The Rhythms of Life Series began its first season in September 2002. Since then, the series has presented an array of cultural performers; some of them rare for western Pennsylvania! These performances have provided the campus community with a wonderful opportunity to learn about different cultures and their folklore. Due to the nature of its educational entertainment, the series has also contributed greatly to the enhancement of the college's life.
The series is coordinated by the Office of Educational Equity and Diversity Programs. Planning for the series integrates input from student organizations, especially those related to the college's Multi-Cultural Council (MCC). Funding is primarily provided by the Student Activity Fee (SAF) and the Office of Educational Equity and Diversity Programs. Contributions are always welcome!
It is our hope and goal to continue to provide an opportunity to experience diversity through performing arts as a medium that everyone can understand and enjoy. All events are free and open to the public. For more information about upcoming Rhythms of Life performances, please contact Penn State Behrend's Office of Educational Equity and Diversity Programs at 814-898-7101.