ERIE PA 16563
Dr. Sheik Dawood earned her Ph.D. from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom.
Courses Taught
- PSYCH 100, Introductory Psychology
- PSYCH 232, Cross-Cultural Psychology
- PSYCH 281, Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology
- PSYCH 484, Work Attitudes and Motivation
Teaching Specialties
Introduction to Psychology, Industrial Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Research Methods, Experimental Psychology (Lab based), Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Motivation at Work, and Multicultural Psychology
Cross-cultural differences in psychological health, perceived stress, and coping strategies of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. , European Journal of Mental Health - 2022
Collaborators: Noor Hassline MOHAMED, Co-Author; Amoneeta Beckstein, Co-Author; Nicholas TZE PING PANG, Co-Author; Paul HUTCHINGS, Co-Author; Risydah FADILAH, Co-Author; Katie SULLIVAN, Co-Author; Azizi YAHAYA, Co-Author; Jay Errol Villadolid BARAL, Co-Author
Saying what you don’t mean: A cross-cultural study of perceptions of sarcasm, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology - 2021
Collaborators: Dawn Blasko, Co-Author; Victoria Kazmerski, Co-Author
Exploring workplace bullying in Malaysia: Reliability and validity analysis of the Malaysian Version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NAQ-R). , Southeast Asia Psychology Journal - 2020
Project management and burnout: Implications of the demand-control-support model on project-based work, International Journal of Project Management - October, 2014
Collaborators: Jeffrey Pinto, Author; Mary Pinto, Author
Prevalence and forms of workplace bullying in the voluntary sector: Is there a need for concern? , Voluntary Sector Review - March, 2013
Perception and nature of workplace bullying among the voluntary sector workforce: A qualitative analysis, Journal of Health, Safety and Environment - June, 2010
Social support among Malay, Chinese and Indian Drug Addicts in Malaysia, Journal Antidadah Malaysia [Malaysian Anti-Drugs Journal] - 2009
Collaborators: Wan Rafaei Abdul Rahman; Miriam Adawiah Dzulkifli; Mardiana Mohammed
Workplace bullying in the voluntary sector: Is there a need for concern?, International Journal of Psychology Special Edition: Abstracts of the XXIX International Congress of Psychology - July, 2008
Ph D, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, The University of Leicester
MS, Industrial/Organizational Psychology , International Islamic University
BS, Psychology, International Islamic University
Other, A Levels, Methodist School