College Committees – Curricular Affairs – End of Year Report
Final Report of ohe Behrend Curricular Affairs Committee for Academic Year 2022-2023
Paul Becker; Melanie Ford; Linda Hajec (chair); Glenn Kumhera; Molly Monahan Lang; Ibrahim Naseem; SGA student member*; Zachary Williams; Chuck Yeung.
*SGA did not identify a student to participate in the current academic year.
The Curricular Affairs Committee reviews and evaluates all course and curriculum proposals submitted by the Schools of the college. It studies and reviews all existing courses and curricula of the college and maintains liaison with the college administration and faculty as necessary for the implementation of the procedures outlined in the Guide to Behrend College Curricular Procedures. The Curricular Affairs Committee maintains and makes available the Guide to Behrend College Curricular Procedures which provides instructions for submitting course and curriculum proposals. The policies and procedures in the Guide to Behrend College Curricular Procedures are subject to the approval of Faculty Council and are to be consistent with the University Faculty Senate's Guide to Curricular Procedures.
- 11/15/22 – Reviewed charges and drafted initial list of career paths desired by prospective students that aren’t traditionally supported by a Behrend major; Discussed Proposed Program review process for Behrend campus; Discussed new CIM platform.
- 1/18/23 – Reviewed Proposed Program review process for Behrend campus which rolls out this month; Extended discussion on CIM and concerns over process; concerns about CIM were forwarded to Pam Silver and Lisa Nelson; Discussion about how the four schools could promote ‘cross-disciplinary’ opportunities, promoting the minors and certificates from other schools that go with each major.
- 4/12/23 – Discussion of documentation of Behrend curriculum review / approval process.
Review of Progress:
Charge 1
(Standing Charge) Review, evaluate, and approve undergraduate courses and program proposals; Make specific recommendations to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs regarding proposals for the creation, revision, and discontinuance of programs and courses at Behrend.
- Standing charge: ongoing.
- During this academic year, reviewed four courses and three certificates, between the Behrend campus review process and CIM.
Charge 2
(Carried Forward) Create a uniform approach to submitting curricular proposals in all four schools and getting people to follow this procedure.
- The program curricular coordinators from each of the four schools created a draft of a form in MS forms which was rolled out in January 2023 for all schools to use. Form will be posted on Academic Resources website for faculty (former flow for Pre-CRCS is still on website).
- Process (step-by-step) that is currently listed as “Pre-CRCS” should be updated to advise faculty on the expected steps to be taken
Charge 3
(New Charge) Make recommendations to gather faculty support and create appropriate processes to encourage a college-level view of curriculum.
- Charge has been primarily accomplished by the four schools’ program/ curriculum administrators working to create the uniform request in MS Forms which is now circulated and in use
- Remaining step is to replace the expired form on the faculty resources page and update wording, which has been requested.
Other Business
Administration asked for example academic “paths” for students wanting careers for which we do not offer the typical preparatory major. Given availability, our committee did create this list and has included it in our academic year’s documentation.
Propose committee charge be created to continue this work that was accomplished by several members of the committee given the availability of time.
Submitted by:
Linda Hajec
College Curricular Affairs Committee, Chair