Safety Committee Minutes
School of Engineering
In Attendance: Faisal Aqlan , Denise Brooks, Glenn Craig, Dave Honard, Phil Jones, Tim Kurzweg, Brian Lani, Lucy Lenhardt, Mike Lobaugh, Mario Loreti, Nancy Study, Joy Armbruster
Members Absent: Rick Coon, Fred Nitterright, Steve Strom, George Walters
Mike Lobaugh called the meeting to order at noon.
Continuing Business
Lab Responsibilities
Some changes were made to the responsibilities of the Lab Coordinator and Safety Officer/Technician positions. The committee reviewed the changes and discussed the roles and how the two will be working closely together to promote safety in the labs.
Lab Safety Timeline
The timeline for the committee’s lab safety activities was reviewed. The most notable change was the annual EHS lab Safety Audit being moved from August to September. This will allow faculty the chance to be available in the labs during the audit to answer any questions EHS may have.
Unit Specific Plan Training
Mike Lobaugh provided a draft of a quick review document that he created to be placed in the front of the Unit Specific Plan (USP) book in each lab. It will provide an easy-access review of the safety requirements in the lab, highlighting the contents of the USP.
The committee will continue to take steps to provide better education of the contents of the USP and its function within the labs. Each year all individuals who teach/work in the labs are expected to read the USP and sign the confirmation page.
Safety Glasses Initiative
The prescription safety glasses initiative is being processed and should be up and running by the end of the month. The plan will pay for glasses for employees who work in labs that require safety glasses to be worn. Details of the plan will be communicated to all as soon as we receive a confirmation.
Food and Drinks in Labs
All labs have been posted with “no food or drink” signs and enforcement began with the spring semester. The feedback to the change has been positive.
New Business
Lab Risk Assessment/Activity Report
A new report form was handed out to committee members for their use in reporting lab activity. The Lab Coordinators and Safety Officers/Technicians will bring the completed form to each committee meeting to share any updates/concerns in the labs. The form will be added to the X-drive under All Faculty Staff and inside the Safety Info folder for members to access.
Safety Concerns
No new safety concerns were reported at this meeting.
The meeting concluded at 1:00 pm. The next meeting will be scheduled for the third week of February.