Joseph Previte, Ph.D.

Joe Previte
Associate Professor, Mathematics
17 Prischak

Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563

Teaching Specialties

  • Topology
  • Use of Spreadsheets in the Classroom Finite Mathematics

The Average Directional Distance to the Boundary of a Ball or Disk, Applied Math E Notes
Collaborators: Michelle Previte, Co-Author; Bruce Wittmershaus, Co-Author; Bailey Hopkins, Student Author; Boon Ong

The Beautiful Dynamics of i^z, College Mathematics Journal - September 27, 2021
Collaborator: Michelle Previte, Co-Author

Analysis of nanofluid flow past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B. - November, 2020
Collaborator: Joseph Paullet, Co-Author

Triangles in Wonderland, Mathematics Magazine - 2018
Collaborator: Michelle Previte, Co-Author

A BVP nonexistence proof using Green’s Theorem, Applied Mathematics Letters - June, 2017
Collaborator: Joseph Paullet, Author

Copy-Paste Trees and their Growth Rates, Rocky Mountain Journal of Math - 2016
Collaborators: Michelle Previte; Mary Vanderschoot

Effect of Parity on Productivity and Sustainability of Lotka-Volterra Food Chains, Journal of Mathematical Biology - July, 2014
Collaborators: Kathleen Hoffman; Nicole Massarelli

Essential Differential Equations ISBN 9781312126954 - May, 2014

Period Doubling Cascades in a Predator-Prey Model with a Scavenger, SIAM Review - January, 2013
Collaborator: Kathleen Hoffman, Author

The Growth Degree of Limits of Vertex Replacement Rules, Journal of Graph Theory - January, 2013
Collaborators: Michelle Previte, Co-Author; Mary Vanderschoot, Co-Author

Essential Differential Equations ISBN 978-1105596797 - May, 2012

Comment on "Existence and uniqueness results for a nonlinear differential equation arising in viscous flow over a nonlinearly stretching sheet",, Applied Math Letters - January, 2012
Collaborator: Joseph Paullet, Co-Author

Entrainment ranges of forced phase oscillators, Journal of Mathematical Biology - April, 2011
Collaborators: Natalie Sheils, Author; Kathleen Hoffman, Author; Tim Kiemel, Author; Eric Tytell, Author

Elementary Mathematical Models - 2010
Collaborator: R. Hoffman

Introducing a Scavenger Onto a Predator-Prey Model., Applied Mathematics E-Notes - 2008
Collaborators: B. Nolting; J. Paullet, Co-Author

REU in Mathematical Biology at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College - 2007
Collaborators: M. Rutter; S. Stevens

Limits of Vertex Replacement Rules, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics - 2007
Collaborators: M. Previte, Co-Author; M. Vanderschoot, Co-Author

Final Steady Flow Near a Stagnation Point on a Vertical Surface in a Porous Medium., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - 2006
Collaborators: K. Merrill; M. Beauchesne; J. Paullet, Co-Author; P. Weidman, Co-Author

Dynamics of the Mapping Class Group on the Moduli of a Punctured Sphere with Rational Holonomy, Geometriae Dedicata - 2005
Collaborator: E. Xia, Co-Author

Pattern Formation in Small Arrays of Locally Coupled Oscillators., International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos - 2005
Collaborators: R. Ellison; V. Gardner; J. Lepak; M. O'Malley; J. Paullet, Co-Author; B. Reid; K. Vizzard

Exceptional Discrete Mapping Class Orbits on Moduli Spaces, Forum Mathematicum - 2003
Collaborator: E. Xia, Co-Author

Topological Dynamics on Moduli Spaces II, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society - 2002
Collaborator: E. Xia

A Lotka-Volterra Three-species Food Chain, Mathematics Magazine - October, 2002
Collaborators: Erica Chauvet, Author; Joseph Paullet, Author; Zac Walls, Author

The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic ?-Cells., Biophysical Journal - 2000
Collaborators: R. Bertram; A. Sherman, Co-Author; L. Satin, Co-Author; T. Kinard, Co-Author

Topological Dynamics on Moduli Spaces. I., Pacific Journal of Mathematics - 2000
Collaborator: E. Xia, Co-Author

Graph Substitutions., Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. - 1998

Elementary Mathematical Models with Spreadsheet Applications - September, 1997
Collaborator: R. Hoffman

Ph D, Mathematics, The University of Maryland

MA, Mathematics, The University of Maryland

BA, Mathematics, Canisius College