Shortcuts: and
Before you leave the University, be sure to review this IT checklist. If you need assistance with any of these items, please submit an IT ticket to BITS.
Penn State Accounts
- Refer to this guide: What happens to my Penn State account when I leave the University? to find the schedule for the decommissioning your account and which applications you have access to after leaving the University.
Audit Security Access
- Enclave to ATO membership removals (i.e. CARE Team).
- SailPoint your account duties\role removals here.
- Other application access removal like in DIMC, Starfish, SIMBA.
- PSU IDCard return and remove number from door groups.
Computer Hardware and Accessories
- Return to your department/school (or leave in your office space) all PSU purchased computer hardware and accessories.
Examples: Desktop PC, laptops, mobile devices (e.g. Surface, 2-in-1s, etc.), monitors, personal printers, and other peripherals. - If you don't have a designated office space on-campus, please return the equipment to your department (for IT to pick up).
- BITS will prep the returned equipment for its next use on campus.
- Return office YubiKeys to your office and remove them from your MFA
- If you were a delegate or had created re-occurring calendar events for the office or other staff. Please have another staff member who is staying recreate those re-occurring appointments and delete yours.
- Please look at your list of calendar options in outlook for any ones you created. If you created separate calendars for office functions, identify and move ownership to others in your office.
- Create an automatic reply message in regards to your changed status with the University. It's also helpful to include contact information of someone else in your department/school who might be able to assist after you leave.
- Forward any email messages that you would like someone else to have.
- If you have a large number of email messages that you would like to transfer to one or more employees, please submit an IT ticket. BITS can assist you with sharing a specific mailbox with others so that they have access to that mail.
Listservs/Email Aliases
- Log into
- Remove yourself as a subscriber from any listservs (as appropriate).
Office 365 Groups
- If you are a group member, remove yourself from the group.
Shared Mailboxes/Email Aliases
- Submit an IT Ticket or contact the owner to request that you be removed as a member of the shared mailbox. Be sure to include the name of the shared mailbox/email alias.
- There may be specific email messages that would be helpful if they were shared with others prior to your departure (for example, messages that might be helpful for the new employee in terms of continuity for a project, etc.). It's suggested that your supervisor request a shared mailbox ASAP so that these messages can be copied or moved to the shared mailbox. Refer to these instructions for shared mailboxes (PDF | Word).
Zoom Rooms
- Future meetings which you've scheduled, and are by default the host, will need a new host. Please get a remaining staff member in your area to recreate those Zoom meetings with a new host. The departing staff can then delete the older invite.
OneDrive Files
If you have folders/files in OneDrive that you would like to transfer to another person (e.g. a new hire), you will need to transfer the shared files to a Team. Refer to the OneDrive section under "Shared Files" for more information.
Personal Files
- Transfer any personal files to another media, such as a USB thumb drive.
- Outlook can export email folders to single file and copied onto the thumb drive.
Shared Files
- If you share files from OneDrive, you will need to transfer the shared files to a Team. (The reason is, once you leave the University, no one can access your OneDrive files that you had shared with them.) Consult with your dept/school to see if the files should be transferred to an existing dept/school Team or to a new Team. (As a best practice, Teams should have 2 team owners.)
- If you share videos from Stream and it's not configured for multiple owners, you will need to transfer the videos to a Team. (Once you leave the University, no one can access your videos in Stream --- unless it was set up with multiple owners.)
- If you are an owner of a Team, ensure that there are at least 2 other owners before removing yourself as an owner.
Web Forms
Contact Person
- If you are the contact person for a web form, notify your department so that another person may be assigned.
- If BITS created the form, please contact BITS and provide the name of the new contact.
Email Notifications
- For Office 365 Forms: If you receive email notifications, notify the form owner to remove you as a recipient.
- For Qualtrics Forms: If you receive email notifications, notify the form owner to remove you as a recipient.
- For Drupal Forms: If you receive email notifications from a web form, contact BITS to request the removal of your email address from the form and provide the name and email address of the new contact. Or, if an email alias is used, contact the person responsible for the alias so that you can be removed and the new contact can be added.
- For Office 365 Forms: If you are an owner of a form, ensure that there are at least 1 or 2 other owners of the form prior to leaving the University. This will allow continuity for editing the form and retrieving form data. This may be accomplished by moving your form to a group.
- For Qualtrics Forms: If you are an owner of a form, prior to leaving the University, contact [email protected] to transfer ownership to another employee. The transfer of ownership requires approval from the new owner as well. This will allow continuity for editing the form and retrieving form data.
- Also, your Qualtrics account is not deleted by the University. Instead, it is reset to a trial account. Any surveys that remain in this account will become inactive.
Web Sites
Content Creator
- If you are a content creator for a college web site, notify your department so that another person may be assigned. Also, the department should provide Strategic Communications with the name of the new content creator.
Contact Person
- If you are the contact person for a web site, notify your department so that another person may be assigned.