Solstice pods make it easy to connect your device wirelessly so that you and others can share content to the room's projector or TV. This eliminates the need to connect an HDMI cable directly to your laptop, phone, or tablet. See the instructions on how to wirelessly connect your device to the display.
Listed below are the Solstice locations on campus.
AMIC Building
- AMIC 128B
Erie Hall
- 208
- 209
Federal House
- Federal House 101
- Federal House 113
- Hammermill H130
Otto Behrend Science Building
- OBS 101
- OBS 117
- OBS 120
- OBS 126
Connect Wirelessly to a Display
Follow the appropriate instructions below.
>> For classroom technical assistance, call: 814-217-4357. <<
General Instructions
- Press the Solstice button on the room's touch panel.
If there isn’t a touch panel, use the TV remote to switch to the correct HDMI input. - Connect your device to the PSU Wi-Fi.
For First-Time Solstice Users
- Use a web browser and enter the IP address shown on the screen (located under the "PSU Wi-Fi") to download the Mersive Solstice app.
- Enter the security key shown on the TV screen.
Returning Campus Users
- Open the Solstice Client app.
- Select the Room Name from the list.
- Enter the security key shown on the TV screen.
Non-PSU Guest Users
- Connect to the Solstice Pod Wi-Fi and enter the IP address shown under Solstice Wi-Fi.