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ERIE PA 16563
Rev. of Ross Balzaretti, The Lands of Saint Ambrose, Monk and Society in Early Medieval Milan, Cahiers de Civilisation médiévale, 258, (2022):175-179.
The Arca di Sant'Agostino and the Hermits of St. Augustine in Fourteenth-Century Pavia - 2015
“Old Testament Typology in Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise,” Rivista d’Arte, 4 (2014) 13-29.
Jehangir Yezdi Malegam, The Sleep of Behemoth: Disputing Peace and Violence in Medieval Europe 1000-1200, Cornell University Press, 2013, Review of Politics - 2014
Timothy B. Smith and Judith B. Steinhoff, eds. Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena - October, 2013
Absolutism in Renaissance Milan: Plenitude of Power under the Visconti and the Sforza (1329–1535), by Jane Black, The Medieval Review - 2012
‘Grant Me Chastity and Continence, But Not Yet:’ The Iconography and Patronage of the Arca di Sant’ Agostino, Arte Medievale - January, 2011
Guardians of Republicanism: The Valori Family in the Florentine Renaissance, by Mark Jurdjevic, College Art Association Reviews - 2009
Petrarch’s Influence on the Iconography of the Carrara Palace in Padua: The Conflict between Ancestral and Antique Themes in the Fourteenth Century, by John Richards, College Art Association Reviews - 2008
Chronicling History: Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy - 2007
Collaborators: Alison Lewin, Co-Editor; Duane Osheim, Co-Editor
Fourteenth Century Lombard Chroniclers, Chronicling History: Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy - 2007
Princes and Princely Culture 1450–1650, ed. Martin Gosman, Sixteenth Century Studies - 2007
Siena, Civil Religion and the Sienese, by Gerald Parson, Sixteenth Century Studies - 2007
Contra Damnationis Filios: The Visconti in Fourteenth-Century Papal Diplomacy, Journal of Medieval History - 2007
The Avignon Papacy and the Creation of the Visconti Myth, La Vie culturelle, intellectuelle et scientifique à la cour des Papes d’ Avignon - 2006
Lordship, Reform, and the Development of Civil Society in Medieval Italy: The Bishopric of Orvieto, 1100–1250, by David Foote, Speculum - 2006
Baldus degli Ubaldi and the Infeudation of Biscina: The Original Bulls Rediscovered, VI centenario della morte di Baldo degli Ubaldo 1400–2000 - 2005
Italian Gothic Sculpture for CAA Reviews, by Anita Moskowitz, College Art Association Reviews - 2002
A House Divided: San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro in Pavia and the Politics of Pope John XXII, Journal of Medieval History - 2001
Mausoleo de san Agustin: Un emblema de la supremacia papal (The Tomb of St. Augustine: an Emblem of Papal Supremacy), Augustinus - 1999
How I Got Married, Had a Kid, Got Tenure, and Lived to Tell, The Family Track - 1998
To the Victors Goes the Hagiography: The Frescoes at Cistercian and the Vitae Galgani, Cîteaux, commentarii cistercienses - 1997
Martha Holt: An Art of Sense and Place, Woman’s Art Journal - 1993
I veri figli di Agostino: Gli affreschi della chiesa di Sant’Agostino a Gubbio (The True Sons of Augustine: The Frescoes from the Church of Sant’Agostino in Gubbio), Arte e Spiritualità negli Ordini Mendicanti. - 1992
Gli affreschi di San Leonardo al Lago [The Frescoes at San Leonardo al Lago: A Study in Augustinian Iconology], Arte Cristiana - 1992
Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Massa Marittima Maestà: An Augustinian Interpretation, SOURCE - 1989
Contextual Art History: The Illusion of Precision, SOURCE - 1989
Martha Holt: Woman Trees, American Ceramics - 1988
Frederick Rhead, Ceramics Monthly - 1987
Frederick Hurten Rhead: An English Potter in America - 1986
An Englishman in America: Frederick Hurten Rhead, American Ceramics - 1986
Martha Holt, Arts Magazine - 1982
Martha Holt, Arts Magazine - 1980
Early Masaccio: A Hypothetical, Lost Madonna and a Disattribution [co-author with James Stubblebine, et al], Art Bulletin - 1980
Ph D, Art History, Rutgers University
MA, Art History, Rutgers University
BA, Latin American Studies, Brooklyn College