Exploring majors can be an exciting opportunity! However, you may still have some questions like, “What if I don’t know what I want to do for the rest of my life?” and “Is it okay to be uncertain?”
You are not alone! Did you know that 70 to 80 percent of students entering Penn State are unsure about their major?
Taking the time to explore now is very important. This is a great chance for you to clarify your interests, abilities, and values and discover a major that can provide opportunities to be engaged in meaningful academic experiences. This will ultimately set you on the path for future success.
Use the University Bulletin to explore majors
Use the University Bulletin to view the majors, minors, and certificates offered at Penn State, as well as their potential career paths. You may filter by interest, college, or campus. Use the Archive to locate the program requirements based on the academic year that you began at Penn State.
Watch the video tutorials below about how to use Bulletins to search majors and minors.
- Set aside 30 minutes at a time to search.
- Use the filters to narrow your search.
- Investigate all links in each major of interest.
- Take good notes and follow up with your adviser.
Major title: ___________________________ (repeat this list for 4–6 majors)
- Which aspects of this major match my interests?
- What are 2–3 things I like about this major?
- What are some of my concerns about this major?
- What more do I want/need to know about this major?