Educational Equity and Civility Policies

University Policies Related to Educational Equity and Civility

AD85 Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Related Inappropriate Conduct

  • Describes the process for resolving discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment complaints involving students, faculty, and staff.
  • Terri Mando and Kelly Shrout are the College's designated resource persons to assist in the resolution of complaints of sexual harassment; the College Ombudsperson can also serve as a resource in such matters.

AC76 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (including the Role of the Ombudsperson)

  • Describes the informal and formal process for resolving complaints involving faculty members.
  • Explains the office of the College Ombudsperson. This individual works with faculty and administrators to resolve differences informally and in a confidential manner.
  • Describes the functions of the University Committee of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. This body reviews petitions dealing with complaints against and from faculty members.
  • To send an email to the College Ombudsperson and Alternate: [email protected].

HR79 Staff Grievance Procedure

  • Describes the informal and formal process for resolving complaints involving staff members.

Related Documents

AD29 Statement on Intolerance

  • Describes the University's position on acts of intolerance originating from discrimination.

HR11 Affirmative Action in Employment at the Pennsylvania State University

  • Specifies the role of the Affirmative Action Office to work with administrative units to resolve complaints based on discrimination.
  • States the principle of prompt, fair, and impartial consideration of discrimination complaints.

Additional Resources