All course packets must be sold in the Penn State Behrend Bookstore and require copyright clearance regardless of content. Copyright clearance can take up to 12 weeks.
Read on for an overview of this process.
- For the Copy Center to produce course packets on time, we recommend that you submit your materials to the bookstore by the middle of the semester prior to when they are needed.
- When your course packet is ready, drop it off at the bookstore and complete the necessary paperwork. Specify how your packet should be reproduced, i.e., one- or two-sided, binding type, shrink-wrapped, etc.
- The manager of the bookstore will submit your finalized course packet to Penn State's Copyright Clearance Office for approval.
- When your course packet receives copyright approval, the Copy Center will be notified and we will reproduce your packet according to your instructions.
- Completed packets will be delivered to the bookstore.
- Instructor copies and originals will be sent to you.