Mason Willman

Mason Willman

Majors: Dual majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics

Hometown: Attica, Ohio

Scholarships: Behrend Leadership Scholarship, STEM Leader Scholarship, Larson Texts Excellence Scholarship.

On choosing Behrend: Behrend was not originally on my radar, but someone from my high school chose to attend Behrend. After talking with them, I realized Behrend was right for me. I like that the college is focused on the undergraduate experience, but also offers the opportunities, funding, and resources that much larger schools do.

On choosing his major: I was stuck between something in technology and the sciences. I felt that I would be unable to decide, but then I discovered computer science. It is an interdisciplinary field that involves both technology and science. It was the perfect major that allowed me to pursue both my passions.

His proudest accomplishment at Behrend: My proudest accomplishment would be my Honors Thesis work with Dr. Thomas Cameron, assistant professor of mathematics. There have been many ups and downs throughout the research process, but I think that the final product has been worth it.

Campus involvement: I am currently an Engineering Ambassador, a lead tutor at the Learning Resource Center, and a STEM Leadership Scholar Mentor. Earlier, I participated in organizations like robotics club and anime club, but over the years, I have refined what truly interests me and prioritized my time and attention.

Awards and recognitions: I have earned Dean’s List every semester.

What makes him unique: I could talk about playing my saxophone or knowing how to 3D print, but I think it’s really my ability to think retrospectively. Through the years, I have evolved and changed as a person. I think being able to constantly grow is what helps me stay unique.

What you might be surprised to know about him: I regularly attend counseling on campus. As someone who seems to have it all together, people might be surprised by how important and helpful personal counseling has been to me.

His passion: Teaching and mentoring the younger generation. I want to pursue a doctorate degree because I want to be a professor someday. I think that mentoring and helping people make good choices is a great way to have a long-lasting impact on society.

Advice for first-year students: My advice would be to reach out and communicate with professors. I have professors who treat me more like a colleague or friend than a student. This enables them to help me find opportunities, provide advice, and overall, be a great resource when I need them. Many students lack these resources because they never take the first step in talking to their professors.

Parting thoughts: While it can be tiring, never stop growing as a person. Every time I look at a photo from the past, I remember how much personal growth I have had since then. I cannot imagine my personality, maturity, and opinions stagnating throughout my time in college.

Mason plans to attend graduate school.


I like that the college is focused on the undergraduate experience, but also offers the opportunities, funding, and resources that much larger schools do.
—Mason Willman