Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563
Mr. John Beaumont received his B.S. in Plastics Technology 1976 and the M.S. in Plastics Engineering 1994 from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA. Mr. Beaumont joined the Penn State Behrend faculty in 1989. Prior to joining Penn State Behrend, Mr. Beaumont held positions as a research engineer at General Tire and Rubber Company, Project Engineer at Rowland, Engineering Manager at Ciba Vison Corp. and Technical Manager for Moldflow Inc. US operations. In 1992, Mr. Beaumont founded the Plastics CAE Center which trains industry professionals in the use of computer simulation technologies used develop plastic product, tooling and processes.
Mr. Beaumont founded Beaumont Technologies, Inc. in 1998, which focuses on the design and development of hot and cold runner technologies including his patented MeltFlipper¨∆, MAXTM and iMARCTM technologies. He is also the author of Runner & Gating Design Handbook, co-author of Successful Injection Molding, and a contributing author to Injection Molding Handbook. Mr. Beaumont is a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers and past Chair of the IMD Board of Directors.
He served as chair of the Plastics Engineering Technology program from 2002 until the completion of his sabbatical in May 2012.
Membership in professional and learned societies
- Society of Plastics Engineers
Recipient of teaching awards
- Nominated, Council of Fellows Excellence in Teaching Award, 2006.
- Nominated, Council of Fellows Excellence in Teaching Award, 2001.
Honors or awards for scholarship or professional activity
- May 2007 Elected Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers.
- Aug. 2006 Plastics Technology Magazine cited Beaumont Technology Inc. as presenting one of the top three new technologies iMARC, in-Mold Adjustable Rheological Control introduced at the 2006 National Plastics Exposition among 2000 companies, Aug. 2006.
- Nominated, Council of Fellows Excellence in Teaching Award, 2006.
- Best Paper Award, for paper titled Controlling balanced molding through new hot runner manifold designs, with K. Boell, Mold Making Division, Society of Plastics Engineers ANTEC, Dallas, TX, 2001.
- Awarded Engineer of the Year Award, by the Injection Molding Division, Society of Plastics Engineers, 2001.
- Awarded Behrend College Council of Fellows Excellence in Outreach and Service Award, 2000.
- Awarded Society of Plastics Engineers Outstanding Member Award, by the Erie Engineering Council, February 25, 2000.
- Nominated for the Annual Penn State Faculty Outreach Award, 1998, 1999.
- Special Recognition Award, Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program PENNTAP, May 11, 1999.
- Division Chair Award, Injection Molding Division of Society of Plastics Engineers, May 1999.
- Nominated for the 1999 Penn State University Council of Fellows Faculty Research Award.
- Man of the Year Award, Northwest Pennsylvania Society of Plastics Engineers, December 1999.
- Best Paper Award for paper titled Mold filling imbalances in geometrically balanced runner systems. Injection Molding Division of The Society of Plastics Engineers, 1998 ANTEC, Atlanta.
- Technical Program Chair Award by the Injection Molding Division, Society of Plastics Engineers, in recognition for being Injection Molding Division Technical Program Chair 1996.
- Provost's Award for Collaborative Instruction and Curricular Innovation, for work on the reorganized introduction to engineering design course E G 050, with Kathryn Holliday-Darr, Jack Young, William Lasher, Ralph Ford, and Edward Evans, Jr., 1995.
- Chairman's Award for best technical paper, Use of Flow Analysis for Predicting Flash and Clamp Tonnage, Thermoset Division, Society of Plastics Engineers 47th Annual Technical Conference, New York, NY, May 4, 1989.
Research Interests
Material characterization - thermoplastic and thermoset shrinkage, warp and stress predictions for plastics extrusion flow analysis polymer, orientational effects.
A New Look at Evaluating Fill Times for Injection Molding - August, 2013
Ausleeegund von Anguss und Angusskanal - 2012
Effect of Part Thickness on the Potential for Inducing Cold Crystallinity in Nylon 6/6, ANTEC
Collaborators: Alicyn Rhoades, Co-Author; Jason Williams, Co-Author
How Will it Mold, - Brand New Method Relates Material, Mold & Machine, Plastics Technology Magazine - June, 2012
The Real Cause of Multi-Cavity Mold Imbalances, Mold Making Technology Magazine - May, 2012
From Art to Science - Design & Production of Medical Plastic Components, IMD Magazine - An International Journal of Medical Devices - January, 2012
From Art to Science - Design & Production of Medical Plastic Components, International Medical Device Conference - October, 2011
The Effect of Melt Rotation Technology on Particle Distribution during Injection Molding, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC) - May, 2011
Collaborators: K Slye; J Coulter; B Bekisli; T Skiba
Intelligent Melt Rotation against Shear-Induced Filler Migration in Injection Molding, Proceedings, National Science Foundation CMMI Grantees Conference - January, 2011
Collaborators: K Slye; J Coulter; B Bekisli
Methodology for Evaluating Warpage Sensitivity of Plastic Materials, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC) - 2010
Collaborators: Brian Young, Co-Author; Z Stefanik
Plastic Part Design, Injection Molding Handbook, 2nd Edition - 2008
Plastics Part Design and Mold Design - 2008
Minimizing the Risk of Developing Plastic Medical Products, Medical Product Outsourcing - October, 2008
The Runner and Gating Design Handbook, Second Edition - 2007
Controlling Warpage Through Melt Rotation Technology, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - May, 2006
Collaborators: C Welsh; J Heugel; M Myers
Isolation of True Runner System Behavior in Simulation Tools for Injection Molding, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - May, 2006
Collaborator: M Dropik
The Effect of Primary Runner Length on Fill-Imbalance in a Geometrically Balanced Eight Cavity Polymer Injection Mold, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - May, 2006
Collaborators: J Coulter; J Beaumont; M Myers
Controlling Intra-Cavity Melt Flow and Weld Strength Through New Runner Design Technology, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - May, 2005
Collaborators: C Stewart; M Ezzo
The Runner and Gating Design Handbook - 2004
Artificially Balancing Geometrically Balanced Runner Systems, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - 2003
Collaborators: J Beaumont; Brian Young
Successful Injection Molding – Process, Design and Simulation - 2002
Collaborators: R Nagel; R Sherman
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flow Imbalance in a Runner System, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - 2002
Collaborators: J Beaumont; A Kumar; A Egelja; E Grald
Advances in Hot Runner Technology, TopCon - 2002
Mold Design - 2001
Part Design, Injection Molding Handbook - 2001
Controlling Balanced Molding through New Hot Runner Manifold Designs, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - 2001
Collaborator: K Boell
Revolutionizing Runner Designs in Hot and Cold Runner Molds, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - 2001
Thermoset Filling Imbalances in Geometrically Balanced Runner Systems, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - 2001
Collaborator: D Hoffman
Molding High-Precision Parts in High Cavitation Molds, MoldMaking Technology Magazine - November, 2001
New Runner-Design Concept Boosts Quality and Productivity, Plastics Technology Magazine - April, 2001
Flow Imbalances in Naturally Balanced Runners: A Major Cause of Mold Returns, Proceedings, Moldmaking 1999 Conference - 1999
Collaborators: J Ralston; A Shuttleworth
How the ‘Melt Flipper’ Solves Cavity Imbalances and Improves Part Uniformity, Proceedings, Western Plastics Conference - 1999
Collaborator: J Ralston
The ‘Melt Flipper’ Solving Flow Imbalances in Multi-Cavity Molds, Proceedings, Molding ‘99 Conference - 1999
Collaborator: J Ralston
Trouble Shooting Cavity to Cavity Variations in Multi-Cavity Molds, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Conference - 1999
Collaborators: J Ralston; A Shuttleworth; M Carnovale
’Melt Flipper’ Technology for Solving Molding Imbalances and Related Product Variations, Society of Plastics Industry’s Annual Structural Plastics 99 - 1999
Collaborator: J Rolston
Mold Filling Imbalances in Geometrically Balanced Runner Systems, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites - 1999
Troubleshooting Cavity To Cavity Variations in Multi-Cavity Injection Molds, Journal of Injection Molding Technology - 1999
Collaborators: J Ralston; J Shuttleworth; M Carnovale
’Melt Flipper’ Solves In-Mold Flow Imbalances, Canadian Plastics - 1999
’Melt Flipper’ Technology for Solving Molding Imbalances and Related Product Variations, Society of Plastics Industry’s Annual Structural Plastics 99 - 1999
Collaborator: J Ralston
Exposing the Mold Gremlin, Part II - The Five Step Process of Diagnosing Mold Imbalances, MoldMaking Technology Magazine - September, 1999
Exposing the Mold Gremlin, Part I, MoldMaking Technology Magazine - March, 1999
Mold Filling Imbalances in Geometrically Balanced Runner Systems, Society of Plastics Engineering Annual Conference, Injection Molding Division - 1998
Collaborators: J Young; M Jaworski
Solving Mold Filling Imbalances in Multi-Cavity Molds, Journal of Injection Molding Technology - 1998
Collaborators: J Young; M Jaworski
Design for Injection Molding Guide, Ver. 2 - 1997
Collaborator: D Sheth
Mold Filling Imbalances in Geometrically Balanced Runner Systems, Journal of Injection Molding Technology - 1997
Collaborator: J Young
Product Development with Today’s CAE Technologies: Benefits and Pitfalls, SPE Regional Technical Conference - 1996
The Complex World of Integrating Injection Molding, Part Design, Mold Design and Plastic Materials, Society of Plastics Engineering Annual Conference, Injection Molding Divisions Special Presentation Series - 1996
An Innovative Approach to Incorporating Design Into the Freshman Year, Proceedings, ASEE 1995 National Conference - 1995
Collaborators: K Holliday-Darr; J Young; William Lasher; Edward Evans; Ralph Ford; Amir Khalilollahi; Thomas Hemminger
Linear Shrinkage Resulting From Flow During Injection Molding, Society of Plastic Engineers Regional Technical Conference and Seminar - 1993
Performing an Energy Audit On an Injection Molding Process, Proceedings, 49th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - 1991
Collaborators: T Farrell; P Koch
Techniques for Controlling Shrinkage in Plastic Models Made By Stereolithography, Proceedings, 49th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - 1991
Collaborators: R Farrell; J Meckley
Computer Flow Analysis Verification of Phenolics, 48th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - 1990
Collaborator: P O'Brian
Frictional Heating in Runners for Enhanced Thermoset Molding, 48th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - 1990
Collaborators: P Koch; R Farrell
Application and Advancements in C.A.E. Flow Technologies for Injection Molding, Society of Plastics Engineers Regional Technical Conference, Molding Today and Tomorrow - 1989
Evaluation of Runner Designs Through Use of Thermoset Flow Analysis, 47th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - 1989
Injecting Molding Simulation, An Emerging Supercomputer Application, Supercomputer Conference - 1989
Collaborator: M Obermier
Shrinkage and Warpage Analysis of Plastic Injection Molded Parts, Society of Automotive Engineers International Congress - 1989
Use of Flow Analysis for Predicting Flash and Clamp Tonnage, 47th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - 1989
New Shrinkage and Warpage Software for Plastics and Its Practical Application, Society of Plastics Engineers Regional Technical Conference, Injection Molding Systems - 1988
Predicting Shrinkage and Warpage of Injection Molded Plastic Parts, Society of Plastics Engineers Regional Technical Conference, Injection Molding Systems - 1988
MS, Plastics Engineering
BS, Plastics Technology