Application for LEADS (Learn, Explore, Advance, Discover, Succeed)

  • Applicants must be high school juniors during the 2024-25 school year.
  • The deadline to apply for the Summer 2025 LEADS program is April 16, 2025.
  • Prior to starting the application:
  • Only complete applications will be considered for admission.
Contact Information
Format: ###-###-####
Format: ###-###-####
Home Address
Background Information
Is your ethnicity Hispanic/Latino?
Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin
What is your race?
Select one or more
High School Info

Please write a short essay that describes your interests and goals.  Include any school or community activities in which you participate, and awards you may have received. Please explain how this program will help you to become a better student and to define your career goals.  Also, please indicate any other activities you will be participating in during the LEADS program.  Include all relevant dates and vacation plans that may coincide with the program.  All absences will be referred to the program committee for review and approval.

Please upload your essay as a Word document.  Be sure to:

  • Include your name at the top of the document
  • Name your file by using your first and last names.  Example:  Jane-Doe.docx
To upload a file, click the Browse/Choose File button, then select your file
Upload requirements
Interest Survey

I would like to learn more about the following careers:

Check all that apply
Other Topics of Interest
Check all that apply