ERIE PA 16563
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (1988): Research and teaching interests include consumer behavior, services marketing, social media, pedagogy and e-learning. Dr. Pinto has previous industry experience with Illinois Bell and the Barber National Institute. She is past recipient of Penn State University’s Rosemary Schraer Mentoring Award and the Black School of Business Learning Innovation Award. Dr. Pinto also was the discipline lead for the marketing major and held the Breene Professorship in Business.
- Nominated, Council of Fellows Excellence in Teaching Award, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, 2006
Courses Taught
- MKTG 327 at Behrend and through World Campus
- MKTG 344 (formerly MKTG 330) at Behrend
- BADM 530 –iMBA program through World Campus
- MRKTG 495: Internship
- MRKTG 496: Independent Studies
Teaching Philosophy
Personal Reflections on My Chosen Career
My love of teaching centers around several issues: the students themselves, my desire to make a difference in life, and my own love of learning. I am a "people person" and enjoy interacting with students. I also firmly believe that learning is the responsibility of both students and teachers. To me, the line blurs between the student and teacher in truly inspired teaching. Each of us has the capacity to teach others and we should be open to the opportunity to become students, even for brief periods of time.
In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn.
My goal is to get my students actively engaged in their own learning, moving away from the passive climate of note-taking to one of active involvement and investigation. I try to create a classroom experience in which students are "self-motivated." I am convinced that students sense enthusiasm and sincere belief in their instructor. Instructor enthusiasm is one of the most potent tools we have and it is catching!
As Horace Mann once said, "A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron."
My family taught me that good teachers challenge, prepare, and mold their students. I believe it is important to set high standards in the classroom, to challenge students to define their own belief systems, establish productive work habits, and care about the professionalism they project as business students. I feel that most students appreciate my efforts in demanding (and requiring them to demand of themselves) the best they have to offer. Teaching is a career in which we can truly make a difference in the lives of others.
What greater blessing can anyone of us ask for than the opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of young people?
Courses Taught
- B ADM 502: Demand, Operations, and Firm Performance
- B ADM 597A: Consumer Behavior
- B ADM 597E: Consumer Behavior
- MKTG 327 (formerly MRKTG 400): Retailing Management
- MRKTG 300: Principles of Marketing
- MKTG 330 (formerly MRKTG 320): Consumer Behavior
- MKTG 344: Buyer Behavior
- MRKTG 495: Internship
- MRKTG 496: Independent Studies
- MRKTG 501: Marketing
- MRKTG 531: Consumer Behavior
- PSU 007: Behrend First Year Seminar
- Breene Professorship of Business, Penn State University. (2011 - Present).
- Recipient of Rosemary Schraer Mentoring Award, Penn State University. (April 14, 2014).
- Recognizes a University employee for mentoring by advising, facilitating, encouraging and/or paving the way for others to recognize and realize their potential in both personal and professional endeavors.
- Nominated for Research Award. (2013). Spring 2013
- Recipient. Leadership Award. Junior Achievement, Erie PA, 2008.
- Council of Fellows Excellence in Outreach Award, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, Spring 2006; 2005; 2004
Outreach-Based Instruction
- Our Nation. Junior Achievement Program, Vernondale Elementary School, Erie PA, November 27-30, 2007.
- Managing the Patient/Parent Experience. Customer Service Workshop (with P. Mansfield), Erie Pediatrics, Erie PA, January 31, 2007
- Get Smart About Credit Program. Presenter, Wilson Middle School, Erie PA, 2006
- Driver's Manual for the Credit Card Highway. Presenter, credit card workshop
- Millcreek Intermediate High School, Erie PA, October 2006; May 2006.
- Minority Achievers, YMCA, Erie PA, April 2006.
- Presented the LIVE Credit Care Game Show to:
- McDowell High School, Erie PA, April 13, 2007
- Junior Achievement, Newspaper in Education, Erie PA, March 30, 2007
- Villa Maria Academy, Erie PA, March 26, 2007
- Erie Transition School, Central High School, Erie PA, March 21, 2007
- Central High School, Erie PA, October 2006; January 2006
- Collegiate Academy, Erie PA, April 8, 2005
- Freshmen Orientation, Student Activities, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, August 2004-06; 2001
- Erie Day School, Erie, PA
- Developed and presented a seminar on misleading and deceptive advertising for consumerism course in the middle school, October 2003
- Developed and presented marketing workshop for Fifth Grade Mini Society Program, March 2003
- Supervised Student Consulting Projects with Industry
- 2001: Saegertown Manufacturing Corporation
- 1999: Florence Crittenden, Inc.
- Customer Service in Retailing: Developing a Customer-focused Attitude, Presenter, May 27, 1999
- Bliley Technologies, Erie PA, 2009
- Keep Erie Environmentally Protected (KEEP), Erie PA, 2008
- Grace Baptist Church, Erie PA, 2008
- Lake Erie Yoga, Erie PA, 2007-
- Erie Pediatrics, Erie PA, 2004-
- Erie Day School, Erie PA, 2002-2004
- Villa Maria Academy, Erie PA, 2000
- MedRisk, Inc., Philadelphia PA, 1998
- Children's Health Care Main, St. Vincent Health Center, Erie PA, 1998-2004
- Gertrude A. Barber National Institute, Erie, PA:
- Department of Speech and Language Pathology, 2001-2003
- Educational Institute, 2001-
- Learning Center, 1995-
- The Coalition for Maine's Children, Bangor ME, 1990
Participation in Community Affairs
- Team Member for the Black School of Business, Junior Achievement Bowl-A-Thon, Erie PA, May 2010; 2009.
- Presenter, Get Smart About Credit Program. Wilson Middle School, Erie PA, October 19, 2006.
- Vernondale Elementary School, Erie PA:
- Financial Literacy Program. Developed Powerpoint and presentation using the PRS Clicker Systerm to be used with the fifth grade students, January 2008.
- Presenter, Economics for Success, May 2009.
- Presenter, Our Nation. Junior Achievement Program, November 2007.
- Volunteer, Groundhog Job Shadow Day at Penn State Erie, Junior Achievement/U.S. Chamber of Commerce, etc., February 1999.
- Moderator, Public Affairs Speakout, Junior League of Bangor, Bangor ME, February 1989.
Service to Public and Private Organizations
- Rotary Club of Erie, Erie PA:
- Chair, Rota-Kid Program, 2010.
- Member, 2010-.
- Volunteer Reader at McKinley School, 2010.
- Credit Program. Presenter, Institute of Technology, Erie PA, September 2009.
- WCTL Radio, Erie PA. Worked on SWOT Analysis and development of Marketing Plan, August 2009.
- Grace Church, Fairview PA:
- Guest Experience Team Leader, 2010.
- Member, Operation Christmas Child Outreach, 2010.
- Developed Special Needs Ministry, 2010.
- Developed Adult Ed Survey, November 2009.
- Member, Development and Analysis Focus Group, February-April 2009.
- Member, “WE Will Tell” Development Campaign Committee, 2008.
- Member, Thanksgiving Outreach Program, 2008-10.
- Junior Achievement of Western PA, Erie PA:
- Volunteer, 2009-10.
- Board Member, 2006-08.
- Millcreek Township School District, Erie PA:
- Chairperson, Luau Committee, Vernondale Elementary, 2008.
- Volunteer, Read Across America, Vernondale Elementary, Erie PA, February 2008.
- Parent representative, focus group on bullying and harassment, October 2007.
- Member:
- Boundary Committee, 2008.
- Health and Wellness Committee, 2007-.
- Parents Advisory Council, 2007-08.
- Parent – Teacher Association:
- McDowell High School, 2008-09.
- Millcreek Intermediate High School, Erie PA, 2006-07.
- Westlake Middle School, 2008-.
- Vernondale Elementary, Erie PA, 2006-07.
- Member, Glenwood Association Executive Board, Erie PA, 2003-06.
- Erie Day School, Erie PA:
- Assisted in the development of target marketing strategy and various promotional developments, 2002.
- Assisted in the development of a course entitled, "Consumerism," 2002.
- Member, Marketing Committee, 2002-05.
- Member, Parent Association, 2002-06.
- Executive Board Member, Cathedral Association of Parents and Educators, St. Peter’s Cathedral Center, Erie PA, 1999-2000.
- Barber National Institute, Erie PA:
- Christmas Ball Committee Member, 2010.
- Elizabeth Black School Advisory Board, 2010.
- Ladies Only Luncheon Committee Member and Attendee Satisfaction Survey, 2010.
- Executive Board Member, Elizabeth Black School, 2009.
- Effective Instruction for Children with Autism. Marketing plan development, 2007.
- Marketing feasibility for marketing an Autism manual. Sponsored by a grant from the Center for Disease Control, 2006.
- Marketing research, Middle States Reaccreditation, survey development, May 2006.
- Assisted with the survey of the Learning Center for their Middle States Evaluations, 2005.
- Parent/guardian satisfaction survey, yearly revision/modification, analysis, and findings presented, March-April 2002.
- Executive Advisory Board Member, Elizabeth Black School, 1995-.
- Member, Auxiliary, 1995-.
Member, Erie Association of Retarded Citizens, Erie PA, 1995-.
Participation in Seminars and Workshops
- S3 - Save Spend Succeed. Presenter. Financial Literacy Program at the Pennsylvania Young Professionals 2008 ImPAct Conference, Erie PA, September 2008.
- Remote Gambling. Presenter. Financial Aid Workshop, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, May 2008.
- Session Chair. Teaching and Learning Conference, Orlando FL, January 2005.
- Predicting Staging and Lifetime Costs for an Aggregate Population. Discussant. International Association of Management Conference, Health Care Management Division, Chicago IL, August 1998.
- Executive Development Program for Women: Improving Supervisory Effectiveness. Presenter. Conferences and Institutes, University of Maine, Bangor ME, November 1991.
- Time Management. Presenter. Blaine Conference on Volunteerism, State of Maine, Bangor ME, October 1991.
- Speaking to Persuade. Presenter. Pulp and Paper Institute, College of Engineering, University of Maine, Bangor ME, February 1991.
- Consumer Rights. Presenter. Bangor Personal Finance Fair, Bangor ME, April 1990; April 1991.
- Developing Effective Presentation Skills; Training the Trainers; How to Apply Marketing Techniques to Volunteer Organizations. Presenter. Junior League of Bangor, Bangor ME, 1989.
Membership in Professional and Learned Societies
- Sales and Marketing Management Association, 1999-2002
- Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honor Society), 1988-
- American Marketing Association, 1984-
Active Participation in Professional and Learned Societies
- Sales and Marketing Association of Erie, Penn State Erie representative, attend monthly meetings, Fall 2000-04.
Service to Business and Industry
- Liason with GE Federal Credit Union to plan and implement a focus group using Penn State Behrend students in the Black School of Business Raimey Lab, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, November 11, 2008.
- Credit Card Game Show Presentation to Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA). Co-presenter with P. M. Mansfield, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, October 2006.
- James W. Sewall Company, Old Town ME. Series of luncheon seminars: Successful Selling: Principles and Methods. August-September 1993.
Assistance to Student Organizations
- Marketing Club Faculty Adviser, Penn State Erie, 1998-01.
Research Interests
Services Marketing, Health Care Marketing, Gender Issues, Social Media Marketing, Disadvantaged Consumers, Use and Adoption of Wearable Technology, Credit Card Marketing
“Critical success factors in collaborative R&D projects,” - 2021
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto, Co-Author
“Can You Hear Me Now?”: Online Learning and the Use of Audio Recordings for Career Exploration, Job Search, and Networking - February, 2020
The Use of Scenarios in Survey Research: A Creative Mixed-Method Approach to Address Sensitive Topics in the Workplace, Sage Research Methods Cases Part II - 2019
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto, Co-Author
Fit for life: A content analysis of fitness tracker brands use of Facebook in social media marketing, Journal of Brand Management - 2017
Collaborator: Arpan Yagnik
The Aura of Capability, International Journal of Project Management - 2017
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto; Peerasit Patanakul
Motivation to perform in a multiple-project environment: The impact of autonomy, support, goal clarity, and opportunities for learning, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - 2016
Collaborators: Peerasit Patanakul; Jeffrey Pinto
Project Personnel, job demands, and workplace burnout: The differential effects of job title and project type, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2016
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto, Primary Author; Peerasit Patanakul, Co-Author
Gender biases in project manager selection: Perception of trust and likeability , IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2015
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto; Peerasit Patanakul
Social Media's Contribution to Customer Satisfaction with services, Service Industries Journal - August, 2015
Project Management and Burnout: Implications of the Demand-Control-Support Model and Job Content Moderators on Project-Based Work, International Journal of Project Management - 2014
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto; S. Dawood
The Use of Yammer in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Educators Online - January, 2014
A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way: Student Expectation and Satisfaction with Hybrid Learning, Journal of Instructional Pedagogies - 2013
Collaborator: W. Anderson
The Millennial Generation's Use of Social Media as a Complaint Method: An Application to Higher Education, Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice - 2013
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
Consumers and Credit Cards: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Journal of Management and Marketing Research - 2012
Collaborators: Phylis Mansfield; C. Robb
Effective Use of Technology in Millenial Marketing Students' Learning: Evidences from Three-Question Cycle (TQM) Method in Personal Response System, National Teacher Education Journal Special Technology Issue - 2012
Collaborator: Pelin Bicen
Facebook as a Complaint Mechanism: An investigation of Millenials, Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business - September, 2012
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
College Students’ Attitudes toward the Act of Gambling: Influence from Consumer Socialization Agents, Services Marketing Quarterly - 2011
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
College Students and Credit Card Use: An Analysis of Financially At-risk Students, College Student Journal - 2010
Collaborator: C. Robb
Thought Processes College Students Use When Evaluating Faculty: A Qualitative Study, American Journal of Business Education - 2010
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
Power Perceptions and Modes of Complaining in Higher Education, The Service Industries Journal - 2009
Collaborators: A. Mukherjee; N. Malhotra
College Students and Academic Performance: A Case of Taking Control, NASPA Journal - September, 2009
Collaborators: Phylis Mansfield; Diane Parente; T. Wortman
College Students Need This Course: Financial Literacy, - September 06, 2009
Consumer Vulnerability and Credit Card Knowledge Among Developmentally Disabled Citizens, Journal of Consumer Affairs - 2008
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
Should Colleges Just Say NO to Credit Card Solicitations?, Business News - 2008
Credit Card Marketing to College Students - 2007
Sex and Advertising - 2007
Marketing Credit Cards to College Students: Will Legislation Protect Them from Excessive Debt?, Marketing Management Journal - 2007
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
Penn State Behrend Launches Save, Spend, Succeed: S3 Financial Literacy Outreach, Jump$tart Update - 2007
Collaborator: K. Pugliano
Direct Mail Credit Card Solicitation of College Students: An Exploratory Study, Services Marketing Quarterly - 2006
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
Financially At-risk College Students: An Exploratory Investigation of Student Loan Debt and Prioritization of Debt Repayment, NASFAA Journal of Student Financial Aid - 2006
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
The Use of Computer Mediated Communication in Consumer Complaining: A Study in Higher Education, Journal of College Teaching and Learning - 2006
Collaborator: Phylis Mansfield
A Pre-post Comparison of Service Operational Efficiency and Patient Satisfaction Under Open Access Scheduling, Health Care Management Review - 2005
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Co-Author; J. Barber, Secondary Author
Information Learned from Socialization Agents: Its Relationship to Credit Card Use, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal - 2005
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Secondary Author; Phylis Mansfield, Secondary Author
College Students and Academic Performance: A Case of Taking Control, Journal of National Association of Student Personnel Administrators - 2004
Collaborators: Phylis Mansfield, Co-Author; Diane Parente, Secondary Author; T. Wortman
Relationship of Credit Attitude and Debt to Self Esteem and Locus of Control in College-age Consumers, Psychological Reports - 2004
Collaborators: Phylis Mansfield, Co-Author; Diane Parente, Secondary Author
More Information on the Credit Card Research Program, Behrend Bulletin - September, 2004
College Students Who Use Credit Cards Know Risks, Penn State Live - September 20, 2004
Giving Due Credit: Researchers Probe How Young People Learn to Use and Misuse Credit Cards, Penn State Intercom - February, 2004
Self Control and Credit Card Use Among College Students, Psychological Reports - 2003
Collaborators: Phylis Mansfield, Co-Author; Diane Parente, Secondary Author
Researchers Probe How Young Consumers Learn to Use and Misuse Credit Cards, Penn State Live - November 24, 2003
Research Ties Credit Card Use Among College Students to Self-Control and Credit Consciousness - October 02, 2003
Credit-conscious College Students Tend to Own Most Cards, Penn State News - July, 2003
Credit Card 101, The Penn Stater - January, 2003
Patient Satisfaction with Outpatient Physical Therapy: Instrument Validation, Physical Therapy - 2002
Collaborators: P. Beattie, Primary Author; M. Nelson, Secondary Author; R. Nelson, Secondary Author
Selling Open Access Health Care Delivery to Patients and Administrators: What’s the Hook?, Health Marketing Quarterly - 2002
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Secondary Author; J. Barber, Secondary Author
College Student Performance and Credit Card Usage, Journal of College Student Development - 2001
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Secondary Author; Todd Palmer, Secondary Author
College Students’ Credit Card Debt and The Role of Parental Involvement: Implications for Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing - 2001
Collaborators: Todd Palmer, Co-Author; Diane Parente, Secondary Author
Credit Card Solicitation Policies in Higher Education: Does “Protecting” Our Students Make a Difference?, Journal of College Student Development - 2001
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Secondary Author; Todd Palmer, Secondary Author
Give Them Some Credit, Research Penn State - September, 2001
Card Talk, University Business - February, 2001
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Secondary Author; T. Palmer, Secondary Author
Materialism and Credit Card Use by College Students, Psychological Reports - 2000
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Secondary Author; Todd Palmer, Secondary Author
On the Nature and Properties of Appeals Used in Direct–to–Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs, Psychological Reports - 2000
Study reveals trends in credit card use, The Associated Press State and Local Wire - December 03, 2000
Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Responsibility: Toward an Alternative Model of Medical Service Quality, Health Marketing Quarterly - 1999
Collaborator: J. Barber, Secondary Author
Service Delivery Satisfaction and the Developmentally Disabled: Assessing the Unassessable?, Journal of Customer Service in Marketing and Management - 1998
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto, Secondary Author; C. Curcio, Secondary Author
The Impact of Pharmaceutical Direct Advertising: Opportunities and Obstructions, Health Marketing Quarterly - 1998
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto, Secondary Author; J. Barber, Secondary Author
Guilt Appeals in Advertising: What Are Their Effects?, Digest of Management Research - 1996
Collaborator: R. Coulter, Secondary Author
Guilt Appeals in Advertising: What Are Their Effects?, PsychScan: Applied Psychology - 1996
Collaborator: R. Coulter, Primary Author
Guilt Appeals in Advertising: What Are Their Effects?, Journal of Applied Psychology - 1995
Collaborator: R. Coulter, Co-Author
Organizational Implications of Divestment: A Comparison of Innovative Practices in Crown and Private Corporations in Canada, International Journal of Commerce and Management - 1995
Collaborators: K. Carter, Co-Author; Jeffrey Pinto, Co-Author
Outcome Measures in Assessing Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America - 1995
The Impact of Office Characteristics on Satisfaction with Medical Care: A “Before and After” Analysis, Health Marketing Quarterly - 1994
Collaborator: L. Leonidas, Secondary Author
Antecedents and Consequences of Project Team Cross-functional Cooperation, Management Science - 1993
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto, Secondary Author; J. Prescott, Secondary Author
Assessing the Viability of Situationally-driven Segmentation Opportunities in the Health Care Market, Hospital and Health Services Administration - 1993
Collaborator: K. Gehrt, Co-Author
Facilitators of Corporate Innovation: An Exploratory Study of Public and Private Firms in Canada, Journal of Managerial Issues - 1992
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto, Co-Author; K. Carter, Co-Author
Note on Guilt Appeals in Advertising: Covariate Effects on Self-esteem and Locus of Control, Psychological Reports - 1992
Collaborator: N. Worobetz, Secondary Author
The Role of Cross-functional Cooperation in the Implementation of Marketing Decisions - 1991
Guilt Appeals in Advertising: An Exploratory Study, Psychological Reports - 1991
Collaborator: S. Priest, Secondary Author
The Impact of Situational Factors on Health Care Preferences: Exploring the Prospect of Situationally-based Segmentation, Journal of Health Care Marketing - 1991
Collaborator: K. Gehrt, Co-Author
An Exploration of the Applicability of Situational Segmentation in the Health Care Market: Development of a Situational Taxonomy, Health Marketing Quarterly - 1990
Collaborator: K. Gehrt, Co-Author
Gaining Cooperation Among Members of Hospital Project Teams, Hospital Topics - 1990
Project Team Communication and Cross-functional Cooperation in New Program Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management - 1990
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto, Secondary Author
The Do-It-Yourself Health Care Consumer: Preliminary Identification and Marketing Implications, Health Marketing Quarterly - 1990
Collaborator: K. Gehrt, Secondary Author
A Method for Inducing Response Rates in Business-to-Business Direct Marketing Campaigns, Journal of Direct Marketing - 1989
Hospital Project Teams: Gaining Cooperation, Explorations - 1989
The Determinants of Satisfaction for a High Involvement Product: Three Rival Hypotheses and Their Implications in the Health Care Context, Advances in Consumer Research - 1985
Collaborator: M. Venkatraman, Co-Author
Ph D, Marketing, University of Pittsburgh
MBA, Health Services Administration, University of Pittsburgh
BBA, Marketing, University of Notre Dame