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ERIE PA 16563
Prior to his retirement, Bill Lasher was a professor in the Mechanical Engineering program at Penn State Erie Behrend. He received his B.S.E. and M.S.E. degrees in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He has worked as a yacht designer at C&C Yachts in Oakville, Ontario; as an assistant professor at Gannon University in Erie, PA; and as a computer applications engineer at American Sterilizer Company in Erie, PA. He joined the faculty at Behrend in 1984 and led the transition from a multi-disciplinary engineering program to separate Mechanical and Electrical Engineering programs, and also played a key role in initial accreditation of the ME program in 1994.
He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as well as a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, the American Society of Engineering Education, and Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary Society. His research interests are in computational fluid dynamics and engineering education. In 2003 he took a sabbatical leave to work with the Yacht Research Unit in Auckland, New Zealand on sail aerodynamics. He taught courses in engineering design, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, and computational fluid dynamics.
Dr. Lasher was named Editor-in-chief, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Journal of Sailboat Technology, 2008-present.
Teaching Awards
- Guy W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Advising, 1996.
- Received University-wide award to recognize collaborative teaching efforts within the Penn State System, with K. Holliday-Darr, J. Young, R. Ford, E. Evans, and J. Beaumont, 1995.
- Nominated for Special Reward and Recognition Program to Enhance Teaching, 1992.
Major Research Projects
Johnson, B. [Principal Investigator], and Lasher, W., Womak, J., Miles, J, and Day, W. [Co-Investigators], "Major improvement to the full scale data acquisition systems for dynamics stability analysis of Pride of Baltimore II," Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, $24,000, August 2008-December 2009.
Lasher, W. C., and Sonnenmeier, J. [Co-Principal Investigators], “Development of a predictive model for helical turbine meters, Phase I,” FMC Energy Systems, $36,220, September 2001-November 2002.
Lasher, W. C. [Principal Investigator], “Experimental determination of downwind sail force coefficients,” Council on Undergraduate Research, $3,500, March 15, 2002-September 10, 2002.
Lasher, W. C. [Principal Investigator], Young, J. H., and Progelhof, R. C., “A plan for integrating CFD into an undergraduate curriculum,” National Science Foundation, $42,328, August 1, 1996-July 31, 1998.
Young, J. H. [Principal Investigator], and Lasher, W. C. [Co-Investigator], “Mold design for elastomeric components using CFD,” LORD Corporation and Ben Franklin Partnership, $89,535, August 1, 1997-June 30, 1998.
Lasher, W. C. [Principal Investigator], “GE brake line model,” General Electric Co. and Advanced Design Center, $14,550, April 1996-August 1996.
Roth, D. E. [Principal Investigator], Lasher, W. C., Johnson, D. H., and Englund, R. [Co-Investigators], “Huber reversible fans,” Ben Franklin Partnership and Huber Reversible Fan, Inc., $136,450, December 1, 1992-August 31, 1993.
Lasher, W. C. [Principal Investigator], and Khalilollahi, A. [Co-Investigator], “An improved flow resistance model for fluid-tuned vibration isolators,” Ben Franklin Partnership and LORD Corporation, $89,080, September 1, 1992-August 31, 1993.
Forsman, D. R. [Principal Investigator], and Lasher, W. C. [Co-Investigator], “Computational pre-distortion of images for metal containers,” Ben Franklin Partnership and Specialty Packaging Products, Inc., $24,704, September 1, 1992-August 31, 1993.
Lasher, W. C. [Principal Investigator], and Khalilollahi, A. [Co-Investigator], “Flow resistance prediction for fluid-tuned vibration isolators,” Ben Franklin Partnership and LORD Corporation, $89,900, September 1, 1991-August 31, 1992.
Research Interests
Naval architecture, marine hydrodynamics, sail design, and CFD.
Sailing boats - December 11, 2015
Teaching Idea Generation to Undergraduate Students within the Time Constraints of a Capstone Course - June 14, 2015
Collaborators: Shraddha Sangelkar, Co-Author; Charlotte DeVries, Co-Author; Omar Ashour, Co-Author
Understanding Student Attitudes about the Design Process - June 2, 2014
Collaborators: Shraddha Sangelkar, Co-Author; Oladipo Onipede, Co-Author
Uncertainties in the Wind-Heel Analysis of Traditional Sailing Vessels: The Challenges it Presents for Forensic Analysis of Sailing Vessel Incidents - March 15, 2013
Collaborators: Matthew Erdman; Bruce Johnson; Jan Miles; Bill Curry
To twist or not to twist - a scientific attempt to understand what we think we already know about sail trim, 2011 SNAME Transactions - 2012
Collaborator: Robert Ranzenbach
To twist or not to twist? – A scientific attempt to understand what we think we already know about sail trim, Proceedings, 2011 Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium - March, 2011
Collaborator: R Ranzenbach
The Determination of Aerodynamic Forces on Sails - Challenges and Status, Atmospheric Turbulence, Meteorological Modeling and Aerodynamics - 2010
Collaborators: P Land, Co-Editor; F Lombargo, Co-Editor
Operator guidance based on assessing the wind-heel angle relationship of traditionally-rigged sailing vessels - 2010
Collaborators: B Johnson, Co-Author; J Miles, Co-Author; J Womack, Co-Author
CFD analysis of the survivability of a square-rigged sailing vessel - 2009
Collaborator: L Flaherty, Secondary Author
Operator guidance based on assessing the wind-heel angle relationship of traditionally-rigged sailing vessels, Proceedings, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 2009 Annual Meeting - October, 2009
Collaborators: B Johnson, Author; J Miles; J Womack
Assessing the wind-heel angle relationship of traditionally-rigged sailing vessels, Proceedings, 19th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium - March, 2009
Collaborators: B Johnson, Co-Author; J Womack; J Miles; W Rybka; W Heerssen; D Tinlin
A program to assess the stability of traditionally-rigged sailing vessels - March 21, 2009
Collaborators: Bradley Johnson, Secondary Author; J Womack, Secondary Author; James Miles, Secondary Author; W Array, Secondary Author; W Heerssen, Secondary Author; D Tinlin, Secondary Author
Work in progress – assessing the un-assessable, Proceedings, 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Session T1A - 2008
Collaborators: Oladipo Onipede, Co-Author; Russell Warley
Workshop – effective practices for team formation and faculty involvement in capstone design courses, Proceedings, 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Session T1A - 2008
Collaborator: Ralph Ford
Wind tunnel and CFD modelling of pressures on downwind sails, Proceedings, Sixth International Colloquium on Bluff Bodies Aerodynamics & Applications - July, 2008
Collaborator: P Richards
An analysis of practical RANS simulations for spinnaker aerodynamics - February, 2008
Collaborator: J Sonnenmeier, Secondary Author
An aerodynamic analysis of the U.S. Brig Niagara, Proceedings, Eighteenth Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium - March, 2007
Collaborators: T Musho; K McKee; W Rybka
Validation of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations for International America’s Cup class spinnaker force coefficients in atmospheric boundary layer - March, 2007
Collaborator: P Richards, Secondary Author
The interaction of downwind sails, Proceedings, FEDSM2006, 2006 ASME Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting - 2006
Using a course in computer-aided engineering to foster life-long learning, Frontiers in Education Conference, Session S3H - 2006
The aerodynamics of symmetric spinnakers - 2005
Collaborators: J Sonnenmeier, Secondary Author; David Forsman, Secondary Author; J Tomcho, Secondary Author
An analysis of downwind sail trim, Hamburg Symposium on Yacht Design and Construction - November, 2005
Collaborators: A McCullough; T Musho
Processes for ensuring quality capstone design projects, 34th American Society of Engineering Educators/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Education Frontiers in Education Conference, Session S2G - 2004
Collaborator: Ralph Ford, Author
Using active learning to improve technical text comprehension and increase student participation - 2004
Collaborators: Ruth Pflueger, Co-Editor; Steve Ferruci, Co-Editor
Experimental force coefficients for a parametric series of spinnakers, Proceedings, 16th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium - 2003
Collaborators: James Sonnenmeier; David Forsman; C Zhang; K White
Computation of two-dimensional blocked flow normal to a flat plate - 2001
Wind tunnel boundary corrections using wall signature method for a bluff body with fixed separation, Proceedings, AIAA 17th Applied Aerodynamics Conference - July, 1999
Collaborators: R Ranzenbach, Co-Author; C Mairs
Experiences with CFD in an undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum, Proceedings, 1999 ASEE Spring Conference, North Central Section - April, 1999
Collaborator: J Young
Introduction of design concepts in the freshman year, Proceedings, 1999 ASEE Spring Conference, North Central Section - April, 1999
Collaborator: Thomas Hemminger
On the application of RANS simulation for downwind sail aerodynamics, Proceedings, Fourteenth Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium - January, 1999
A model for predicting transient and steady-state pressure distribution in train brake pipes, Proceedings, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 1997
Collaborators: R Lovett; J Young; D Schroeck
Thoughts on the use of a commercial RANS code for sailing yacht design, Proceedings, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 1997
Collaborator: P Zonneveld
A design model for fluid-tuned mounts developed using CFD - 1997
Collaborators: Amir Khalilollahi, Secondary Author; J Young, Secondary Author; N Vahdati, Secondary Author
An innovative approach to incorporating design into the freshman year, Proceedings, American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference - 1995
Collaborators: Kathryn Holliday-Darr, Author; J Young; Ralph Ford; Edward Evans; John Beard; J Carlucci
Prediction of pressure drop in finite geometries with periodic flow, Proceedings, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 1995
Collaborators: Amir Khalilollahi; N Vahdati; J Young
Use of computational fluid dynamics in an undergraduate curriculum, Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 1995
Collaborator: J Young
Dimensionless parameters as design guidelines for sterilization of dead-ended tubes - 1995
Collaborator: J Young, Co-Author
Transport processes during sterilization of vertical and 5 degree horizontal dead-legs - 1995
Collaborators: J Young, Co-Author; R Gaber, Co-Author
Mathematical modeling of fluid filled isolator mounts - 1994
Collaborators: Amir Khalilollahi, Co-Author; D Weckerly, Co-Author
Reynolds stress model assessment using round jet experimental data - 1994
Collaborator: D Taulbee, Secondary Author
Comparison of numerical simulation and experimental data for steam-in-place sterilization, Proceedings, Thermal Fluids and Analysis Workshop - 1993
Collaborator: J Young
Mathematical modeling of flow resistance in fluid tuned isolators, American Physics Society Bulletin - 1993
Collaborators: J Mischler; Amir Khalilollahi
Prediction of pressure drop in fluid tuned mounts using analytical and computational techniques, Proceedings, Thermal Fluids and Analysis Workshop - 1993
Collaborators: Amir Khalilollahi; J Mischler; T Uhric
Teaching design in traditional engineering courses, Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference - 1993
Collaborators: T Long, Co-Author; J Young
A new course in computer-aided design for engineering undergraduates, Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference - 1992
Collaborator: J Young
Designing design into an undergraduate engineering program, Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference - 1992
Collaborator: J Young, Co-Author
Sterilization and flow patterns in vertically orientated dead-ended tubes of varying diameters, Proceedings, Winter Annual American Society of Mechanical Engineers Meeting, Bioengineering Division - 1992
Collaborator: J Young, Author
On the computation of turbulent backstep flow - 1992
Collaborator: D Taulbee, Secondary Author
Decontamination of bioprocess equipment, Bioprocess Engineering Symposium, American Society of Mechanical Engineers - 1991
Collaborator: J Young
The engineering workstation laboratory at Penn State-Behrend: A case history, Proceedings, University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design and Manufacturing '91 - 1991
Collaborator: David Forsman
Calculation of Turbulent Backstep Flow: Commentary on Modeling of the Pressure-Strain Correlation, Engineering and Turbulence Modeling and Experiments - 1990
Collaborators: D Taulbee, Secondary Author; E Ganic, Co-Editor; W Rodi, Co-Editor
The computation of unsteady turbulent flows using Reynolds averaged closures, Proceedings, American Physics Society Division of Fluid Dynamics - 1990
Collaborator: D Taulbee
2-dimensional consecutive-k-out-of N. F. models - 1990
Collaborator: A Salvia, Co-Author
The effect of the near-wall treatment on the behavior of Reynolds-stress turbulence models for reattaching flows, Proceedings, Seventh Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows - 1989
Collaborator: D Taulbee
The power of the F-test in two-factor nested experiments - 1989
Collaborator: A Salvia, Co-Author
A plan for implementing computer aided engineering in engineering and engineering technology programs, Proceedings, 1986 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference - 1986
Collaborator: J Grode
Panel layout design for yacht sails using microcomputers, Proceedings, Computer-Aided Drafting on Micros Conference - 1986
Collaborator: David Forsman
Production sail design - 1982
Collaborator: D Bierig, Co-Author
Ph D, Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo
MS, Engineering, University of Michigan
BS, Engineering, University of Michigan