Matthew Swinarski, Ph.D.

Matthew Swinarski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of MIS, Management Information Systems and Functional Data Analytics programs
282 Burke
Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563

Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo (2002): Research interests include IS outsourcing and IT services delivery capabilities. His teaching interests are in database management systems, IS strategy and IT management. He has served as issue managing editor for the Journal of Information Technology Theory & Application and as an IT consultant for small and medium-sized companies in the Buffalo, NY, area.


  • B ADM 511: Information Systems Management & Strategy
  • B ADM 597A: Database and Spreadsheet Development
  • B ADM 597C: Database and Spreadsheet Development
  • B ADM 597D: Business Processes 
  • MIS 336 (Formerly MISBD 336): Database Management Systems
  • MISBD 501: Information Systems


  • Omega Rho, National Operations Research and Management Science Honor Society, 1994
  • Eta Kappa Nu, National Electrical Engineering Honor Society, 1992
  • Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society,1992
  • Outstanding Achievement Award, General Electric,1990

Other Activities

  • Issues Managing Editor, North American Region, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, Vol. 3, No. 5, 2001.
  • Editor-in-Chief, INFORMS OR/MS Tomorrow Newsletter, 1996-1999

Participation in Seminars and Workshops

  • Understanding Transition during Offshore Outsourcing: Factor Model of “Transition Performance.” Discussant, Relationship Management, Third Global Sourcing Workshop, annual meeting, Keystone CO, March 2009.
  • Innovative Education. Session chair, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, annual meeting, Erie PA, April 2008.
  • A Preliminary Investigation into the Conceptualization and Measurement of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). Presenter, research seminar, Black School of Business, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, November 2007.
  • Advanced Tips on Spreadsheets. Presenter, MBA Orientation, Black School of Business, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, January 2007; August 2006.
  • Penn State Case Teaching Workshop, Penn State Erie, Erie PA:
    • Presenter, Part Two, December 2005.
  • Collaborative Educational Program Workshop. Participant, Business and Engineering Education Partnership, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, April 2004.
  • Business and Engineering Conference. Participant, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, September 2004.

Speaking Engagements

  • IT Outsourcing Session for the Business Information Technology Summit. Speaker. Technology Council of Northwest PA, Erie PA, May 2004.

Membership in Professional and Learned Societies

  • Decision Sciences Institute, 2010-.
  • Academy of Management, 2004-07, 2000-01.
  • Association for Information Systems, 2004-, 2000-02.
  • Information Resource Management Association, 2000-01.
  • Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, 1996-99.

New Courses and/or Programs Developed, Including Service Learning and Outreach Courses

  • B ADM 597D: Business Processes. Introduce students to key concepts and approaches to business process management and improvement. The main objective of the course is to provide an introduction to techniques and tools of process analysis and workflow management. Developed and taught for the first time for the MBA graduate program, Summer 2010.
  • B ADM 597A: Database and Spreadsheet Development. Introduces students to basic modeling principles and techniques for developing databases and spreadsheets. Spring 2009.
  • B ADM 511: Information Systems Management and Strategy. Fundamental uses of IS/T and guiding principles associated with the development and management of IS/T as a strategic organizational asset. Fall 2003.

Service to Business and Industry

  • Behrend and Erie Insurance Partnership Meeting. The key focus areas were on IT, strategy, innovation, leadership, and diversity/inclusion. Penn State Erie, Erie PA, June 2008.
  • Round Table for the City of Erie PA. A roundtable discussion for identifying potential projects and match resources. Some of the areas identified related to Human Resources, IT, Management and Marketing. Penn State Erie, Erie PA, February 2008.
  • TOPS Database Project – Partnership Erie. Consulted with client and provided direction and evaluation of project activity. Penn State Erie, Erie PA, 2008.
  • Rural IT Outsourcing. Conducted meetings, research and discussions on creating an IT consulting/outreach institute entity in Erie to employ MIS students. Penn State Erie, Erie PA, Spring 2006.

Participation in Community Affairs

  • Volunteer, United Way Campaign, Penn State Erie, Erie PA, 2009.

Service to Public and Private Organizations

  • Officer, Member Services, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, 2011.

Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Process Improvement IS Sourcing IS Service Learning Spreadsheet Development ERP Systems Spreadsheets Project Management

Aligning Supply Chain Logistics Costs via ERP Coordination, International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design - April, 2018
Collaborators: Joseph Muscatello, Co-Author; Array Parente, Co-Author

The Impact of ERP Alignment on Logistics Costs: A Work System Theoretical Approach, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems - July, 2016
Collaborators: Joseph Muscatello, Co-Author; Diane Parente, Co-Author

Shareholder Reaction to Firm Investments in the Capability Maturity Model: An Event Study, European Journal of Information Systems - March, 2013
Collaborators: Michael Filbeck; Xin Zhao

A Quality-Distinction Model of IT Capabilities: Conceptualization and Two-Stage Empirical Validation using CMMi Processes, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - August, 2012
Collaborators: Rajiv Kishore; Eric Jackson; H Rao, Secondary Author

Do Small IT Firms Benefit from Higher Process Capability?, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM) - July, 2012
Collaborators: Diane Parente, Co-Author; Rajiv Kishore, Co-Author

A Study of Gender Differences with Respect to Internet Socialization of Adolescents, Journal of Business and Economics Research - June, 2010
Collaborators: Diane Parente; Kathleen Noce

Are All IT Professionals Created Equally? , Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business - May, 2010
Collaborators: Diane Parente; Kathleen Noce

Socialization to the Internet: Who Is Teaching Our Children? , International Journal of Management and Information Systems - 2009
Collaborators: Diane Parente; Kathleen Noce

Rewards And Penalties in IT Outsourcing: Do They Work As Intended? - October, 2009
Collaborator: Rajiv Kishore, Co-Author

Developing Social Responsibility: Impact of IS Service Learning Projects - December, 2008
Collaborators: Kathleen Noce, Secondary Author; Diane Parente, Secondary Author

Focusing on IS Skills for the Middle and Senior Level Manager: A New Approach to the MBA Core IS Course, Communications of the Association for Information Systems - September, 2008
Collaborator: Array Array

Conceptualization and Measurement of the Capability Maturity Models (CMM): An Examination of Past Practices and Suggestions for Future Approaches - August, 2008
Collaborators: E Jackson, Secondary Author; R Kishore, Secondary Author

Vendor Commitment in an ASP Outsourcing Context: A Comparative Evaluation of the Roles of Power and Partnership, Information Technology Outsourcing - 2007
Collaborators: R Kishore; H Rao

Managing User Relationships in Hierarchies for Information System Security, Decision Support Systems - March, 2007
Collaborators: M Vroblefski; A Chen; B Shao

Impact of IT Service Provider Process Capabilities on Service Provider Performance: An Empirical Study - January, 2006
Collaborators: H Rao, Secondary Author; R Kishore, Secondary Author

The Effect of Power and Partnership on Application Service Provider Commitment, Cooperation and Compliance - August 31, 2005
Collaborators: H Rao; R Kishore, Co-Author

The Effects of Incentives and Penalties on IT Outsourcing Relationships - July, 2005
Collaborators: H Rao; R Kishore, Co-Author

Impact of Vendor Capabilities on ASP Performance - 2002
Collaborators: R Kishore; H Rao

Impact of ASP Capabilities on Application Service Quality - August, 2001
Collaborators: H Rao; R Kishore

Understanding the Role of Output and Process Quality Control in ITS Outsourcing - December, 2000
Collaborators: H Rao; R Kishore

An Examination of Perceived Value of “Secondary” Knowledge Sources for IT Projects - May, 2000
Collaborator: H Rao, Co-Author

Issues in the Analysis and Design of Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Applications to the Physical Therapy Domain - April, 1998
Collaborators: H Rao; V Jacob

Ph D, Management, The State University of New York at Buffalo

MS, Industrial Engineering, The State University of New York at Buffalo

BS, Electrical Engineering, Clarkson University