Safety Committee Meeting Minutes - October 2019

Safety Committee Minutes

School of Engineering

October 14, 2019

In Attendance: Rick Coon, Glenn Craig, Anne Gohn, Dave Honard, Phil Jones, Brian Lani, Mario Loreti, Fred Nitterright, Steve Nozacki, Joy Armbruster

Members Absent: Faisal Aqlan, Lucy Lenhardt, Steve Strom


Agenda Discussion

  • Each committee member covered their Lab/s Risk Assessment/ Activity Report. Any reports of new, moved or deleted equipment will be added to the equipment database. Any lab concerns/new business reported on the forms will be added to the November agenda for further review.
  • Ladder Inspections were discussed. The lab coordinators will inspect and label the ladders in their labs. Anyone using ladders is required to complete ladder training. A copy of the inspection checklists will be kept on file in the SOE office.
  • Fred Nitterright discussed the possibility of retro-fitting the Tinius Impact Testing Machine for safer operation. He will seek quotes and share with the committee for further review.
  • The committee discussed incidents/injuries that have happened in School of Engineering.
  • Recently an employee ran over his toe with the electric jitney used at the Burke loading dock, due to the difficulty of using the equipment. Discussion took place regarding what should be done to avoid further injuries. Phil suggested that a subcommittee review the equipment in greater detail to determine if there is a safety risk and whether it should be repaired or replaced.
  • Prior incidents involved a chemical explosion in the Chemistry department, a mangled wrench due to mishandling in the machine shop, and an explosion in a homemade oven off campus as part of a senior design project. All of these incidents have been investigated and evaluated.
  • Fred Nitterright suggested that, as part of the senior design protocol, a risk assessment should be completed for every project before it is implemented. It will be suggested to Dean Lewis for consideration.


Continuing Business

The committee started discussion regarding low risk labs and the best procedures for card access and safety. In the interest of time the discussion was tabled for the November meeting


Pending/Resolved Action Items

Unit Specific Plan Training
Phil, Lucy and Joy attended SOE department meetings to review and discuss the Unit Specific Plans with all faculty. The meetings were well received and will hopefully add to the understanding of the USP and will increase compliance and safety awareness…Resolved.


The meeting concluded at 12:02 pm. The next meeting will be scheduled for November 2019.