Safety Committee Minutes
School of Engineering
September 9, 2019
In Attendance: Faisal Aqlan, Joy Armbruster, Rick Coon, Glenn Craig, Anne Gohn, Dave Honard, Phil Jones, Brian Lani, Lucy Lenhardt, Mario Loreti, Fred Nitterright, Steve Nozacki, Steve Strom, Nancy Study
Phil Jones called the meeting to order at 11:03 am.
Agenda Discussion
- First on the agenda was discussion of the new researcher audits conducted by EHS. The audits were conducted over the summer as a new EHS initiative. Each research faculty in the SOE was sent an email detailing audit findings in the labs where they conduct research. The annual lab audits have not been scheduled for September and will more than likely happen as unscheduled audits at a later time per Brandi Baros from EHS.
- Phil reported that all annual laboratory self-audits have been completed for the SOE labs. Several items reported on the individual audits require action and will be addressed moving forward.
- Each committee member covered their lab/s Risk Assessment/ Activity Report. Any reports of new, moved or deleted equipment will be added to the equipment database. Any lab concerns/new business reported on the forms will be added to the October agenda for further review.
- Signage for “No Food or Drink” in the labs was discussed. Mario posted all electrical labs internally and new smaller signs will be added to all lab doors including computer labs…Thanks Mario!!
- Phil reported that he has scheduled a new monthly meeting (the first Friday of each month @ 10:00 a.m.) for students who need card access approval. The meeting will hopefully streamline the process for all. The first one took place on September 6 and seven students attended. Research faculty can schedule a separate meeting with Phil for any students who are unable to attend the monthly meeting.
- Initiatives to better communicate the Unit Specific Plans in the labs was discussed. This semester, faculty names of those who teach or research in the labs have been added to the certification page for easier access and accountability. Also, Phil and Joy will be attending department meetings to briefly discuss the USP with all faculty.
New Business
- Fasial Aqlan started discussion regarding his lab Burke 121, designated as a low risk lab and the possibility of permitting one student to work alone in the lab. He briefly spoke with Brandi (EHS) and she suggested that a new assessment be done to re-evaluate the lab. Several labs are now low risk and will need further discussion regarding USP’s, and Card Access procedures.
- Fred Nitterright suggested the possibility of posting the labs with the risk level, so it is very easy for anyone walking past the labs to determine weather the lab is high, med, or low risk. The suggestion will be added to the agenda for our next meeting.
Pending/Resolved Action Items from 4/2019 minutes
Food and Drinks in Lab
New Signs will be made for the “no food or drink” policy in the labs that are brighter and more noticeable. Update…new signs have been made and will be placed on all labs…Resolved.
Unit Specific Plan Training
An easy access document will be created and added to the front of the USP in the red safety binders in each lab. The document will highlight the contents of the USP and allow a better understanding of the safety hazards and requirements in each lab. Update… The existing cover pages and certification pages in each lab have been updated and training on the USP’s is still in progress.
AMIC 118
The committee discussed the 2-student requirement in AMIC 118. This room is low risk but adjoins with AMIC 119 which is Medium risk, therefore the access to 119 would need to be removed in order to change the requirement. Update…the room access in the AMIC labs was addressed per a Kaizen event held in the lab over the summer…Resolved.
The meeting concluded at 12:00 pm. The next meeting will be schedule for October 2019.