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Penn State Behrend students visit alumni in Arlington.

D.C. 2019 - Students visit alumni in Arlington

A group of Penn State Behrend students in Washington, D.C., as part of the course Political Science 177, met a group of Penn State Behrend political science alumni, most of whom had taken the same course when they were students. The event was held at Whitlow's in Arlington in March 2019.

Sandwich Making

Sandwich Making

Students make sandwiches to donate during Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2018. Community Shelter Services and The Upper Room of Erie both received 50 brown bag lunches with these sandwiches, a granola bar, banana, bottle of water, and handwritten note. 

Hunger and Homelessness Service

Hunger and Homelessness Service

Students and staff got together in The Smith Chapel to make 101 lunch bags during Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. The bags, filled with handmade peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, granola bars, bananas, water, and handwritten notes, were donated to The Upper Room (a daytime homeless shelter) and Community Shelter Services, both in Erie.