This Month's Headlines:
2020 Program Canceled
North American Politics (PL SC 299/499) will again be offered as a Penn State study abroad program between May 17–June 13, 2020, and taught by Dr. Robert Speel. The course, which takes place on the Ryerson University campus in downtown Toronto, combines Penn State and Canadian students in one classroom for discussions about the comparative politics of the United States and Canada and on international relations between the two countries. Among the topics to be discussed will be a comparison of the development of separate political cultures, comparisons of government institutions, election systems, federalism, and regionalism, and comparisons of each country's policy approaches toward the economy, health care, gun control, language, free speech, legal marijuana, abortion, medically assisted suicide, and the role of religion in education. Issues important in international relations between the two countries will also be discussed—this includes trade, border security, prevention of terrorism, and control of the Arctic. Class excursions will visit the Ontario Parliament Buildings and Fort York, site of an important battle in the War of 1812.
Costs will be tuition and fees for 3 credits of Penn State University Park in-state tuition (even for out-of-state students) and a $950 program fee that covers the cost of the Ryerson University residence for one month. Generous and plentiful financial assistance is also available from Penn State for summer study abroad programs and from the Behrend financial aid office. Financial assistance with living costs in Toronto is available from the Penn State Student Engagement Network at Some Behrend students may also be eligible for special assistance with the costs of the program fee. Students pay for their own food costs while in Toronto. There are kitchens in the residence, and there are several nearby fast food courts.
The deadline to apply is February 1.
View more details.
If you have questions, contact Dr. Robert Speel at [email protected], or make an appointment with Ruth Pflueger, Director of Study Abroad and the Learning Resource Center at Lilley Library or [email protected]. Brochures are available at the H&SS School Office, 170 Kochel Center.
Here is a tentative list of Political Science and Sociology courses that will be offered at Penn State Behrend in Fall 2020. This list may possibly change before registration begins in March.
All Behrend political science majors must take PL SC 001, PL SC 003, PL SC 014, and PL SC 007 or 017, as well as 24 other credits (usually 8 other courses) in PL SC. Of those other 24 credits, at least 12 (4 courses) must be at the 400 level. Other POLSC requirements vary based on enrollment in the old or new versions of the major and on choice of options.
If you need help with scheduling or understanding the requirements of the major, please make an appointment to see your adviser.
Politics and Government minors must take PL SC 001, PL SC 003, and 12 other credits (4 courses), including 6 credits at the 400-level.
Sociology minors must take SOC 001 and 15 other credits in SOC, including at least 6 credits at the 400-level. View requirements for the Crime, Law, and Psychology minor.
Fall 2020 Courses
- PL SC 001 - American Politics: Principles, Processes, and Powers (GS, US)
- PL SC 003 - Comparing Politics around the Globe (GS, IL)
- PL SC 007N - Contemporary Political Ideologies (GS/GH)
- PL SC 014 - International Relations (GS, IL))
- PL SC 017N - Introduction to Political Theory (GS/GH)
- PL SC 020 - Comparative Politics of Europe (GS)*
- PL SC 022 - Politics of the Developing Areas (GS, IL, Other Cultures)**
- PL SC 111 - Debating the Purpose of Government (GH)
- PL SC 178 - Organized Crime, Law, and Politics
- PL SC 230 - American Political Campaigns and Elections (GS, US)
- PL SC 431 - Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Political Theories
- PL SC 467 - International Relations of the Middle East
- PL SC 472 - The American Legal Process
- SOC 001 - Introductory Sociology (GS)
- SOC 012/CRIMJ 012 - Criminology (GS)
- SOC 013/CRIMJ 013 - Juvenile Delinquency (GS)
*Note that this course is expected to be renumbered to PL SC 200N with an interdomain (GS/GH) suffix in Fall 2020
**Note that this course is expected to be renumbered to PL SC 220 in Fall 2020.
Wednesday, February 5, 5:30 p.m., Metzgar Center
"Stories from the Trenches: How Healthcare Reform Became Law," with Former Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper and former Chief of Staff Tina Mengine. Dahlkemper, the current Erie County Executive, and her former chief of staff Mengine, current CEO of the Erie County Redevelopment Authority, both played a significant role in the legislative process for the Affordable Care Act. There were both instrumental in creating the part of the law that requires employer health insurance plans to cover employee children through the age of 26.
This event is sponsored by the Public Policy Fund as part of a year-long series of programming about health care policy.
Dr. Zachary Irwin, Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science, was a guest speaker earlier this month at Norwegian Technical National University in Trondheim on the role of the Macedonian Orthodox Church in North Macedonian politics.
Dr. Jacob Lewis, Assistant Teaching Professor of Political Science, has had an article titled "Corruption Perceptions and Contentious Politics in Africa: How Different Types of Corruption Have Shaped Africa’s Third Wave of Protest," for an upcoming issue of Political Studies Review.
Dr. Robert Speel, Associate Professor of Political Science, was interviewed for a PolitiFact article about the electoral college this month and for an article in the Sunbury (PA) Daily Item this month about the Trump impeachment trial. On January 29, he will be speaking at the Jefferson Educational Society in Erie about the history of presidential impeachments.
Dr. Lena Surzhko-Harned, Assistant Teaching Professor of Political Science, spoke at the Jefferson Educational Society in Erie last week about "'Ukrainegate:' Implications of Incoherent Foreign Policy."
Model United Nations is participating in the 35th International Model NATO Conference in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 13-16. The team is representing the United Kingdom. The team also is hosting a Model NATO intercollegiate scrimmage on February 1. They are expecting teams from Kent State, Baldwin Wallace, Edinboro University, and Lakeland Community College. To get involved with Model United Nations, contact President Carlos Mora at [email protected].
Sydni Holt is the new president of the Behrend Political Society. The group meets on Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m., usually in Kochel 060. To get involved, contact President Sydni Holt at [email protected].
College Republicans meets Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in 114 Reed. To get involved, contact President Andrew Griglio at [email protected].
College Democrats meets Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in Reed 150. To get involved, contact President Tiffany Zinn at [email protected].
All students and alumni are invited to like the Penn State Behrend political science Facebook page and get updated news and find out about events.