Memorial Tribute Will Benefit Engineering Students

Ron DelPorto retired from Penn State Behrend in 2017, but the former lecturer in engineering has remained close to the college.

DelPorto joined Behrend following a career with AMSCO (now STERIS) and taught computer programming to scores of students during his eighteen years teaching full time and fifteen years part time. In retirement, he continues to attend Behrend lectures and events, including the Fasenmyer Engineering Design Conference—the School of Engineering’s senior capstone presentation event—as well as alumni association and Behrend retiree gatherings. He and his wife, Carole, have also found a way to ensure that the DelPortos’ impact on students and the college will continue into the future.

With an estate commitment of $130,000, the DelPortos are creating the Ronald W. and Carole R. DelPorto Scholarship in Memory of Christopher DelPorto and Donald Yusz. The scholarship will provide crucial financial support to Behrend students majoring in computer science or software engineering and will also serve as an enduring tribute to the DelPortos’ late son, Chris, and their late son-in-law, Donald, the husband of their daughter, Lori.

Alumni and friends who might be interested in making an estate gift as the DelPortos are doing—a gift that honors or memorializes loved ones while also supporting the success of Behrend students are encouraged to contact Development and Alumni Relations.