Scoring Rubric for Undergraduate Research

Scoring Rubric


0 = Poor

2 = Fair

4 = Good

6 = Exceptional


Minimal effort; multiple elements (research problem, goals, significance and outcomes) are missing or inadequately described.

Elements (research problem, goals, significance and outcomes) are included but inadequately or ineffectively described.

Elements (research problem, goals, significance and outcomes) are included, adequately describe, but not fully or effectively integrated with one another.

All elements (research problem, goals, significance and outcomes) are included, described and integrated in a concise effective manner.

Introduction and Background

Little or no discussion; little or no references; cited work has little or no relevance to proposed work; no mention of proposed work.

Vague discussion of cited works; underdeveloped insight and analysis into why references are relevant; proposed work is mentioned but no connection between proposed work and references or to the research activity of the cooperating faculty member.

Good discussion of cited works; adequate depth of insight and analysis; relevant connections to proposed work and the connection of the work to the research activity of the cooperating faculty member are noted.

Excellent discussion of cited works and in-depth insight and analysis; meaningful connections to proposed work are communicated effectively; excellent grasp on relationship of project to both the research activity of the cooperating faculty member to the larger research area.

Hypothesis, Problem or Research Goals

Hypothesis, problem or research goals are vague, unfocused or incomplete.

Hypothesis, problem or research goals are minimally stated and/or are somewhat ambiguous

Hypothesis, problem statement or research goals are clearly articulated.


Methods and Approaches

Minimal description of methods or approach.

Methods and approach are stated; absent or inadequate explanation of why methods are appropriate to meet the stated research goals.

Methods and approach are described; adequate explanation of why methods are appropriate to meet the stated research goals.

Excellent discussion of the methods and approach; exceptional insight and understanding of how they relate to the stated research goals.

Significance and Outcomes

Expected outcomes are not stated or are incomplete; little or no relevant discussion of their significance or value to the area of research.

Expected outcomes are stated; little or no relevant discussion of their significance or value to the area of research.

Expected outcomes are described; adequate discussion of their significance or value to the area of research.

Excellent discuss of outcomes; exceptional insight and understanding of their significance or value to the area of research.

Overall Organization and Writing

Proposal includes an unacceptable number of grammatical errors; contains formatting errors; fails to properly cite sources; proposal is fragmented and very hard to read; description does not provide a general picture of the proposed activities; uses too much jargon.

Proposal includes some grammatical and or formatting errors; writing style is sometimes difficult to read; descriptions are hard to understand, verbose, or repetitive; uses too much jargon.

The proposal includes occasional grammatical and formatting errors; writing style is generally easy to follow; description depicts the project well, but uses some jargon.

The proposal is free from grammatical and formatting errors; description is clear, concise, and very easy to follow; uses appropriate technical and non-technical descriptions as appropriate.


Scope of the proposal is not clearly articulated within the timeline and/or seems unreasonable in terms of time and resources available

Scope of the proposal is articulated within the timeline, however there is some concern in terms of time and resources available.

The scope of the proposal is articulated within the timeline, and is reasonable in terms of time and resources available.



Scoring Rubric for Budget and Resume


0 = Incomplete

1 = Complete


Proposed budget is incomplete and/or does not adequate describe resources and materials needed for the proposal.

Proposed budget is complete and adequately describes resources and materials needed for the proposal


Resume is not include or is incomplete and/or contains multiple spelling, grammar or formatting errors.

Resume is included and is relatively free of spelling, grammar or formatting errors.


Scoring Rubric Percentages


Max Score





Introduction and Background



Hypothesis, Problem or Research Goals



Methods and Approaches



Significance and Outcomes



Overall Organization and Writing














100 %