Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563
Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology (1992): Research and teaching interests are in the areas of operations planning and control, supply chain management, operations strategy, and statistics. He has received the Ideal Industries Award for Excellence in Business Teaching at Northern Illinois University. Dr. Venkataraman has previous industry experience as an assistant manager with a multinational bank in India.
Ideal Industries Award for Excellence in Business Teaching, Department of Operations Management and Information Systems, College of Business, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL, 1995-96
Teaching Philosophy
Education is a process of life-long learning and the challenge for teachers is to generate in students a love of learning from their educational experience. Even more important than the particular skills and the concepts that we teach, the most pivotal obligation of a teacher to his students is to provide a learning environment that stimulates critical thinking and a love for learning. Consequently, my teaching philosophy is to provide the students with the necessary professional knowledge and analytical skills in an environment where learning can be a delightful experience both for the student and the teacher. Within the framework of this teaching philosophy and regardless of the particular course being taught, I have two fundamental objectives.
- Create a learning environment that fosters mutual respect and uncompromising integrity as these are essential ingredients for human development.
- Encourage critical thinking that pre-supposes mastery of the subject matter.
In order to accomplish these objectives, in all my classes, I promote an atmosphere that encourages student participation, free and honest expression of opinions without fear, and constructive criticism of my teaching. All my courses are highly rigorous and force the students to think beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Students are frequently challenged to make decisions and to identify the relevance of those decisions to real-life business problems.
Of all the compliments that I have received from my students, the one that is most gratifying to me is that I care for my students and have faith in their potential.
Courses Taught
- B ADM 503: Integrated Business Analysis
- MANGT 450: Operations Planning and Control
- MANGT 515: Cost and Value Management
- MANGT 520: Planning and Resource Management
- QANLY 501: Statistics for Modern Business
- QANLY 596: Individual Studies
- SCM 200 (Formerly MS&IS 200): Introduction to Statistics for Business
- SCM 301 (formerly SCM 310): Introduction to Operations Management
- SCM 455 (Formerly MANGT 455): Logistics Systems Analysis and Design
Outreach-Based Instruction
- Pre MPM Certificate Program: Nov 2001-May 2002; May 2002-Nov 2003
- Aalborg Industries, Erie, PA, 2002
- Service to Business and Industry
- Established student internships with General Electric Transportation Systems and Greenbriar Industrial Systems, 1999-00.
- Organized a break-out session for companies from the chemical industries group to address common problems faced by these companies in their manufacturing area. APICS/Penn State Behrend Process Industries Technical Conference, Erie, PA, June 1998
Membership in Professional and Learned Societies
- American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), 1998-2006
- Decision Sciences Institute, 1992-
- Production and Operations Management Society, 1991-
Active Participation in Professional and Learned Societies
- Erie Chapter of APICS:
- Board Member, July 1998-2001
- Attendee, Meetings, October 1997-2002
Assistance to Student Organizations
- Advisor, Student Chapter of APICS, Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA, 1997-98
- Established an APICS student chapter at Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA, 1997-98
Research Interests
My current research interests are in the areas of sustainability issues in project management, Supply chain disruptions, and improving supply chain efficiency.
Supply Chain Management: Securing a Superior Global Edge - January 27, 2022
Collaborator: Ozgun Demirag, Co-Author
Operations Management-Managing Global Supply Chains - January 1, 2019
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto, Secondary Author
LP-based working subsets for personnel scheduling: evaluation and augmentation, European Journal of Industrial Engineering - March 10, 2018
Collaborators: Michael Brusco, Primary Author; Tony Johns
Bringing Order to a Chaotic Restaurant - October, 2017
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Countering the Counterfeiters - October, 2017
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Forecasting Ticket Demand for the Superbowl - October, 2017
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
How Sustainable Logistics Solutions and Technologies Have Helped Walmart Become More Efficient - October, 2017
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Supply Chain Strategies and Disaster Planning - October, 2017
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Van Halen, Brown M&Ms, and Quality Control - October, 2017
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Project Decision Chain - August, 2015
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Decision making in Project Management, Production Planning and Control - June 24, 2015
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto
Decision Making in Project Management - December, 2014
Collaborators: asbjorn Rolstadas, Co-Author; Jeffrey Pinto, Co-Author; Peter Falster, Co-Author
Evaluating Sustainability on Projects Using Indicators - August, 2013
Collaborator: Jude Talbot, Primary Author
Evaluating Sustainability on Projects Using Indicators - April, 2013
Integration of Sustainability Principles into Project Baselines Using a Comprehensive Indicator set, International Business and Economics Research Journal - 2011
Collaborator: J. Talbot
Configuration Management Issues in Nam Theun-2 Hydropower Project (Roadwork) – A Case Study - 2009
Collaborator: B Chansavat, Co-Author
A Framework for Managing Global Supply Chains for Projects, Journal of Global Awareness - 2009
Cost and Value Management in Projects - 2008
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pinto, Secondary Author
Integrating Cost and Value in a Project Environment – A Case Study - 2008
Linkage Between the AMSAA Models at Higher Levels of Indenture in Reliability Analysis: A case Study, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management - 2007
Collaborator: R. Unkle, Co-Author
Strategic Capacity Management with Modular Manufacturing and Outsourcing: A Case Study, Journal of Business and Economics Research - 2006
Collaborator: I. Garcia
Project Supply Chain Management: Optimizing Value: The Way We Manage the Total Supply Chain - 2004
A Conceptual Research Framework for Analyzing Online Auctions in a B2B Environment, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal - 2004
Collaborators: Diane Parente; John Fizel; Ido Millet
Metrics for Managing Online Procurement Auctions, Interfaces - 2004
Collaborators: Ido Millet; Diane Parente; John Fizel
Relation of Managers' Personality to Accident and Injury Rates, Psychological Reports - 2002
Collaborator: P Thoms
Relationship between Weibull and AMSAA Models in Reliability Analysis: A case Study, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management - 2002
Collaborator: R Unkle
B2B Online Reverse Auctions: What's New?, Decision Line - 2001
Collaborators: Diane Parente; John Fizel; Ido Millet
Rolling Horizon Master Production Schedule Performance: A Policy Analysis, Production Planning and Control - 2001
Collaborator: M D'Itri, Secondary Author
Effect of Forecast Errors on Rolling Horizon Master Production Schedule Cost Performance for Various Replanning Intervals, Production Planning & Control - 1999
Collaborator: J Nathan, Secondary Author
Management of Quality, Capacity, and Productivity at Merck, Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly - 1999
Collaborator: J Nathan
Determination of Master Production Schedule Replanning Frequency for Various Forecast Window Intervals, International Journal of Operations and Production Management - 1998
Collaborator: J Nathan, Secondary Author
An Integrated Analysis of Nurse Staffing and Scheduling Policies, Omega, International Journal of Management Science - 1996
Collaborator: M Brusco
Disaggregation to a Rolling Horizon Master Production Schedule with Minimum Batch-size Production Restrictions, International Journal of Production Research - 1996
Collaborator: S Smith, Secondary Author
Frequency of Replanning in a Rolling Horizon Master Production Schedule for a Process Industry Environment: A Case Study, Production Operations Management - 1996
Vector Smoothing Improves Accuracy of Item Level Forecasts, The Journal of Business Forecasting - 1996
Collaborator: J Nathan, Secondary Author
New York State=s Excelsior Quality Award: One Company=s Success Story, Production and Inventory Management Journal - 1995
Collaborator: J Nathan, Primary Author
Master Production Scheduling for a Process Industry Environment: A Case Study, International Journal of Operations and Production Management - 1994
Collaborator: J Nathan, Secondary Author
Ph D, POM/Management Science, Illinois Institute of Technology
MSA, Accounting, DePaul University
MBA, Information Systems, DePaul University
BSc, Chemistry, The University of Madras