William H. A. Johnson, Ph.D.

William H. A. Johnson, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, Business & Management, International Business, and MPM programs
Fulbright Scholar 2023-2024
279 Burke
Mailing Address:
ERIE PA 16563

Ph.D., Schulich School of Business, York University (Canada): Professor William H.A. Johnson teaches in the Masters of Project Mgmt (MPM) and undergraduate business programs at Penn State. He was interim Director of the MBA program from 2013 to 2014. His research and teaching interests include innovation, strategy and international management. His research is published in a number of innovation-based journals including: Research Policy, Technovation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Research-Technology Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Engineering Management Journal and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. He has consulted for pharmaceutical companies and the National Research Council in Canada and has been honored with a number of accolades for research on innovation and knowledge management. He recently authored a new book for Business Expert Press entitled “Innovation in China: The Tail of the Dragon” as well as “Project Strategy and Strategic Portfolio Analysis: A Primer” co-authored with Dr. Diane Parente. In 2012, he spent 3 months as Visiting Professor at Jilin University in Changchun, China when the average temperature was negative 25 degrees Fahrenheit!


My teaching philosophy is to engage students by educing (i.e. ‘drawing out’ as the basis for education) their potential to excel at the philosophy of business and international business practices. All of the courses I teach involve strategy, which I see as the ‘philosophy’ topic of the business curriculum. That is, strategy is fundamentally about the ‘why’s’ of doing business and not just the ‘how’s’ and ‘what’s’. Technical schools can teach practical business skills but may do a poor job of developing the student’s ability to see the big picture and actually think about what is going on. I strive to develop leaders, not just doers. I use cases, learning by doing exercises and simulation, etc. to build on students’ textbook knowledge of strategy, international management and innovation. The main goal is to produce graduates that are capable of understanding, articulating and enacting ethical business practices at a strategic level of thinking, with the aim that all of my students will at least understand what is going on in the board room and beyond, if not running the show themselves.

A key to all of this is my belief that learning in a classroom setting is a group experience. There is only one reason for students to meet together with their Professor in a classroom (whether real or virtual) and that is to learn from each other. While I take a strong leadership role in this learning process and often will take the stage to lead the class, fellow students are also important sources of knowledge and insight (at all levels of learning) so I always encourage multiple levels of interaction.

Courses Taught

  • MANGT 540: Project Strategy
  • MGMT 461: International Management
  • MGMT 471W: Strategic Planning



  • Area Editor. Operations Management Research. 2010+. A Springer publication. Editors-in-Chief: J. Olhager; S.M. Shafer.
  • Associate Editor. 2012+ Journal of Technology Management in China. An Emerald publication. Editor-in-Chief: Shawn M Carraher.
  • Special Issues Guest Co-Editor. 2010-11. “Innovation and Education towards Innovation in China” (w/ Joseph Weiss). Journal of Technology Management in China. An Emerald publication. Editor-in-Chief: Richard Li-Hua.
  • Area Associate Editor for the Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2010. Montreal Quebec, Canada. Assisted Program Chair with Review Evaluations. 4 Papers.

Editorial Board 

  • Editorial board member. Chinese Management Studies. An Emerald publication. Editor-in-Chief: Foo Check Teck.
  • Editorial Review Board member for International Journal of Business and Systems Research. 2006+. An Inderscience publication. Editor-in-Chief: Jason C.H. Chen.
  • Ad-Hoc Editorial Review Board member for Decision Sciences. 2008+. A Wiley-Blackwell publication. Editor-in-Chief: Vicki Smith-Daniels.
  • Editorial Advisory Board. 2009. IGI-Global Book on Intellectual Capital and Technological Innovation.

Doctoral Thesis Committee Work 

  • Resnik David A. The Role of Reflection in Leader Identity Formation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME). Completed Fall 2013 (est.). Awarded by Capella University. Committee Member.

Conference Organization 

  • Decision Sciences Institute ‘Featured Session’ Symposium (2011). Conceived and Organized, “Service Innovation under Resource Constraints”. DSI Meeting. Boston, MA. November, 2011.
  • Coordinator of the ‘Technology in the Classroom’ Mini-Conference. Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). New Orleans, LA, USA. November, 2009.
  • Co-coordinator of the ‘Technology in the Classroom’ Mini-Conference. Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). Baltimore, MD, USA. November, 2008.
  • Co-Track Chair for “New Product Development and Project Management” Track. Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). Phoenix, AR, USA. November, 2007.
  • Track Chair for newly created “New Product Development and Project Management” Track. Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). San Francisco, CA, USA. November, 2005.
  • Academy of Management Conference Symposium (2001) Co-Organized, Wrote Proposal and Participated as Presenter in the Following Symposium: “Strategic Technology Initiatives and Subsidiary Evolution”. Discussant: Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School. Chair: John W. Medcof, McMaster University Presenters: Andrew Delios MGTO Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; William G. Egelhoff, Fordham University; Liam Gorman & Stephen McCormick, Irish Management Institute Satoshi Iwata, Hokkaido University; William H.A. Johnson, McMaster University; David Methe, Sophia University; Steven White, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hideki Yoshihara, Kobe University. Also, presented a paper entitled, “Subsidiary-Driven Strategic Technology Initiatives and the Risk Landscape of the Multinational Enterprise”. Presented August 8 at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management Conference in Washington, D.C. International Business Division. August 6-8, 2001.

Reviewing (Research Funding Proposals)

  • Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering at the Academy of Finland. 2013- 3 proposals.

Reviewing (Peer Reviewed Journals)

  • Research Policy. 2015- 1 paper. 2014- 1 paper. 2013- 1 paper. 2012- 1 paper. 2011- 1 paper.
  • Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 2015- 1 paper. 2014- 1 paper. 2013- 1 paper. 2011- 1 paper.
  • Journal of Technology Management in China. 2015- 1 paper.
  • International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 2014- 1 paper. 
  • International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation. 2014- 1 paper. 
  • Chinese Management Studies. 2012- 1 paper.
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2011- 1 paper.
  • IEEE Transaction of Engineering Mgmt. 2011- 1 paper. 2010- 1 paper.
  • Technovation. 2010- 2 papers. 2009- 4 papers. 2006- 1 paper.
  • Decision Sciences Journal. 2011- 1 paper. 2010- 1 paper. 2009- 2 papers. 2008- 2 papers.
  • International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 2011- 2 papers. 2010- 1 paper.
  • Journal of Operations Management. 2009- 1 paper. 2005- 1 paper. 2001- 1 paper.
  • International Journal of Management Reviews. 2012- 1 paper. 2011- 2 papers. 2008- 1 paper.
  • Journal of Supply Chain Management. 2008- 1 paper.
  • International Journal of Production Economics. 2008- 1 paper.
  • International Journal of Business and Systems Research. 2007-8- 2 papers.
  • International Journal of Technology Management. 2012- 2 papers. 2005-2006- 2 papers.
  • Academy of Management Review. 2000-2002- 7 papers.
  • Strategic Management Journal. 2002- 1 paper.
  • International Journal of Innovation Management. 2003- 1 paper.
  • Engineering Management Journal. 2000-1- 2 papers.
  • Administrative Sciences Quarterly. 1999- 1 paper.

Reviewing (Peer Reviewed Conferences)

  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2015. Vancouver, BC. 3 papers.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2015. Vancouver, BC. 3 papers.
  • Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference- Innovation and Knowledge Management Track. June, 2011. Bengaluru, India. 1 paper.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2014. Philadelphia, PA. 1 paper.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2014. Philadelphia, PA. 3 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2013. Orlando, FL. 3 papers.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2013. Orlando, FL. 1 symposium submission.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2012. Boston, MA. 3 papers.
  • Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference- Innovation and Knowledge Management Track. June, 2011. Nagoya, Japan. 4 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2011. San Antonio, TX. 3 papers.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2011. San Antonio, TX. 3 papers.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group at Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). San Diego, CA, USA. 2010. 1 paper.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2010. Montreal Quebec, Canada. 3 papers.
  • Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference- Innovation and Knowledge Management Track. June, 2010. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 3 papers.
  • NPD&PM track at Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). New Orleans, LA, USA. 2009. 1 paper.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2009. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 3 papers.
  • TIM Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). June, 2009. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. 2 papers.
  • HICSS Conference. July, 2008. 2 papers.
  • Marketing track at Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). Baltimore, MD, USA. 2008. 1 paper.
  • Project Management and New Product Development track at Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). Baltimore, MD, USA. 2008. 1 paper.
  • HICSS Conference. July, 2007. 2 papers.
  • International Management (IM) Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). June, 2007. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 1 paper.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). June, 2007. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2 papers.
  • Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference- International Entrepreneurship Track. July, 2007. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 3 papers.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2007. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 3 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2006. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 1 paper.
  • Operations Management (OM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2006. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 2 papers.
  • European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Conference. July, 2006. Regensburg, Germany. 2 papers.
  • Track 7: ‘Harnessing the Power of Learning, Knowledge and Innovation’. Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference. July, 2006. Beijing, China. 1 paper.
  • HICSS Conference. July, 2005. 3 papers.
  • ICIS Conference. July, 2005. 1 paper.
  • Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference. July, 2005. Quebec City, Canada. 3 papers.
  • Supply Chain Track of North East Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI). Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2004. 3 papers.
  • IS and Strategy Track. Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). December, 2004. Washington, D.C., USA. 2 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). June, 2004. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2 papers.
  • Track 6: ‘Managing across Countries’. Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference. July, 2004. Stockholm, Sweden. 2 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2004. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 3 papers.
  • Project Management Track of HICSS Conference. January, 2004. 2 papers.
  • Best Paper Award Competition for DSI Conference. Washington, D.C., November, 2003. 3 papers.
  • Business, Policy and Strategy (BPS) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2003. Seattle, Washington, USA. 3 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2003. Seattle, Washington, USA. 2 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). June, 2003. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 3 papers.
  • Business, Policy and Strategy (BPS) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2002. Denver, Colorado. 2 papers.
  • International Business (IB) Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). May, 2002. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 2 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2001. Washington, D.C., USA. 2 papers.
  • International Business (IB) Division. Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). May, 2001. London, Ontario, Canada. 2 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2000. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2 papers.
  • Business, Policy and Strategy (BPS) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2000. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2 papers.
  • Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 1999. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 4 papers.
  • Management Education and Development (MED) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-12, 1998. San Diego, California, U.S.A. 2 papers.

Reviewing (Book Proposals)

  • Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Project: Technological Learning in Iran: Policies, Practices, Outcomes, and Future Development.
  • Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Project: Technological Innovation in Iran.
  • Sage, 2006. Project: Applied Innovation Management.

Chair/Discussant Role in International Conferences/Events

  • Session Chair- 2015. TIM Division, Session “Open Innovation Contests”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2015. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Session Chair- 2015. OM Division, Session “OM Research on Various Conceptualizations of Innovation”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2015. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Session Chair- 2014. OM Division, Session “Operational Risks and Capabilities”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2014. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Session Chair- 2013. OM Division, Session “Operations Management”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2013. Orlando, FL, USA.
  • Session Chair- 2012. OM Division, Session “Product and Process Improvement”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2012. Boston, MA, USA.
  • Session Chair- 2012. TIM Division, Session “Network Perspectives on Innovating Organizations”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2012. Boston, MA, USA.
  • Session Chair- 2011. OM Division, Session “Process Improvement, Organizational Learning and Innovation”. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2011. San Antonio, TX, USA.
  • Track Chair- 2010. Track 4- Technology transfer and knowledge transfer. Helped select best paper for track. CAMOT (China Association for the Management of Technology) International Conference. October, 2010. Shanghai, China.
  • Moderator- 2010. Panel Discussion- “Perspectives on China: Its Business and Culture”. Penn State University- Erie. September 22, 2010.
  • Session Facilitator- 2010. TIM Division, Session “Emerging Firms and the Creation of Routines”, Academy of Management Conference, August, 2010, Montreal, QC, Canada.
  • Panel Discussant- 2010. “Supporting Management Education through the Academy's E-media and New Collaborative Technologies”, Academy of Management. Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS) Division. August, 2010. Montreal, QC, Canada.
  • Session Facilitator- 2009. PM&NPD Track, Session “Teamwork and Collaboration in Project Management”, Decision Sciences Institute 2009 Annual Meeting. November 2009, Orleans, LA., USA.
  • Session Chair- 2009. TIM Division, Session “Disruptive/Discontinuous Innovation” ASAC Conference, June, 2009, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
  • Session Chair- 2007. OM Division, Session “Project Management and Firm Success”, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August, 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Session Chair- 2006. Marketing and Supply-Chain Track, Session “Innovativeness, New Product Development and Entrepreneurship” Academy of International Business Conference, June, 2006, Beijing, China.
  • Session Chair- 2006. TIM Division Session “Strategic Alliances/Collaboration”, ASAC Conference, May, 2006, Banff, AB, Canada.
  • Session Chair- 2005. Innovation and Marketing Track, Session “Product Innovation and Marketing”, Academy of International Business Conference, July, 2005, Quebec City, Canada.
  • Session Chair- 2005. TIM Division, Session “New Markets, International Business and Innovation”, May, 2005, ASAC Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • Facilitator- 2004. AIB Teaching Roundtable. Topic: International Entrepreneurship. Academy of International Business Conference, July, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Discussant- 2004. 4 papers on Managing Innovation for the competitive papers Organization track of Academy of International Business Conference, July, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Session Chair- 1998. Management Education and Development (MED) Division. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-12, 1998. San Diego, California, U.S.A.

Committee Work/Services (External to University)

  • Newsletter Editor, member of Academy of Management’s OM Division Officers. 2009-2013.
  • China Celebration Events Committee. Organized 4 sessions promoting cultural and business understanding of China. Penn State University- Erie. September 21-22, 2010.

Committee Work/Services (Internal to University)

  • Graduate Council. Elected Member from The Sam and Irene Black School of Business, Behrend College. The Pennsylvania State University. (University-wide). 2012-2014.
  • Graduate Council Subcommittee on New and Revised Programs. The Pennsylvania State University. (University-wide). 2012-2014.
  • Graduate Council Ad-hoc Subcommittee on expedited review of course change proposals. The Pennsylvania State University. (University-wide). 2012-2013.
  • Graduate Council Committee on Graduate Research. The Pennsylvania State University. (University-wide). 2012-2013.
  • Graduate Council Committee on Fellowships and Awards. Member. The Pennsylvania State University. (University-wide). 2 Years- 2011-2012. 2012-2013. 2013-2014.
  • Graduate Council Committee on Fellowships and Awards Sub-committee- CGS/UMI Dissertation Award, Harold Schilling Scholarship, & Beaver Award. Member. The Pennsylvania State University. (University-wide). 2 Years- 2011-2012. 2012-2013. 2013-2014.
  • Behrend College Open House Committee. The Sam and Irene Black School of Business- International Business Representative. Fall, 2012.
  • Behrend College. United Way Committee Volunteer. Fall, 2011.
  • DOE-IAC Grant Team Taskforce. Member. Penn State- Behrend (Mgmt. & Eng. Collaboration). 2011.
  • Senator- At Large. Faculty Senate. Bentley University. 2005-2009.
  • Academic Standards Committee. Member. Bentley University. 2008-2009.
  • Secretary of Faculty Senate. Bentley College. 2008.
  • Planning Committee Member. Faculty Senate. Bentley College. 2008.
  • Board of Trustees Committee Member. Bentley College. 2007-2008.
  • Academic Integrity Board Member. Bentley College. 2004-2008.
  • Tenure and Promotion (T&P) Committee- Schulich School of Business. Graduate Student Seat. 1999.
  • Senator of Graduate Business Council (GBC). 1995.
  • York University Senate Executive Committee. 1995.

Professional Development (Sabbaticals, Programs, Workshops, Seminars Attended Etc.)

  • Invited Visit to BRAC University. Dhaka, Bangladesh. June 2-7, 2015.
  • Invited Visit to SIAS University. Zhengzhou, China. May 28-June 2, 2015.
  • CIBER Faculty Development in International Business Program. Trip to South Africa, Zambia and Botswana. May 8-19, 2012.
  • Visiting Scholar at Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province, China. January- April, 2012.
  • CIBER Faculty Development in International Business Program. Trip to Kenya and Tanzania. May 10-25, 2011.
  • Sloan Industry Studies Conference Attendee. Boston, MA. Spring, 2006, 2007, 2008.
  • Early Career Development Workshop, Sloan Industry Studies Conference. Boston, MA. Spring, 2007.
  • Delegate of Bentley Delegation to China- Beijing (also at AIB conference) and Shanghai, June, 2006.
  • Ethics and Leadership Workshop. Led by Professor Tony Buono at Bentley. May, 2005. Waltham, MA, USA.
  • CIBER Faculty Development in International Business Program. Trip to Southern China (Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong). January 2-15, 2005.
  • SAP Innovation Congress. February 27- March 1, 2004, Orlando, Fl.
  • OCIS/TIM New Faculty Workshop. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-14, 2002. Denver, Colorado, USA.
  • TIM Doctoral Student Consortium. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 6-11, 1999. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • New Doctoral Student Consortium. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-12, 1998. San Diego, California, USA.
  • Doctoral Student Consortium. ASAC ‘98 Annual Conference. May 30-June 2, 1998. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Transcending Conflict in Global Virtual Teams: Multi-level Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Perceptions of Conflict on Subjective and Objective Outcomes, Journal of International Management - January, 2025
Collaborators: Longzhu Dong, Co-Author; Ming (Lily) Li, Co-Author; Vasyl Taras, Co-Author

Creating Enhanced Work Environments for Global Virtual Teams: Using CQ as the Strongest Link in the Team, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management - December, 2024
Collaborators: Zandra Balbinot; Wendy Farrell; S Pissaris; Eric Cohen; J Chun; Vas Taras

Being Lean: Conceptualizing and Operationalizing the Lean Innovation Capability (LIC) of Innovative Companies, Technovation - August, 2023
Collaborators: Pelin Bicen, Co-Author; Zhen Zhu

Managing Precision-Driven Strategy: Developing an Effective Strategy for your Organization, Self-published (Amazon and iBooks) - June, 2023

How to do an Effective SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix in Strategic Formulation, SAGE Research Methods Business - March 28, 2023

How working in teams is different from working alone - July, 2022

Shades of Gray: Understanding the Ethics of Society’s Technology and Innovation Propensities using National Culture, Prometheus - June, 2022

Do Team Charters Help Team-Based Projects? The Effects of Team Charters on Performance and Satisfaction in Global Virtual Teams, Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) - April, 2022
Collaborators: David Baker, Co-Author; Longzhu Dong, Co-Author; Vasyl Taras, Co-Author; Charles Wankel

Managing Global Strategy: Developing an Effective Strategy in International Business - October 22, 2020

Supplemental Online Material for Routledge Book on Global Strategy - 2017

When Being a Jack-of-All-Trades Helps: Using Multi-Methods to Explore the Full Phenomenon, SAGE Research Methods Cases - 2019

The Role of Lean Innovation Capability in Resource-Limited Innovation: Concept, Measurement, and Consequences: An Abstract - 2019
Collaborators: Pelin Bicen, Co-Author; Zhen Zhu, Co-Author

New Product Creativity and Competitive Advantage: Relevancy to the Malaysian Economy - 2016
Collaborator: Pelin Bicen, Co-Author

Innovation in China: the Tail of the Dragon - 2015

Radical Innovation with Limited Resources in High-Turbulent Markets: The Role of Lean Innovation Capability, Creativity and Innovation Management - 2015
Collaborator: Pelin Bicen, Co-Author

How Technology is Changing China and its Engagement with the World, China Policy Institute blog at the University of Nottingham - June 5, 2015

How Do Firms Innovate with Limited Resources in Turbulent Markets?, Innovation: Organization & Management - 2014
Collaborator: Pelin Bicen, Co-Author

Validating New Product Creativity in the Eastern Context of Malaysia, Journal of Business Research - 2014
Collaborators: Pelin Bicen, Co-Author; S Kamarudin, Co-Author

Integration Capabilities as Mediator of Product Development Practices-Performance, Journal of Engineering Technology Management - 2013
Collaborator: R Filippini, Secondary Author

Project Strategy and Strategic Portfolio Analysis: A Primer - 2013
Collaborator: Diane Parente, Co-Author

Resource Constraints in Innovation: The Moderating Role of Dynamic Capabilities - August, 2012
Collaborator: Pelin Bicen, Author

Into the Heart of the Dragon: An Introduction and Agenda on Innovation and Education towards Innovation in China, Journal of Technology Management in China - 2011
Collaborator: J Weiss

Managing University Technology Development Using Organizational Control, Research Policy - 2011

Patenting and the Role of Technology Markets in Regional Innovation in China: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of High Technology Management Research - 2011
Collaborator: Q Liu

“Hop on Board”: The Importation and Future Development of High-Speed Rail (HSR) in China, Journal of Technology Management in China - 2011
Collaborator: M Chuang

Construct Validation of New Product Creativity in Malaysia - November, 2011
Collaborators: Pelin Bicen, Author; S Kamarudin

Innovation Under Resource Constraints - November, 2011
Collaborator: Pelin Bicen

Knowledge Sharing Among Scientists: Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms, Research Policy - 2010

A Comparative Innovation Study of China, Japan, and Taiwan, Chinese Management Studies - 2010
Collaborator: M Chuang

Collaboration Practices, Strategic Capabilities, and Performance in Japanese and American Product Development: Do They Differ?, Operations Management Research - 2010
Collaborator: A Filippini

An Empirical Analysis of Regional Patenting and Technology Markets in China - November, 2010
Collaborator: Q Liu

Intermediates in Triple Helix Collaboration: The Roles of Fourth Pillar Organizations in Public to Private Technology Transfer, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization - 2009
Collaborator: Array Array

Internal vs. External Collaboration in Product Development: What Works, Research-Technology Management - 2009
Collaborator: A Filippini

Internal vs. External Collaboration: What Works, Research Technology Management - 2009
Collaborator: R Filippini

The Impacts of Time Performance and Market Knowledge Competence on New Product Success: An International Study, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management - 2009
Collaborators: Z Piccolotto; A Filippini

The Role of Quality of Integration in the Success of NPD - November, 2009
Collaborator: R Filippini

Is Integration Enough for NPD Program Success? The Role of Innovation Capabilities - June, 2009
Collaborator: R Filippini

Out of Control Technology: Controlling University-based Technological Commercialization - June, 2009
Collaborator: Array Array

Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship - 2008

A Stage Model of Education and Innovation Type in China: The Paradox of the Dragon, Journal of Technology Management in China - 2008
Collaborator: J Weiss

NPD Project Timeliness: The Project-level Impact of Early Engineering Effort and Customer Involvement, International Journal of Product Development - 2008
Collaborator: C Luo

Roles, Resources, and Benefits of Intermediate Organizations Supporting Triple Helix Collaborative R&D: The Case of Precarn, Technovation - 2008

Integration Methodologies and Performance in Japanese and American Product Development - November, 2008
Collaborator: R Filippini

Managing Collaborations of Engineering Management with Academia and Government in Triple Helix Technology Development Projects: A Case Example of Precarn from the Intelligent Systems Sector, Engineering Management Journal - 2007
Collaborator: Array Array

Managing Uncertainty in Innovation: The Applicability of Both Real Options and Path Dependency Theory, Creativity and Innovation Management - 2007
Collaborator: Array Array

Mechanisms of Tacit Knowing: Pattern Recognition and Synthesis, Journal of Knowledge Management - 2007
Collaborator: Array Array

Motivating Proactive Subsidiary Innovation: Agent-based Theory and Socialization Models in Global R&D, Journal of International Management - 2007
Collaborator: J Medcof, Secondary Author

Interaction Effects of Time Performance and Market Knowledge Competence on Product Success - June, 2007
Collaborator: Array Array

Transitions in Innovation: Musings on the Propensity and Factors towards Proactive Innovation in China - 2006

Comparing Practices, Strategic Capabilities, and Performance in New Product Development across Countries - June, 2006
Collaborators: L Corain; R Filippini; Z Piccolotto

Early Engineering Effort and Customer Involvement in NPD - June, 2006
Collaborators: C Luo; Array Array; Array Array

Teradyne: Implementing a Lean Supplier-manufacturing Project - June, 2006
Collaborators: A Ellis; Array Array; Array Array

Managing Opportunities: Qualitative Evidence in the Debate about the Applicability of Both Real Options and Path Dependency Theory on Strategically Managing Innovation - May, 2005

How Hard Can It Be to Communicate? Communication Mode and Performance in Collaborative R&D Projects - 2004

Organizational Knowledge Creating Processes and the Performance of University-Industry Collaborative R&D Projects, International Journal of Technology Management - 2004
Collaborator: D Johnston

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC): The Lexus RX 300 Line - June, 2003

Assessing Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory in Collaborative R&D Projects, International Journal of Innovation Management - 2002
Collaborator: Array Array

Entrepreneurial Behavior in the MNC: An Extended Agency Theory Analysis of the Parent-subsidiary Relationship and Subsidiary Initiative, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management - 2002
Collaborator: J Medof

Leveraging Intellectual Capital through Product and Process Management of Human Capital, Journal of Intellectual Capital - 2002
Collaborator: Array Array

Government Technology Policy and the Roles of Sponsors of Collaborative R&D and Dispersed Innovation: A Case Study of the PRECARN Consortium - May, 2002

Aligning Technical and Business Goals in Industry-University Collaborative R&D Projects: A Tale of Two Projects, Engineering Management Journal - 2001
Collaborator: D Johnston

Strategic Technology Initiatives: A Management Odyssey into Agency Risk and MNC Control - May, 2001
Collaborator: J Medcof

An Integrative Taxonomy of Intellectual Capital: Measuring the Stock and Flow of Intellectual Capital Components in the Firm, International Journal of Technology Management - 1999
Collaborator: Array Array

The Role of Socially Constructed Temporal Perspectives in the Emergence of Rapid Growth Firms, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice - 1997
Collaborators: E Fischer; A Reuber; M Hababou; S Lee

The Bank of Toronto Knowledge-based Industry Investments - May, 1997
Collaborator: D Johnston, Co-Author

Ph D, Management (Innovation), York University

MBA, Operations, York University

BA, Economics, York University

BS, Biological Sciences, McMaster University