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John Gamble received the B.A. degree (political science and mathematics) from the College of Wooster (Ohio) and the Ph.D. from the University of Washington (Seattle). He was executive director of the Law of the Sea Institute at the University of Rhode Island and head of the division of business and the social sciences at Penn State Behrend. He is distinguished professor emeritus of political science and international law and director emeritus of the Behrend honors program. He also was a visiting scholar at Yale Law School and senior fellow at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
His principal research interests are treaties, information technology and international law, and international law teaching. He is the author of approximately 100 publications. His awards at Penn State include the Behrend College Council of Fellows Research and Teaching Excellence Awards; the W. LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award; and the Milton S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching (received in 2014). His teaching at Penn State regularly included American Government, Comparative Politics, International Relations, International Law, and the European Union.
No-Bull Information: A Humorous, Practical Guide to Help Americans Adapt to the Information Age - 2015
An Appreciation of Fred Soons - 2015
How and to Whom Do We explain International Law? - 2015
Choice of Official Text in Multilateral Treaties: The Interplay of Law, Politics, Language, Pragmatism and (Multi)-Nationalism, Santa Clara International Law Journal - 2014
Collaborators: Lauren Kolb; Casey Graml
International Law Teaching: Glass(es) Half Full, Rose Colored? Introduction and Background, South African Yearbook of International Law/ Suid-Afrikaanse Jaarboek vur Volkereg - December, 2013
Collaborators: Lauren Kolb, Co-Author; John-Daniel Kelly, Co-Author; Christopher Marchini, Co-Author
Ocean Regimes as Reflected in 500-Years of Multilateral Treaty-Making, The Future of Ocean Regine-Building - 2009
Collaborators: R. Watson; L. Piera
US Supreme Court, Medellín v. Texas: More than an Assiduous Building Inspector?, Leiden Journal of International Law - 2009
Collaborator: C. Guiliano
Empirical Approaches to International Law: The International Laws of War as Reflected in 500 Years of Multilateral Treaty-Making, Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution - 2008
Collaborator: D. Hido
Definition, Perspective, Caution: The View through a Wide Angle Treaty Lens - 2007
Collaborator: J.L. Wilczynski
Good Governance, non-state actors and international law: a cautionary note , South African Yearbook of International Law/ Suid-Afrikaanse Jaarboek vur Volkereg - 2007
Collaborator: L. Piera
Human-Centric International Law (HCIL): A Model and a Search for Empirical Indicators, Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law - 2006
Collaborators: Charlotte Ku; Chris Strayer
Mass Media Coverage of International Law: (Benign) Neglect?, Distortion?, Florida Journal of International Law - 2006
Collaborator: N.L. Dirling
The Emergence of a Pacific Region in Multilateral Treaty-Making: a 500-Year Perspective, Australian International Law Journal - 2005
Collaborator: K. Belknap
Excellent Governance and Functional Failure: An Impossible Juxtaposition? , From Government to Governance: The Growing Impact of Non-State Actors on the International and European Legal System - 2004
Collaborator: A. Grolemund
Teach or Get Off the Lectern: Impediments to Improving International Law Teaching, ILSA Journal of International And Comparative Law - 2003
International Law and Globalization: Allies, Antagonists, or Irrelevance? , Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce - January, 2003
Collaborators: Emily Allen; Nicole Dirling
Digest of United States Practice in International Law 2000, by Sally Cummins and David Stewart, American Journal of International Law - 2002
United states Practice in International Law, Volume 1: 1999–2002, by Sean Murphy - 2002
An Introductory Course: Clear/er Solutions, International Law FORUM du droit international - 2002
Reconceptializing International Law in the Information Age: Lexus; Olive Trees; Globalization; Professor Henkin, Jessup, Lachs; opinio juris, 96th American Society of International Law Proceedings - 2002
Collaborator: Guy Resvhenthaler
Human Rights Treaties: A Suggested Typology, An Historical Perspective , Buffalo Human Rights Law Review - 2001
Collaborators: T. Bailey; J. Hawk; E. McCurdy
Improving International Law Teaching: Just Do It , International Legal Challenges for the 21st Century - December, 2000
International Law-New Actors and New Technologies: Center Stage , NGO’s Law & Policy in International Business - 2000
Collaborator: C. Ku
The Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy) of American Higher Education, Journal of Educational Thought - 1999
The Last Word on Bekkerman and Lucy, Journal of Educational Thought - 1999
The Effect of New Electronic Technologies on the Sources of International Law, Contemporary International Law Issues: New Forms, New Applications - 1998
New Information Technologies and the Sources of International Law: Convergence, Divergence, Obsolescence and/or Transformation, German Yearbook of International Law - 1998
Teaching International Law: Approaches and Perspectives - 1997
Application for review of Judgement No. 333 of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, Advisory Opinion (1987) , Commentaries on Judgments and Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice under Registrar Eduardo Valencia-Ospina - 1997
International Law in the Information Age: What is All the Fuss About? - 1996
International Law in the Information Age, Michigan Journal of International Law - 1996
Assessing Access to International Law Information, American Society of International Law Proceedings - 1995
Entry into Force of the 1982 U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea: Milestone, Progress or More Confusion, Selected Papers in Commemoration of the Entry Force of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea - 1994
Collaborator: L. Harvey
Lessons from the First Decade of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Reservations and Progress Towards Entry into Force, Essays in Honour of Professor WANG Tieya - 1994
Sources of International Law: Entrenching the Gender Bias , Contemporary International Law Issues: Opportunities at a Time of Momentous Change - 1994
Collaborator: C. Ku
Teaching of International Law: Innovative Techniques, Contemporary International Law Issues: Opportunities at a Time of Momentous Change - 1994
International Law Research in the Information Age, Chinese Yearbook of International Law - 1994
How Do the Media Examine Legal Issues in Coverage of International Events, American Society of International Law Bulletin - March, 1994
Teaching International Law in the 1990s - 1993
Choice of Language in Bilateral Treaties: Fifty Years of Changing State Practice, Indiana International and Comparative Law Review - 1993
Collaborator: C. Ku
The Decade’s Emphasis on Education in International Law, American Society of International Law Proceedings - 1993
International law: ‘State of the Discipline’ 1992 , International Studies Notes - 1992
Collaborator: C. Ku
Preliminary Results of the Society’s 1990/91 Survey: Are We Making Progress? , American Society of International Law Proceedings - 1991
The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Binding Dispute Settlement? , Boston University International Law Journal - 1991
Course Evaluation Questionnaires: The Sundial/Stopwatch Dilemma, New Education - 1990
International Law in the Reagan Years: How Much of an Outlier, Akron Law Review - 1990
International Legal Scholarship: A Perspective on Teaching and Publishing , Journal of Legal Education - 1989
Collaborator: N.S. Shields
Status of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Marine Policy Reports - 1988
What is This Thing Called ‘Faculty Development’? , The Political Science Teacher - 1988
Introduction to Political Science, 2nd ed.[1992] - 1987
Collaborators: Z. Irwin; C. Redenius; J. Weber
The 1987 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Midstream Assessment of the Effectiveness of Article 309, San Diego Law Review - 1987
The International Law of the Sea of the 1980s: the Exception, the Rule or the Trigger, Houston Journal of International Law - 1987
International Law’s Response to the New International Economic Order , Boston College International and Comparative Law Review - 1986
Collaborator: M.D. Frankowska
The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea as Soft Law, Houston Journal of International Law - 1986
Assessing the Reality of the Deep Sea-Bed Regime, San Diego Law Review - 1985
The Relationship Between Teaching and Research, Journal of Educational Thought - 1985
The Montego Bay Convention of 1982 and the Customary Law of the Sea , San Diego Law Review - 1984
Collaborator: M.D. Frankowska
The Significance of Signature to the 1982 LOS Convention , Ocean Development and International Law Journal - 1984
Collaborator: M.D. Frankowska
The Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea and the N.I.E.O, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal - 1983
The Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea and the N.I.E.O, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal - 1983
The Treaty/Custom Dichotomy, Texas International Law Journal - 1981
Where Trends the Law of the Sea, Ocean Development and International Law Journal - 1981
Where Trends the Law of the Sea, Ocean Development and International Law Journal - 1981
Multilateral Treaties: A Critical Examination of the Concept of Laterality, Loyola International and Comparative Law Annual - 1980
Multilateral Treaties: The Significance of the Name of the Instrument, California Western International Law Journal - 1980
Post World War II Multilateral Treaty-Making: The Task of the Third U.N. Law of the Sea Conference in Perspective, San Diego Law Review - 1980
Reservations to Multilateral Treaties: A Macroscopic View of State Practice, American Journal of International Law - 1980
Law of the Sea: Neglected Issues - 1979
A Simulation of Uses of the Oceans - 1978
Marine Policy: A Comparative Approach - 1977
Law of the Sea: Conference Outcomes and Problems of Implementation - 1977
The International Court of Justice: A test of Suggested Reforms, The International Lawyer - 1977
Collaborator: D.D. Fischer
The Law of the Sea Conference: Dispute Settlement in Perspective, Vanderbilt Journal Transnational Law - 1976
Law of the Sea: A Bibliography of the Periodical Literature of the 1970s - 1975
Collaborators: C.B. Llana; C.M. Quinn
The International Court of Justice: Analysis of a Failure - 1975
Law of the Sea: Caracas and Beyond - 1975
Global Marine Attributes - 1974
Law of the Sea: The Emerging Regime of the Oceans - 1974
The Uses of the Sea - 1974
Index to Marine Treaties - 1972
Index to Marine Treaties Registered with the U.N - 1971
A Correlational Model of Bilateral Treaty Frequencies - 1971
Quantitative Content Analysis of the United Nations Seabed Debates: Methodology and a Continental Shelf Case Study, International Organization - 1970
Collaborators: R.L. Fridheim; J.B. Kadane
Ph D, Political Science, University of Washington
MA, Political Science, University of Washington
BA, Political Science, College of Wooster