxford Handbook of Project Management - 2011
Collaborators: Peter Morris, Co-Editor; Jonas Soderlund, Co-Editor
GIS Database Development and Exchange: Interaction Mechanisms and Motivations - 2011
Collaborators: Z Nedovic-Budic; L Warneke
Introduction: Towards the Third Wave of Project Management - 2011
Collaborators: Peter Morris; J. Soderlund
The Evolution of Project Management Research: The Evidence from the Journals - 2011
Collaborators: R. Turner; C. Bredillet
Trust in Relational Contracting and as a Critical Organizational Attribute - 2011
Collaborators: N. Gil; H. Smyth
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2010
Instructor’s Manual for Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2010
The Technical Side of Project Management - 2010
Trust in Projects: An Empirical Assessment of Owner/Contractor Relationships, International Journal of Project Management - 2009
Collaborators: D Slevin; B English
Introduction to Project Management - 2009
Cost and Value Management in Projects - 2008
Collaborator: Ray Venkataraman
Managing Geographic Information Systems - 2008
Collaborator: N. Obermeyer
The Wiley Guide to Project Control - 2008
Collaborator: Peter Morris, Co-Editor
The Wiley Guide to Project Organization and Project Management Competencies - 2008
Collaborator: Peter Morris, Co-Editor
The Wiley Guide to Project Program and Portfolio Management - 2008
Collaborator: Peter Morris, Co-Editor
The Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain and Procurement Management - 2008
Collaborator: Peter Morris, Co-Editor
SDI Effectiveness from the User Perspective - 2008
Collaborators: Z. Nedovic-Budic; N. Budhathoki
H. Kerzner, Project Management Best Practices, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2007
H. Kerzner, Project Management Logic Puzzles, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2007
Importance of Goal Setting in Virtual Project Teams, Psychological Reports - 2007
Collaborators: G. Forester; P Thoms
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2006
Project Critical Success Factors: The Project Implementation Profile - 2006
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Instructor’s Manual for Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage - 2006
Innovations: Project Management Research 2004 - 2004
Collaborators: D. Slevin, Co-Editor; D. Cleland, Co-Editor
SimProject™ Users Guide - 2004
Collaborator: Diane Parente
The Wiley Guide to Managing Projects - 2004
Collaborator: P. Morris, Co-Editor
An Overview of Behavioral Issues in Project Management. - 2004
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Information Geographique et Partneriats Interorganisationnels - 2004
Collaborators: H. Pornon; Z. Nedovic-Budic
Power, Influence, and Negotiation in Project Management - 2004
Collaborator: John Magenau
The Elements of Project Success - 2004
GIS Database Development and Exchange: Interaction Mechanisms and Motivations, URISA Journal - 2004
Collaborators: Z. Nedovic-Budic; L. Warneke
SimProject - 2003
Collaborator: Diane Parente
Proceedings of the PMI Research Conference 2002 - 2002
Collaborators: D. Slevin, Co-Editor; D. Cleland, Co-Editor
The Frontiers of Project Management Research - 2002
Collaborators: D. Slevin, Co-Editor; D. Cleland, Co-Editor
Information Sharing among Partnering Project Organizations - 2002
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Adaptation to Self-managing Work Teams, Small Group Research - 2002
Collaborators: P. Thoms; Diane Parente; V. Druskat
Project Management 2002, Research*Technology Management - 2002
Building Customer-Based Project Organizations - 2001
Collaborator: P. Rouhiainen
The Future of Project Management - 2001
Organizational (soft) GIS Interoperability: Lessons from the U.S., International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation - 2001
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Project Management Research at the Turn of the Millennium: Proceedings of the PMI Research Conference 2000 - 2000
Collaborators: D. Slevin, Co-Editor; D. Cleland, Co-Editor
Project Success and Customer Satisfaction: Toward a Formalized Linkage Mechanism - 2000
Collaborators: P. Rouhiainen; J. Trailer
Organizational Determinants of GIS Interoperability: U.S. Experience - 2000
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
From the Editor, Project Management Journal - 2000
From the Editor, Project Management Journal - 2000
Information Sharing in an Interorganizational GIS Environment, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design - 2000
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Managing Information Systems Projects: Regaining Control of a Runaway Train, Part One, ESI Horizons - 2000
Managing Information Systems Projects: Regaining Control of a Runaway Train, Part Two, ESI Horizons - 2000
Understanding the Role of Politics in Successful Project Management, International Journal of Project Management - 2000
Essentials of Project Control - 1999
Collaborator: J. Trailer, Co-Editor
Successful Information System Implementation: The Human Side - 1999
Collaborator: Ido Millet
Managing Information Systems Projects: Regaining Control of a Runaway Train - 1999
Interorganizational GIS: Issues and Prospects, Annals of Regional Science - 1999
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Project Leadership: A Question of Timing, Project Management Journal - 1999
Collaborator: P. Thoms
Some Constraints Regarding the Theory of Constraints: Taking a Critical Look at the Critical Chain, PMNetwork - 1999
Understanding Interorganizational GIS Activities: A Conceptual Framework, URISA Journal - 1999
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Project Leadership From Theory to Practice - 1998
Collaborators: P. Thoms; J. Trailer; Todd Palmer; M. Govekar
The Project Management Institute: Project Management Handbook - 1998
Critical Success Factors - 1998
Collaborator: D. Slevin
How to Fail at Project Management (Without Really Trying) - 1998
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Leadership, Motivation, and the Project Manager - 1998
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Power, Politics, and Project Management - 1998
Project Leadership: Understanding and Consciously Choosing Your Style - 1998
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Project Leadership: Understanding and Consciously Choosing Your Style - 1998
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Project Scope Management - 1998
The Fundamentals of Project Planning - 1998
The Future of Project Management - 1998
Coordinating Development and Use of Geographic Information Databases - 1998
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Customer‑based Project Success: Exploring a Key to Gaining Competitive Advantage in Project Organizations, Project Management - 1998
Collaborators: P. Rouhiainen; J. Trailer
Organizational Determinants of Geographic Information Sharing and Exchange, Illinois GIS & Mapnotes - 1998
Collaborator: Z. Nedovic-Budic
Service Delivery Satisfaction and the Developmentally Disabled: Assessing the Unassessable?, Journal of Customer Service in Marketing and Management - 1998
Collaborators: Mary Pinto; C. Curcio
The Impact of Pharmaceutical Direct Advertising: Opportunities and Obstructions, Health Marketing Quarterly - 1998
Collaborators: Mary Pinto; J. Barber
In Search of the Dependent Variable: Toward Synthesis in GIS Implementation Research - 1997
Collaborator: H. Onsrud
The Elements of Project Success - 1997
Understanding Project Risk: Lessons from Past Failures - 1997
A. Badiru, Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Management, 2nd Ed., IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 1997
D. Cleland, Strategic Management of Teams, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 1997
E. Szewczak and M. Khosrowpour, The Human Side of Information Technology Management, URISA Journal - 1997
Twelve Sure-fire Ways to Ruin Your Project - 1997
Make Politics Work for You, Research Technology Management - 1997
The Power of Project Management, Industry Week - 1997
Twelve Ways to Get the Least from Yourself and Your Project, PMNetwork - 1997
Power and Politics in Project Management - 1996
What Made Gertie Gallop? Learning from Project Failures - 1996
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
M. Martin, Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Technology-Based Firms, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 1996
R. Goodman and M. Lawless, Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 1996
How to Fail at Project Management (Without Really Trying), Business Horizons - 1996
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Power and Politics: Managerial Implications, PMNetwork - 1996
User Requirements for Framework Geospatial Data, URISA Journal - 1996
Collaborators: S. Frank; M. Goodchild; H. Onsrud
Successful Project Managers: Leading Your Team to Successful - 1995
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Critical Successful Factors in Effective Project Management - 1995
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Sharing Geographic Information Across Organizational Boundaries: A Research Framework - 1995
Collaborator: H. Onsrud
A Survey on User Requirements for Framework GIS Data - 1995
Collaborators: S. Frank; M. Goodchild; H. Onsrud
Administrative Considerations for Orthopaedic Therapy Clinics, Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America - 1995
Lessons for an Accidental Profession, Business Horizons - 1995
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Organizational Implications of Divestment: A Comparison of Innovative Practices in Crown and Private Corporations in Canada, International Journal of Commerce and Management - 1995
Collaborators: K. Carter; Mary Pinto
Project Management and Conflict Resolution, Project Management Journal - 1995
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Stakeholder Analysis and Project Management, Chemical Weekly - 1995
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Framework Data Sets for the NSDI - 1995
Collaborators: S. Frank; M. Goodchild; H. Onsrud
Experiences in Acquisition, Implementation, and Use of GIS in U.S. Local Governments - July, 1995
Managing Geographic Information Systems - 1994
Collaborator: N. Obermeyer
Successful Information System Implementation: The Human Side - 1994
The Project Implementation Profile: An International Perspective - 1994
Collaborator: D. Slevin
A Three-year Longitudinal Study of Changes in Student Learning Styles, Journal of College Student Development - 1994
Collaborators: M. Geiger; E. Boyle
Leading Your Team to Success: To a Successful End, Chemical Weekly - 1994
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Learning from Project Failures: Lessons for Management, Chemical Weekly - 1994
Collaborators: O. Kharbanda; S. Kharbanda; Mary Pinto
Project Manager: A Rare Breed!, Chemical Business - 1994
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Project Teams Can Achieve Wonders, Chemical Business - 1994
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
Successful Project Management: Do You Know Your Politics?, PMNetwork - 1994
The Challenge for Project Managers, Chemical Business - 1994
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
The Challenge of Managing Projects, Chemical Weekly - 1994
Collaborator: O. Kharbanda
The Role of Organizational Politics in GIS Implementation, URISA Journal - 1994
Collaborator: B. Azad
Modeling the Diffusion of Geographic Information Systems through Local Governments - 1993
Collaborator: H. Onsrud
Strategic Profiles of Small, High-technology Firms - 1993
Collaborator: J. Covin
An Examination of Ipsative and Normative Versions of Kolb's Revised Learning Style Inventory, Educational and Psychological Measurement - 1993
Collaborators: M. Geiger; E. Boyle
Antecedents and Consequences of Project Team Cross-functional Cooperation, Management Science - 1993
Collaborators: Mary Pinto; J. Prescott
Evaluating Correlates of GIS Adoption Success and the Decision Process of GIS Acquisition, URISA Journal - 1993
Collaborator: H. Onsrud
Survey and Comparative Analysis of Alternative Names for an Academic Discipline, Surveying and Land Information Systems - 1993
Collaborator: H. Onsrud
Testing Technology Transfer Hypotheses in GIS Environments Using a Case Study Approach - 1993
Collaborators: H. Onsrud; B. Azad
A Factor Analysis of Kolb's Revised Learning Style Inventory, Educational and Psychological Measurement - 1992
Collaborators: M. Geiger; E. Boyle
Case Study Research Methods for Geographic Information Systems, URISA Journal - 1992
Collaborators: H. Onsrud; B. Azad
Changes in Learning Style Preferences: A Reply to Ruble and Stout, Psychological Reports - 1992
Collaborator: M. Geiger
Facilitators of Corporate Innovation: An Exploratory Study of Public and Private Firms in Canada, Journal of Managerial Issues - 1992
Collaborators: K. Carter; Mary Pinto
Project Marketing: Detailing the Project Manager's Hidden Responsibility, Project Management Journal - 1992
Collaborator: J. Covin
Appropriate Moderated Regression Analysis and Inappropriate Research Strategies: A Demonstration of Information Loss Due to Scale Coarseness, Applied Psychological Measurement - 1991
Collaborators: C. Russell; P. Bobko
Changes in Learning Style Preferences: A Prefatory Report of Longitudinal Findings, Psychological Reports - 1991
Collaborator: M. Geiger
Changes in Learning Style Preferences: Results of a Three-year Longitudinal Study, Psychological Reports - 1991
Collaborator: M. Geiger
Diffusion of Geographic Information Innovations, The International Journal of Geographic Information Systems - 1991
Collaborator: H. Onsrud
Empirical Note on Creativity as a Covariate of Learning Style Preferences, Perceptual and Motor Skills - 1991
Collaborators: M. Geiger; E. Boyle
Project Leadership: Understanding and Consciously Choosing Your Style, Project Management Journal - 1991
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Communication, Cross-Functional Cooperation, and Project Performance: Implications for the Development and Marketing of New Programs - 1990
Collaborator: M. Pinto
Project Marketing: Detailing the Project Manager's Hidden Responsibility - 1990
Strategic Profiles of Small, High-technology Firms - 1990
Collaborator: J. Covin
Analysis of a Building Failure: Organizational Behavior Effects, PMNetwork - 1990
Planning and Tactical Factors in the Project Implementation Process, Journal of Management Studies - 1990
Collaborator: J. Prescott
Project Team Communication and Cross-functional Cooperation in New Program Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management - 1990
Collaborator: Mary Pinto
The Causes of Project Failure, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 1990
Collaborator: S. Mantel
The causes of project failure, IEEE Xplore - 1990
The Project Implementation Profile: A Tool to Aid Project Tracking and Control, International Journal of Project Management - 1990
The Project Implementation Profile (a research/training instrument) - 1989
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Critical Factors in Project Implementation: A Comparison of Construction and R&D Projects, Technovation - 1989
Collaborator: J. Covin
Critical Success Factors in R&D Projects, Research Technology Management - 1989
Collaborator: D. Slevin
The Project Champion: Key to Implementation Success, Project Management Journal - 1989
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Critical Success Factors Across the Project Life Cycle, Project Management Journal - 1988
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Project Success: Definitions and Measurement Techniques, Project Management Journal - 1988
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Using Strategy and Tactics to Implement Projects, Strategic Planning Management - 1988
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Variations in Critical Success Factors Over the Stages in the Project Life Cycle, Journal of Management - 1988
Collaborator: J. Prescott
The Project Implementation Profile - 1988
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Balancing Strategy and Tactics in Project Implementation, Sloan Management Review - 1987
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Critical Factors in Successful Project Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 1987
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Strategy and Tactics in a Process Model of Project Implementation, Interfaces - 1987
Collaborators: R. Schultz; D. Slevin
Successful Project Management - 1987
The Project Implementation Profile: New Tool for Project Managers, Project Management Journal - 1986
Collaborator: D. Slevin
Ph D, Organization Theory, The University of Pittsburgh
MBA, Business Administration, The University of Pittsburgh
BA, History, The University of Maryland
BS, Business Administration, The University of Maryland