Michael E. Brown, Ph.D.

Samuel Patton and Marion Toudy Black Chair in Business
Professor of Management, Business & Management and MBA programs
Director, Honors Programs
266 Burke
Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563

Dr. Brown is a professor of management and the Samuel Patton and Marion Toudy Black Chair in Business He is Director of the Behrend Honors Program and Campus Coordinator for the Schreyer Honors College. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of management, negotiations, leadership, and ethics. He research has appeared in top journals including Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Management, and Business Ethics Quarterly. He has served on the editorial board of many leading journals. His current research interests include ethical leadership, moral conflict, moral diversity, and other aspects of behavioral ethics. Dr. Brown received his B.A. from Dartmouth College, his Masters in Business Administration from the University of Texas, and his Ph.D. in Management from Penn State University.

Behavioral Ethics, Ethical Leadership, Ethical Conflict, Leadership

Ethical conflict: Conceptualization, measurement, and an examination of consequences, Journal of Applied Psychology - July, 2022
Collaborators: Ryan Vogel, Co-Author; Mustafa Akben

Appreciation that inspires: The impact of leader trait gratitude on team innovation, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Collaborators: Chenwei Li, Co-Author; Yuntao Dong, Co-Author; Chia-Huei Wu, Co-Author; Li-Yun Sun, Co-Author

The Effects of Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Turnover Intentions, Social Responsibility Journal - 2021
Collaborators: M Nejati, Co-Author; Azadeh Shafaei ; Pi-Shen Seet

How a Grateful Leader Trait Can Cultivate Creative Employees: A Dual-Level Leadership Process Mode, Journal of Positive Psychology - 2017
Collaborators: C. Li, Co-Author; C. Wu, Co-Author

Supervisor-Subordinate (Dis)agreement on Ethical Leadership: An Investigation of its Antecedents and Relationship to Organizational Deviance, Business Ethics Quarterly - 2019
Collaborators: Maribeth Kuenzi, Co-Author; M Priesmuth, Co-Author; D Mayer

The Relationship Between Ethical and Abusive Coaching Behaviors, Sport, Exerecise, & Performance Psychology - 2015

Ethical Leadership, Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations - 2014
Collaborator: Linda Trevino

Moral Intuition: Connecting Current Knowledge to Future Research and Organizational Practice, Journal of Management - January, 2014
Collaborators: G Weaver, Co-Author; S Reynolds, Co-Author

Ethical Leadership: Assessing the Value of a Multifoci Social Exchange Perspective, Journal of Business Ethics - July 1, 2013
Collaborators: S Hansen; B Alge; C Jackson; B Dunford

Do Role Models Matter? An Investigation of Role Modeling as an Antecedent of Perceived Ethical Leadership, Journal of Business Ethics - June 21, 2013
Collaborator: Linda Trevino, Secondary Author

Someone to Look Up To: Executive-Follower Ethical Reasoning and Perceptions of Ethical Leadership, Journal of Management - March, 2013
Collaborators: J Jordan, Co-Author; Linda Trevino, Co-Author; S Finkelstein, Co-Author

Moral Foundations at Work: New Factors to Consider in Understanding the Nature and Role of Ethics in Organizations - 2011
Collaborator: G Weaver

Do Ethical Leaders Get Ahead? Exploring Ethical Leadership and Promotability, Business Ethics Quarterly - 2010
Collaborators: R Rubin; E Dierdorff

Ethical and Unethical Leadership: Exploring New Avenues for Future Research, Business Ethics Quarterly - 2010
Collaborator: M Mitchell

Leader-follower Values Congruence: Are Socialized Charismatic Leadership Better Able to Achieve It? , Journal of Applied Psychology - 2009
Collaborator: Linda Trevino

Ethical Leadership: A Social Learning Perspective for Construct Development and Testing - 2008
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; D Harrison

It’s Lovely at the Top: Hierarchical Levels, Identities, and Perceptions of Organizational Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly - 2008
Collaborators: Linda Trevino, Primary Author; G Weaver

Charismatic Leadership - 2007

Ethical Leadership: A Developing Construct - 2007
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

Ethics in Business at the Individual Level - 2007

Gestire I'etica Nelle Organizzazioni: Ridimensionare Cinque Miti Sull'etica degli Affair, Notizie di Politeia - 2007
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

Misconceptions of Ethical Leadership: How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls, Organizational Dynamics - 2007

Managing to be Ethical: Debunking Five Business Ethics Myths - 2006
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain: An Application in the Food Industry, Journal of Business Ethics - 2006
Collaborator: M Maloni

Ethical Leadership: A Review and Future Directions, The Leadership Quarterly - 2006
Collaborator: Linda Trevino

The Role of Leaders in Influencing Unethical Behavior in the Workplace - 2005
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

Ethical Leadership: A Social Learning Perspective for Construct Development and Testing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes - 2005
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; D Harrison

Gestao Etica, G V Executivo - 2005
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

An Assessment of Research Designs in Strategic Management Research: The Frequency of Threats to Internal Validity - 2004
Collaborators: D Bergh; R Hanke; P Balkundi; X Chen

Managing to be Ethical: Debunking Five Business Ethics Myths, Academy of Management Executive - 2004
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

Managing to be Ethical: Debunking Five Business Ethics Myths, IEEE Engineering Management Review - 2004
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

Embracing Business Ethics, Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership Magazine - August, 2004

Is Values-Based Leadership Ethical Leadership?, Research in Social Issues Management, Vol. 3: Emerging Perspectives on Values in Organizations - 2003
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; Array Array

A Qualitative Investigation of Perceived Executive Ethical Leadership Perceptions from Inside and Outside the Executive Suite, Human Relations - 2003
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; L Hartman

The Influence of Leadership Styles on Unethical Conduct in Work Groups - August, 2003
Collaborator: Linda Trevino

Making Things Click: Distributive Leadership in an Online Division of an Offline Organization, Leadership Quarterly - 2002
Collaborator: D Gioia

Conceptualizing and Measuring Ethical Leadership: Development of an Instrument - August, 2002
Collaborator: Linda Trevino

Growing Pains: The Precarious Relationship Between Offline Parents and Online Offspring - 2001
Collaborators: K Corley; D Gioia

Moral Person and Moral Manager: How Executives Develop a Reputation for Ethical Leadership, California Management Review - 2000
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; L Hartman

It’s Lovely at the Top: Comparing Senior Managers' and Employees' Perceptions of Organizational Ethics - August, 2000
Collaborators: Linda Trevino; G Weaver

Ph D, Management and Organization, The Pennsylvania State University

MBA, Business, The University of Texas at Austin

BA, History, Dartmouth College