ERIE PA 16563
Teaching Specialties
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Biology of Vascular Plants
- Director, Lake Erie Regional Grape Research and Extension Center, Penn State College of Agriculture. (2017-present).
- Associate Director, School of Science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. (2015-2017).
- Assistant Director, School of Science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. (2014-2015).
- Biology Program Coordinator, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. (2011-2014).
- Professor of Biology, School of Science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. (2013-present).
- Associate Professor of Biology, School of Science, Penn State Erie The Behrend College. (2000-2013).
- Assistant Professor, School of Science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. (1994-2000).
Publications (Limited to 10): (* denotes undergraduate authors)
Campbell, M.A., D’Annibale.* 2016. Exposure of Potato Tuber to Varying Concentrations of 1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene Decrease the Expression of Transcripts for Plastid Proteins. Am J of Potato Res, 93:278-287.
Campbell, M. A., J. Suttle, D. Douches, C.R. Buell. 2014. Treatment of potato tubers with the synthetic cytokinin 1-(α-ethylbenzyl)-3-nitroguanidine results in rapid termination of endodormancy and induction of transcripts associated with cell proliferation and growth. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 14: 789-799.
Williams, J., M. Campbell, M. Jaskolka,* and T. Xie.* 2013 Artemisia vulgaris L. Chemotypes. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4 (6):1265-1269.
Campbell, M. A., Gleichsner,* L. Hilldorfer,* D. Horvath, J. Suttle. 2011. The sprout inhibitor 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene induces the expression of the cell cycle inhibitors KRP1 and KRP2 in potatoes. Functional and Integrative Genomics, (10.1007/s10142-011-0257-9).
Campbell, M.A., A. Gleichsner,* R. Alsbury,* D. Horvath, J. Suttle. 2010. The sprout inhibitors chlorpropham and 1,4-Dimethylnapthalene elicit different transcriptional profiles and do not suppress growth through a prolongation of the dormant state. Plant Molecular Biology, 73:181-189.
Wang, Y-H., M.A. Campbell. 2008. Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Tomato Elicits Unexpected Flower Phenotypes with Similar Gene Expression Profiles. PLoS One, 3(8):e2974.
Campbell, M.A., E. Segear,* L.Beers,* D. Knauber, and J. Suttle. 2008. Dormancy in Potato Tuber Meristems: Chemically Induced Cessation in Dormancy Matches the Natural Process Based on Transcript Profiles. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 8:743-752.
Manendo, T.J.,* M.A. Campbell, H.H. Gilroy,* and E.C. Masteller. 2008. Analysis of rDNA Regions of five Freshwater Unionid Mussel Species in Presque Isle Bay, Southeastern Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 34:204-209.
Campbell, M.A., J. Patel,* J.L. Meyers,* L.C. Myrick,* and J.L. Gustin. 2001. Genes Encoding for Branched-Chain Amino Acid Aminotransferase are Differentially Expressed in Plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 39:855-860.
Campbell, M.A., L.M. Herrmann,* and J. Colvin.* 1998. The Characterization of a Gene Encoding a Putative Germin-Like Protein from Solanum tuberosum (PGR98-169). Plant Physiology, 118:711.
Research Interests
My work is centered on the use of molecular and bioinformatic tools to investigate the biology of perennial plants with a specific focus on dormancy. I am interested in mechanisms that can be used to control post harvest sprouting in potato as well as the effects of climate change on dormancy and shoot growth in grapes.
Interests: Woody Plant Physiology, Plant Metabolism, Genetic Modification of Plants, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics
The sprout inhibitor 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene results in common gene expression changes in potato cultivars with varying dormancy profiles, Potato Research - July 31, 2024
Collaborator: Emily Dobry, Co-Author
Physiological and molecular mechanisms associated with potato tuber dormancy, Journal of Experimental Botany - April 23, 2024
Collaborators: Munevver Dogramaci, Co-Author; Emily Dobry, Co-Author; Evandro Fortini, Co-Author; Dipayan Sarkar, Co-Author; Dani Eschel, Co-Author
Traditional and emerging approaches for disease management of Plasmopara viticola. causal agent of downy mildew of grape, Agriculture - March 4, 2024
Collaborators: Jessica Clippinger, Co-Author; Emily Dobry, Co-Author; Ivy Laffan, Co-Author; Nyla Zorbas, Co-Author; Bryan Hed, Co-Author
Gnomoniopsis castaneae: An emerging plant pathogen and global threat to chestnut systems, Plant Pathology - January 10, 2023
Collaborator: Emily Dobry, Author
Plant Organ Primordia - December 16, 2022
Cross-species analysis of serum albumin: towards understanding function based on evolutionarily unique amino acids, CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH - August, 2020
Collaborators: Mary Grace Galinato, Author; Sean Artello, Co-Author; Emily Luteran, Co-Author; Alexandra Castro, Co-Author
Changes in gene expression in potato meristems treated with the sprout suppressor 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene are dependent on tuber age and dormancy status, PLOS ONE - July 2, 2020
Collaborators: Carley Gwin, Co-Author; Helen Tai, Co-Author; Rachael Adams, Co-Author
Plant Organ Primordia, eLS - March 10, 2020
Collaborator: Rachael Adams
The Influence of Lake Erie on the Effects of Climate Change, International Journal of Climatology - February 23, 2020
Collaborators: Kara Dobson, Primary Author; Lynne Beaty, Co-Author; Michael Rutter, Co-Author; Bryan Hed, Co-Author
The Sprout Regulating Compound 1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene Exhibits Fungistatic Activity - January 10, 2019
Collaborators: Rachael Adams, Student Author; Emily Dobry, Student Author; Kara Dobson, Student Author; Veroncia Stefanick, Student Author; Jessica Till, Student Author
SURFing at the Undergraduate Poster Session in Honolulu, ASPB News - September, 2017
Exposure of Potato Tuber to Varying Concentrations of 1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene Decrease the Expression of Transcripts for Plastid Proteins - March 01, 2016
Collaborator: Olivia D'Annibale
Wounding Induces Changes in Cytokinin and Auxin Content in Potato Tubers but does not Induce Formation of Gibberellins, Journal of Plant Physiology - February, 2016
Collaborators: Edward Lula, Author; Jeffrey Suttle, Co-Author; Linda Olsen, Co-Author; Jonathan Neubauer; Larry Campbell
Potato Tuber Dormancy and Postharvest Sprout Control - February 17, 2016
Collaborators: Jeffrey Suttle, Co-Author; Nora Olsen, Co-Author
Chemical Release of Endodormancy in Potato Involves Multiple Mechanisms
Transcriptional changes in dormant and non_dormant potato meristems - September 24, 2014
Artemisia vulgaris L. Chemotypes, American Journal of Plant Sciences - June 1, 2013
Collaborators: Jack Williams, Co-Author; Michael Jaskolka, Co-Author; Tianyue Xie, Co-Author
The Sprout Inhibitor 14-dimethylnaphthalene Induces the Expression of the Cell Cycle Inhibitors KRP1 and KRP2 in Potatoes, Functional and Integrative Genomics Journal - 2012
Collaborators: D. Horvath, Co-Author; J. Suttle, Co-Author; A. Gleichsner; L. Hilldorfer, Co-Author
Two Arabidopsis thaliana dihydrodipicolinate synthases, DHDPS1 and DHDPS2, are unequally redundant, Functional Plant Biology - 2012
Collaborators: Susan Jones-Held, Primary Author; Luciana Ambrozevicius, Co-Author; Bradley Drumheller, Co-Author; Emily Harrington, Co-Author; Thomas Leustek, Co-Author
Gene Expression Changes In potato Tuber Meristems Treated with the Sprout Inhibitor 1,4-dimethylnapthlene - January 01, 2012
Collaborators: Alyssa Gleichsner, Co-Author; Lindsay Hilldorfer, Co-Author; David Horvath, Co-Author; Jeffrey Suttle, Co-Author
Ontogenetic Changes in Pharyngeal Morphology Correlate with a Diet Shift from Arthropods to Dreissenid Mussels in Round Gobies (Neogobius melanostomus), Journal of Great Lakes Research - 2011
Collaborators: G. Andraso; J. Cowles; R. Colt; J. Patel
Multiple Introductions Boosted Genetic Diversity in the Invasive Range of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina: Rosaceae), Annals of Botany - 2010
Collaborators: M. Pairon; B. Petitpiere, Co-Author; A. Guisan, Co-Author; O. Broenimann, Co-Author; P. Baret, Co-Author; A. Jacquemart, Co-Author; G. Besnard, Co-Author
The Sprout Inhibitors Chlorpropham and 1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene Elicit Different Transcriptional Profiles and Do Not Suppress Growth Through a Prolongation of the Dormant State, Plant Molecular Biology - 2010
Collaborators: A. Gleichsner; R. Alsbury; D. Horvath; J. Suttle
How Plants Power the Planet , American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Books and Films - 2009
Understanding Perennials, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Books and Films - 2009
Potato EST Project (13 submissions of new genes) Accessions FG311919 through FG311931 - 2008
Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Tomato Elicits Unexpected Flower Phenotypes with Similar Gene Expression Profiles, Public Library of Science One - 2008
Collaborator: Y. Wang
Analysis of rDNA Regions of Five Freshwater Unionid Mussel Species in Presque Isle Bay, Southeastern Lake Erie, Journal of Great Lakes Research - 2008
Collaborators: T. Manendo; H. Gilroy; E. Masteller
Dormancy in Potato Tuber Meristems: Chemically Induced Cessation in Dormancy Matches The Natural Process Based On Transcript Profiles, Functional and Integrative Genomics - 2008
Collaborators: E. Segear; L. Beers; D. Knauber; J. Suttle
The Revival of the American Chestnut, The Arboretum at Penn State Behrend Newsletter - 2008
Invasive Terrestrial Plants , American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Books and Films - 2007
Potato EST Project (32 submissions of new genes) Accessions ES542671 through ES42701 - 2007
Dormancy and The Cell Cycle - 2006
Photosynthesis and Respiration , American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Books and Films - 2006
Black Cherry, The Arboretum at Penn State Behrend Newsletter - 2006
A Natural History of Ferns , American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Books and Films - 2005
Potato EST Project (28 submissions of new genes) Accessions DN831992 through DN32019 - 2005
Collaborator: Carley Gwin, Primary Author
Biology 230W: Molecules and Cells, A Laboratory Manual - 2005
Collaborator: C. Hopwood
Nourishing Earth: Natural Systems Agriculture and Ecological Technologies - 2004
Can the State Tree of Pennsylvania Be Saved?, The Arboretum at Penn State Behrend Newsletter - 2004
The White Pine, The Arboretum at Penn State Behrend Newsletter - 2004
Biology 230W: Molecules and Cells, A Laboratory Manual, ANGEL - 2003
Collaborator: C. Hopwood
The Firefly Dictionary of Plants, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Books and Films - 2003
Internal Transcribed SPacer Regions for Pyganodon grandis (1045 bp), Amblema plicata (972 pb), Ligumia nasuta (1012 bp)Fusconaia flava (974 bp), Lampsilis siliquoide (978 bp) Accessions AY318385, AY294561, AY319383, AY313964, AY319384 - 2003
Collaborators: Edward Masteller; H. Gilroy, Student Author; T. Manendo, Student Author
Photosynthesis and Plant Reproduction - 2002
The World of Plants - 2002
Genes Encoding for Brunched-Chain Amino Acid Aminotransferase are Differentially Expressed in Plants, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry - 2001
Collaborators: J. Patel; J. Meyers; L. Myrick; J. Gustin
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Folate Metabolism in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Developmental Biology - 1999
Collaborators: J. Warren Jr; K. Wellejus; E. Fink; J. Patel
Danio rerio uridine kinase mRNA, complete cds Accession AF195851 - 1999
Collaborators: James Warren, Primary Author; K. Wellejus, Student Author; J. Patel, Student Author
Solanum Tuberosum branched-chain amino acid aminotansferase (BCAT2) - 1999
Collaborators: J. Patel, Student Author; J. Meyers, Student Author; L. Myrick, Student Author
Solanum Tuberosum branched-chain amino acid aminotansferase (BCATI) Accession AF193846 - 1999
Collaborators: J. Patel, Student Author; L. Myrick, Student Author
Solanum tubersum cystathionine-gamma-synthase (CGSI) mRNA, complete cds Accession AF144102 - 1999
Collaborators: J. Patel, Student Author; J. Meyers, Student Author; L. Myrick, Student Author
Solanum tuberosum DNA binding protein homolog(STWAAEIRD) mRNA, complee cds Accession U77655 - 1998
Collaborators: A. Woodring, Student Author; J. Stidd, Student Author
Solanum tuberosum germin-like protein (OXAOXA) mRNA, complete cds Accession AF0677731 - 1998
Collaborators: L. Herrmann, Student Author; J. Colvin, Student Author
Analysis of the Isopentenyl Diphosphate Isomerase Gene Family from Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Molecular Biology - 1998
Collaborators: F. Hahn; D. Poulter; T. Leustek
Isolation of a cDNA from Potato with Structural Similarity to the AP2 Gene Superfamily (PGR98-129), Plant Physiology - 1998
Collaborators: A. Woodring; J. Stidd
The Characterization of a Gene Encoding a Putative Germin-Like Protein from Solanum tuberosum (PGR98-169), Plant Physiology - 1998
Collaborators: L. Herrmann; J. Colvin
Solanum tuberosum cdc2-like p34 kinase Gene, Partial CDs Accession U53510 - 1996
Collaborator: J. Suttle
Changes in Cell Cycle Status and Expression of p34cdc2 Kinase during Potato Tuber Meristem Dormancy, Physiologia Plantarum - 1996
Collaborators: J. Suttle; T. Sell
Identification of a RAPD Marker Linked to the Pendula Gene in Norway Spruce Ipicea abies (L.) Karst. F. pendula, Theoretical and Applied Genetics - 1995
Collaborators: A. Lehner; N. Wheeler; T. Poykko; J. Glossl; J. Kreike; D.B. Neale
Expression of a Larch RbeS Promoter in Tobacco, Canadian Journal of Forest Research - 1994
Collaborators: D. Neale; P. Harvje; K. Hutchison
Molecular Studies of Shoot Induction in Cultured Cotyledons of Douglas Fir: Alternations in Polypeptide Profiles and mRNA Populations - 1992
Collaborators: J. Gaynor; E. Kirby
Expression of Luciferase and Beta-Glucuronidase in Pinus radiata Suspension Cells Using Electroporation and Particle Bombardment, Canadian Journal of Forest Research - 1992
Collaborators: D. Neale; C. Kinlaw
Prospects for the Study of DNA Elements that Confer Light Regulated Gene Expression in Conifers - 1991
Collaborator: D. Neale
Tree Growth: Adventitious Bud Induction - 1991
The Isolation and Culture of Protoplasts of Forest Tree Species - 1989
Collaborators: E. Kirby; R. Penchel
Changes in Translatable RNA Populations Isolated from Cotyledons of Douglas-Fir, Genetic Manipulation of Woody Plants - 1987
Collaborators: J. Gaynor; E. Kirby
Ph D, Plant Physiology, Rutgers, The Sate University of New Jersey
BS, Biology, The State University of New York at Binghamton