Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563
Teaching Specialties
- Differential Equations
- Mathematical Modeling
Research Interests
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
- Mathematical Biology and Nonlinear Elasticity
Funded Projects and Grants
- Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Mathematical Biology. Previte, J.P. (principal investigator) and J.E. Paullet (co-principal investigator). National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, $90,000, June 2003-May 2006.
- Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Mathematical Biology: Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Paullet, J. (principal investigator) and J. Previte (co-principal investigator). National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, $90,000, June 2000-May 2003.
- Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Mathematical Biology: Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Panetta, J.C. (principal investigator), J. E. Paullet (co-principal investigator), and R. Bertram (co-principal investigator). National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, $29,998, September 1998-August 1999.
- Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Mathematical Biology. Panetta, J.C. (principal investigator), J. E. Paullet (co-principal investigator), and R. Bertram (co-principal investigator). National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, $30,000, July 1998.
Analysis of Stagnation Point Flow over a Stretching/Shrinking Surface, Differential Equations & Applications - November, 2021
Collaborator: M'bagne M'bengue
Analysis of Nanofluid Flow Past a Permeable Stretching/Shrinking Sheet, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B - 2020
Collaborator: Joseph Previte
Analysis of Stagnation Point Flow of an Upper-Convected Maxwell Fluid, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations - December 6, 2017
A BVP nonexistence proof using Green's Theorem, Applied Mathematics Letters - January 17, 2017
Collaborator: Joseph Previte
Existence and a priori bounds for radial stagnation flow on a shrinking or a stretching cylinder with wall transpiration, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems - April, 2016
Collaborator: Joseph Paullet
Nonexistence for the "Missing" Similarity Boundary-Layer Flow, Appled Mathematics E-Notes - October 22, 2014
Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a BVP from fluid mechanics, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics - September 26, 2014
Collaborator: Susmita Sadhu, Co-Author
Analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer over an unsteady stretching surface , NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS - October, 2012
Comment on "Existence and uniqueness results for a nonlinear differential equation arising in viscous flow over a nonlinearly stretching sheet" , APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS - August, 2012
Collaborator: Joseph Previte, Co-Author
An Uncountable Number of Solutions for a BVP Governing Marangoni Convection., Mathematical and Computer Modelling - 2010
Comment on Magnetohydrodynamic Stagnation-point Flow of a Power-law Fluid Towards a Stretching Sheet., International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics - 2010
Collaborator: P. Weidman, Co-Author
Existence and a-Priori Bounds for Steady Stagnation Flow Toward a Stretching Cylinder, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - 2010
Collaborator: A. Mastroberardino
Dual Solutions for Axisymmetric Stagnation Point Flow over a Lubricated Surface, Communications in Applied Analysis - 2008
Collaborator: Yoshitaka Ishihara, Co-Author
Introducing a Scavenger Onto a Predator-Prey Model., Applied Mathematics E-Notes. - 2008
Collaborators: J. Previte, Co-Author; B. Nolting
Analysis of Stagnation Point Flow Toward a Stretching Sheet, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics - 2007
Collaborator: P. Weidman, Co-Author
Final Steady Flow Near a Stagnation Point on a Vertical Surface in a Porous Medium., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - 2006
Collaborators: J. Previte, Co-Author; P. Weidman, Co-Author; K. Merrill; M. Beauchesne
Nonexistence of Solutions for Reverse Radial Stagnation Flow with Transpiration, Applied Mathematics Letters - 2005
Collaborator: P. Weidman, Co-Author
Pattern Formation in Small Arrays of Locally Coupled Oscillators, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos - 2005
Collaborators: J. Previte, Co-Author; R. Ellison; V. Gardner; J. Lepak; M. O'Malley; B. Reid; K. Vizzard
Differential Equations: Theory and Applications with MAPLE, by D. Betounes, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (Journal for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) - 2004
A Lotka-Volterra Three-Species Food Chain, Mathematics Magazine - 2002
Collaborators: J. Previte, Co-Author; E. Chauvet; Z. Walls
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications by C. Chicone, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (Journal for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) - 2000
Analytical Results for a BVP Describing Radial Stagnation Flow with Transpiration, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - 2000
Collaborator: P. Weidman, Co-Author
Measuring the Curl of Paper, College Mathematics Journal - 1999
Collaborators: R. Bertram, Co-Author; H. Tabakovic
On the Solutions of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Circular Cylindrical Conduit. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Journal for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - 1999
Existence and Uniqueness of Azimuthal Shear Solutions in Compressible Isotropic Nonlinear Elasticity, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. - 1998
Collaborators: D. Polignone Warne, Co-Author; P. Warne, Co-Author
Spiral Waves in Spatially Discrete λ-ω Systems, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos - 1998
Collaborator: G. Ermentrout, Co-Author
Existence and a-Priori Bounds for the Finite Torsion Solution for a Class of General Blatz-Ko Materials, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids - 1996
Collaborator: D. Polignone, Co-Author
Stable Rotating Waves in Two-Dimensional Discrete Active Media, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - December, 1994
Collaborator: G. Ermentrout, Co-Author
The Existence of Spiral Waves in an Oscillatory Reaction-Diffusion System, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - October, 1994
Collaborators: G. Ermentrout, Co-Author; W. Troy, Co-Author
Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution for a BVP from Developmental Biology, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - 1993
Ph D, Mathematics, The University of Pittsburgh
MA, Mathematics, The University of Pittsburgh
BS, Applied Mathematics, The University of Pittsburgh