The School of Engineering and the Plastics Engineering Technology department provide educational outreach opportunities free to high schools and community colleges.
An Introductory Plastics Survey Course
Plastics 001 is an introductory plastics survey course that provides an introduction to the fundamentals of plastics materials and processes. The material is comprised of individual course modules for incorporation into existing courses or for use as an integral three-credit course. The course material is free and available to high schools and community colleges to create interest in the plastics industry and in careers in the plastics field.
Course Table of Contents
- Welcome to Plastics 001
- Course Syllabus for Structured Instruction
- Recommended Lesson Plan for Self Study
PowerPoint Presentations
- Module 1 - An Introduction to Materials and the History of Plastics
- Module 2 - Polymerization, Polymers, and Molecular Weight
- Module 3 - Polymer Structure, Morphology, Viscoelasticity, and Viscosity
- Module 4 - Thermal Plastic Material Families and Sustainability
- Module 5 - Plastics Additives and Composite Materials
- Module 6 - Plastic Processes
Quizzes with answers
Exams with answers
To obtain a free copy on CD, contact:
School of Engineering
Phone: 814-898-6295