Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563
Mr. Richard Englund is an associate professor emeritus of engineering in the Mechanical Engineering Technology department at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. He earned the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Washington State University, where he graduated cum laude in 1974, and the M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of New York SUNY at Buffalo in 1990. Mr. Englund is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He received the National University Continuing Education Association Ùs Award of Excellence in 1991 and the Guy W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Academic Advising in 1997.
Research Interests
Measurement, biomechanics, fastener performance, design theory.
Take the Opportunity to Utilize Design and Construction of Research Devices for Classroom Examples - April 18, 2015
Collaborator: Brandt Ruszkiewicz
Biomechanical comparison of double grasping loop versus cross-locked cruciate flexor tendon repair, Hand - December 24, 2014
Collaborators: C Dwyer, Author; D Dominy, Author; Timothy Cooney; Leonard Gordon; John Lubahn
Locking plates have increased torsional stiffness compared to standard plates in a segmental defect model of clavicle fracture, Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery - 2011
Collaborators: R Will; J Lubahn; T Cooney
Effects of Interleukin-6 Ablation on Fracture Healing in Mice, Journal of Orthopaedic Research - September, 2011
Collaborators: A Wallace; J Lubahn; T Cooney
Direct assessment of mechanics of materials learning, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition - June, 2007
Collaborators: Shannon Sweeney; Robert Edwards, Co-Author
A demonstration of heat affected zone from welding, Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition - June, 2005
Collaborators: Shannon Sweeney, Co-Author; David Johnson
Adequacy of laboratory simulation of in-line skater falls, The Journal of Hand Surgery - March, 2005
Collaborators: G Trinidad; J Lubahn; J Lyons; D Ivance; F Buczik
Mechanical Stress Relief Simulation, 2004 International ANSYS Conference Proceedings - May, 2004
Collaborator: David Johnson, Co-Author
Takeoff forces transmitted to the upper extremity during water-skiing, Orthopedics - July, 2003
Collaborators: J Keverline; T Cooney
Interdisciplinary laboratory exercises for the design and construction of an LVDT position measurement system, Journal of Engineering Technology - 2002
Collaborator: Robert Weissbach
A bridge to high-school girls: A versatile recruiting tool, American Society for Engineering Education 2001 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings - 2001
Collaborator: Edward Evans, Co-Author
Wrist fracture cooperative biomechanics research project, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition - 2001
Collaborators: F Buczek; T Cooney
Wrist fracture dynamic testing system to simulate skating falls, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition - 2001
Collaborators: J Lubahn; F Buczek; T Cooney
Case study for first year seminar – A plan which (mostly) worked, American Society for Engineering Education 2000 Annual Conference Proceedings - 2000
Three-dimensional modeling of a bolted connection, 9th International ANSYS Conference and Exhibition - 2000
Collaborators: David Johnson, Co-Author; B McAnlis; K Sari; D Columbet
In vitro analysis of periprosthetic strains following total knee arthroplasty, Orthopedics - 2000
Collaborators: B Parry, Co-Author; T Ganley; D Bortel; T Cooney
A finite element analysis of nonlinear behavior in a bolted connection, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition - 1999
Collaborators: Shannon Sweeney, Co-Author; David Johnson, Co-Author
Design of bi-directional loadcell for biomechanics measurement, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition - 1998
Engineering technology experience with distance education, Proceedings of the 18th International Council for Distance Education World Conference - 1997
In vitro analysis of periprosthetic strains following total knee arthroplasty, Hamot Medical Center, Orthopaedics and Research Departments, Hamot Research Day - 1997
Collaborators: B Parry; T Ganley; D Bortel; T Cooney
Professional registration issues for engineering technology graduates: A range of perspectives, Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference 1997 ASEE/IEEE - 1997
Collaborators: K Taylor; W Buchanan; T O'Connor; D Yates
Finite element analysis of a threaded connection compared to experimental and theoretical research, Journal of Engineering Technology - 1997
Collaborator: David Johnson
In vitro strain analysis and fracture patterns associated with total knee arthroplasties phase I: Development of the impact system, Hamot Medical Center, Orthopaedics and Research Departments, Hamot Research Day - 1995
Collaborators: B Parry; T Ganley; T Cooney
Getting more from a manufacturing lab exercise, Proceedings of the 1993 ASEE North Central Section Annual Conference - 1993
Collaborator: J Grode
CAM software for an associate degree MET program, Proceedings of the 1992 ASEE National Conference - 1992
Collaborator: M Freeman
MS, Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Washington State University